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Thunder Dome Don't get fried. - Printable Version

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Don't get fried. - RIP Valette - July 11, 2016

All Welcome!

Valett had climbed over the mountain. Now she was living with the Silvertip wolves she was more used to mountainous areas. Her stamina with climbing them was better too. She had rested at the food these mountains. Maybe she could know the name from some other wolf. The scout really wanted to expand her knowledge into becoming a Ranger and mapping out locations.

Though as she climbed higher the weather seemed to be more turbulent. Valette felt those winds tug on her fur. She wondered what this place was named. She kept in mind that this was East from Silvertip. This mountain range went all the way to the South East, after all she crossed that mountain range to Black Feather. It had to be the same. She was certain.

RE: Don't get fried. - Menta - July 11, 2016

Menta kept closer to home today for her exploring - scouting around was always on her agenda, for curiosity's sake more than anything else, and these mountains were perfect for satisfying that internal drive. The Italian wolf climbed this particular mountain nimbly, although it was hard to ignore the wind that yanked at her far. Yellow eyes blinked more frequently than usual, the sweeping specks of dirt ever trying to intrude on her line of vision.

And so it was not as quickly as usual that she noticed a wolf up ahead of her, feet stopping in surprise at the figure. Wind gave the one ahead the advantage even with Menta's nose working fast, and so the cream decided give a voice to accompany the smells she was probably putting forth. Hello, there, she barked, hopeful that this wasn't interrupting some sort of unknown mission.

RE: Don't get fried. - RIP Valette - July 11, 2016

Valette turned at hearing the bark. She looked surprised that there was another wolf up here. She was cream colored and she didn't look too mean. She let out a short nod in return. "Hello," she greeted and made her way over to the female with a wagging tail. The thunder rumbled around them. Valette wondered if it was even safe here.

"Do you know anything about this space? Or the name of this region? I am on a scout mission," she explained to the other. Hopefully she could help her with getting some names going for her mental map, which would be easier to explain areas to her alpha.

RE: Don't get fried. - Menta - July 11, 2016

HA sorry, didn't even notice until just now that I had responded to two of your AW threads at once.

A scouting mission. Menta was very pleased with the response the female wolf had given her, and wagged her tail proudly. She wasn't entirely sure why the wolf had decided on this mountain but was more than ready to help. It's called Thunder Dome, she explained readily, and we are in the Sunspire Mountains territory. Menta sat, tucking her tail in closely to her body so that the fur would not rush about too much, and went on.

If you want the best of views, I would try The Wall. Even though she had only recently - and once - visited there, the Italian had been mesmerized by how well and far she could see. It give a much clearer view, she explained, and is admittedly much less windy. A more pleasant location to sit at four hours like she had and assign every name to its proper place. 

RE: Don't get fried. - RIP Valette - July 13, 2016

It is okay! That is what they are there for! :D

Valette looked at the other. She seemed happy with what she said. So maybe this girl was a fellow scout too. Valette looked over her cream fur for a moment and then nodded when she got her answers right away. "Oh and how do you know these names? Do you have a reliable source?," she asked curiously. Because even though those names seemed to fit, she didn't want to deliver wrong names to Steady.

"I am not here for a pretty view," she responded. "I am on a mission by my alpha," Valette spoke in reply. She didn't want to sound overly important but she did like to think as this as a mission.

RE: Don't get fried. - Menta - July 14, 2016

It hadn't occured to Menta to lie about the names of the places they currently stood in, but she supposed some wolves would take humor in messing with another's head. My alpha, Asterr, she replied swiftly and honestly. The Italian owed a lot of her knowledge of the area to Asterr's guidance, although she was quickly doing the foot work in exploring the area for her own mental maps.

The next comment from the female gave the cream pause - the information about The Wall had been too much information at once, she supposed, for it was more for a future expedition's sake than to persuade the other from her supposed mission. I simply meant if you wanted a clearer look of of that which you are scouting at some point, Menta responded slowly and with an attempt at a kind tone. Who is your alpha? For the wind was still at her back, and the Italian could not smell Silvertip on her from such a distance. It seemed an innucuous enough question in such a context.

RE: Don't get fried. - RIP Valette - July 15, 2016

Valette listened to her curiously. Her alpha's name was Asterr. Good to know, and she needed to remember this. "May I ask what pack you are from and where it is located?," she spoke. She knew that this location was Thunder Dome in the Sunspire mountains. So, if she could find out more and many other locations then it might be valid for her ranger trade.

The girl nodded shortly. "That is a smart way of thinking," she complimented the girl. If she would go there on a clear day she could see quite far away, if the view was as good as this cream female said. Until now she sounded really reliable. "Steady, I'm from the Silvertip Pack, other side of the mountain," she explained to the other.

RE: Don't get fried. - Menta - July 18, 2016

Ryūjin, Menta replied, pleased that the the initially funny sounding name of her pack was becoming easier to roll off of her tongue. We live in the Sunbeam Lair, a cavern nestled in the Sunspire Mountains. It never occured to the cream wolf that she should ever be careful telling the location of her pack - they were small in number, but large enough that she felt it was easily defendable. Besides, only an idiot wolf who would be no great loss to their pack would be an aggressor to another pack.

