Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest Look to the stars - Printable Version

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Look to the stars - Szabala - July 11, 2016

All welcome! Trying to get Szabala to socialize some more.

Her vision was almost to normal, and she was beginning to be able to see just fine. Her ears were open, but still floppy around the edges. This new feeling of hearing didn't make any sense at all. There were so many different sounds to hear, too many. She was picking up quickly on speech however, and her vocabulary was growing by the day, but her pronunciations were often wrong. 

Now, Szabala was fiddling with a leaf, babbling quietly to herself with blue eyes full of wonderment. Her tongue trailed around her bumpy gums, noticing that more teeth were beginning to poke through. She'd already had her milk teeth, but these teeth were different. Soon, her little mind trailed from her teeth back to the dead leaf as a summer breeze picked it up and took it a little further away from the den. "Ahh! 'Ohhmm baa!" She shrieked towards the lead, prancing after it.

RE: Look to the stars - Goldhawk - July 11, 2016

Assuming a parent is nearby, hope that's okay! ^_^

It was almost comical the way Goldhawk's paw hovered in midair and his muzzle pointed up straight when he smelt a puppy. He'd been about to embark upon a fresh border patrol but... oh crikey it could wait. He hadn't had a chance to meet any of Neverwinter's native babies yet, and he wasn't going to miss out on this one.

After glancing for the puppy's minder, Goldhawk regarded the little one herself. She was soft. Soft beyond words. Why hello there, tiny turtlebop, he greeted warmly, coming to a halt so she could regard him.

RE: Look to the stars - Szabala - July 11, 2016

Szabala was so engrosed in the leaf that she hadn't noticed the stranger approaching her. At his warm, gentle greeting, the silver pup's head whipped around to face the wolf, blue eyes growing wide. He had snuck up on her! She had never seen this man before, and her heart beat faster, fearing the worst. Was he going to attack her? Was he going to eat her? 

The gray babe slunk back, tail tucked between her short little legs. However, this stranger seemed to be warm, offering her space. He wasn't crowding nor in her face, and she began to realize that he was no threat to her. Tiny head tilted as she studied him closely, slinking closer by a few tiny steps.

RE: Look to the stars - Goldhawk - July 16, 2016

The cutiepie smelt of his friends, her parents, and he smiled down at her fondly. She was so fluffy he could sneeze just looking at her, but he had a better idea than sneezing. The golden wolf wagged his banner like tail lightly and set a pleasant note...

Hello my liddle piece of fluff,
Let's play a silly game —
I'll sing my every word to you,
Oh! And Goldhawk is my name! ♫

RE: Look to the stars - Kieran - July 17, 2016

Just a cameo to have daddy near lol. You can ignore me i nthe posting order.

Kieran had followed behind Szabala she was far too curious for her own good especially on a good day. So with that thought firmly in mind, he followed silently behind her, anxious to make sure she didn't get herself into any trouble.

He gave a soft warm chuckle as she moved around and seeing a leaf set upon it. Kieran was about ot go and play with her, when he noticed his friend there in teh forest. Settling to his stomach he stayed away and allowed the two of them to interact, after all he enjoyed his friends antics, so surely little Bala would as well.