Steady! The cream wolf grinned now, tail wagging at the recognition of her alpha's name. Steady was just with me at the top of The Wall a couple of weeks ago, she informed the stranger pleasantly. She knew where Silvertip Mountain was by the nudge and pointing of his nose and was amused to find another from his pack. What was he hoping you would glean from here? Curiosity again from her, and excitement that there may be something on this mountain that she had yet to realize.

RE: Don't get fried. - RIP Valette - July 18, 2016

Valette instantly nodded when she spoke, though that name was not familiar to her. There was a pack in these mountains. "Is it on this side of the mountain? Or our side?," she questioned curiously. The young female wanted to know more of its exact location because the name she just spoke of didn't mean much to her. She wanted to have the pack located on her mental map.

The girl was surprised to hear about Steady meeting this female, normally he didn't stray too far. "Oh what a coincidence," she returned. The dark colored female swayed with her tail a bit. "Well, he didn't know anything about the taiga, so all that I find out will be good for him," she explained. "Probably finding out what packs are located there, and what the weather is like. Maybe taking some loners with me to join Silvertip," she explained to the other. "I'm Valette, what is your name?"

RE: Don't get fried. - Menta - July 19, 2016

It's right by The Sunspire, the tallest mountain in this range, Menta said, not without a touch of pride. My mountain is taller than your mountain. She knew what Charon had told her -- that his mountain called Moonspear could rival it, but they were speaking now of this specific area and it was easy to see The Sunspire had no nearby competition. While her speaking of this landmark held true, it was rather boastful.. and Ryūjin had no claim over The Sunspire beyond proximity.

Still, Menta found herself enjoying the company as it seemed to her that Valette was warming up a bit. The two females tails were wagging and that seemed good enough indication that they were being pleasant. Weather is a bit rough, she said, teasing at the obvious - winds still yanked at their fur, and it seemed storms wanted to roll through here rather frequently. I'm Menta Spezia, the cream replied. How long have you been the Scout at Silvertip?

RE: Don't get fried. - RIP Valette - July 19, 2016

Valette raised her brow a bit when the other spoke about her place with such pride. Frankly she didn't care how much higher her mountain was, it wouldn't be a place to live. She had trouble breathing if she was at a certain height. The trees were different too. The girl just brushed it off because she knew the location of his female's pack.

Valette could only agree that this weather was quite off-putting. The girl introduced her with her full name and everything. Valette wondered why. She didn't really have a last name, not any she wanted to use. "Not that long, seeing that I recently joined them," she explained, though she didn't want to share too much about herself. "Any idea what is the best way down, north from here?," she quickly asked.

RE: Don't get fried. - Menta - July 26, 2016

A newcomer, Menta registered, like herself - but it was only a moment before the other female rushed into a question that distracted her from such a fact. The cream wolf blinked as she chewed the thought over, shaking her head about the current direction suggested. North will lead to pack lands, she explained. While Menta was friends with some members there, the thought that this assumed a right to waltz too close to their territory.

I came from the Southeast, she explained after mentally sorting through it in her head, looking behind herself now and taking a step backwards on the path that led her to this spot. I can't say it was the easiest of travels, but I don't think that there is such a thing on this mountain. A pause. I'd be happy to back track if you'd like the company, the Italian offered, looking back now to Valette with what she hoped was a wide and generous smile. While the restless thunder rumbled ominously, Menta had grown up a mountain wolf and felt fairly confident in her ability to hold steady on the mountain's granite ground.

RE: Don't get fried. - RIP Valette - July 26, 2016

Valette looked North, thinking it was perfect to meet with a pack and ask about them. The girl was friendly enough to offer her to show how to get down, but that wouldn't make it a challenge for the scout. She smiled at the other. "Very sweet of you Menta," she spoke to her. "But, I think I will go North. I want to map out the locations but also the locations of packs. I can tell that to my alpha.

Valette turned more North, up for the challenge. "Well, I will find out as I go then. I do not feel safe on this mountain top, you should go away from here too or I might feel guilty," she spoke to her. "You know what. On my way back I will try and see if I can locate Ryūjin. Then I could perhaps see you again if you are home," she spoke out an idea she had.

RE: Don't get fried. - Menta - July 27, 2016

The Italian's brows furrowed when she heard Valette respond in a positive manner to going closer to pack lands. It seemed as though she would not be talked out of it - and who was she, a stranger, to do such a thing - but it made Menta a little nervous on her behalf. Be careful, she murmured, concern speckling her low voice.

It seemed the general concern for the other's well being was returned and Menta's frown turned into a light smile. While she wasn't personally worried about her own abilities of staying safe here, she could see why another wolf would find it disconcerting - it wasn't exactly a perfect spot for a picnic. Thank you for your concern, she spoke, touched by the other female's words and nodded her acqueiscence to her request. It was a perfect time to get back home regardless. 

RE: Don't get fried. - RIP Valette - July 27, 2016

Valette nodded to the other. "I will be alright!," she smiled and then turned to leave. "I might see you around. Good day Menta!," she wished to the female. With that said she turned away from the other and went North, trying to locate her way down this mountain peak. It was not always as easy, seeing that she didn't want to go down steep cliffs, but the girl managed to decently scale down the mountain side with careful steps, coming closer to those borders the other mentioned.

- end!-

thank you for this thread! :D