Wolf RPG
Shadewood Shut your mouth, baby stand and deliver - Printable Version

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Shut your mouth, baby stand and deliver - Aniu - July 12, 2016

anyone is welcome, Aniu just arrived in Teekon Wilds :) I'm thinking she's somewhere between Two Rivers Isle and Shadewood, maybe on one of the rivers surround TRI?

Beneath the shady forest of the canopy came the form of one of many wolves that inhabited these lands. This one was a newcomer here, half of a useless ear falling to the side limply giving her a rakish look. Every now and then her head twisted, a single hazel eye working to take in all at once while a cloudy one remained unfocused and pointed forwards. 

The thick canopy overhead provided relief that Aniu was grateful for, the July day had left her panting in heat. She hadn't stopped to think twice before enetering the shelter of the forest, finding herself slinking amongst the foliage quietly. Distantly she could smell others though it didn't seem as if any other canids had passed through this particular area recently.

Pausing at the sight of a river, wide and not one that Aniu particularly wanted to cross, the agouti female came to a halt and lowered her muzzle to the water. Drinking in thick gulps of the cool liquid, Aniu found her thirst quenched and began to ponder where she would go in this land. 

RE: Shut your mouth, baby stand and deliver - Keziah - July 12, 2016

Hallo hallo, and welcome! i hope this is okay

It was too hot. Despite her fur, which was shorter in length than that of most wolves, Keziah felt warm all over. She desperately needed a drink of water, and she needed to swim, which could not be done in the shallow brook near her sleeping quarters. These lands possessed no shortage of water sources, the creeks and rivers slithering across the wilds in abundance. She lifted her snout and her nose twitched, sifting through the scents upon the breeze until she detected what she was looking for. Water, probably a river, just a short distance from the abandoned badger den where she had been sleeping the past several days.
indentKeziah moved in a  brisk lope, crashing softly through the underbrush. The bubbling of the river was soon loud in ears, and her chocolate eyes saw the trees thin and break open, revealing the sparking blue-green water. With a delighted smile (she was extremely thirsty now), the girl approached the water, but it became apparent by the flash of agouti fur that she would not be drinking alone.
indentHer pace slowed abruptly and her hackles raised along her spine. She was alarmed, as always when encounters with strangers became necessary. There was way to know if another canine was aggressive, even crazy. She woofed softly and drew up to the river, stopping a few paces away from the other, agouti-furred female. 
IndentH-hello, there.

RE: Shut your mouth, baby stand and deliver - Aniu - July 12, 2016

The breeze shifted, bringing with it the scent of another not unlike herself: alone. Aniu turned towards the other female, good ear perking to catch her words though they shook with nerves. Perhaps this stranger was frightened of her appearance, Aniu was not beautiful for a wolf; not anymore. She kept her working eye locked onto the other agouti wolf, wary of attack.

This stranger was similar in coat, albeit slightly darker. Aniu sized her up with a glance, watching for any weakness she could use to her advantage if things became physical. This female didn't seem like the type to attack in a volatile manner but one could never be sure with strangers of a new land. 

"Hello," Aniu finally spoke, a slight rasp to her words for she had not spoken since Layla's death. "Who are you?"

RE: Shut your mouth, baby stand and deliver - Keziah - July 13, 2016

As the female looked at her, Keziah noticed the clouded silver in one of her eyes. She may have been a beautiful wolf, were it not for this unsettling imperfection. The brown wolfess felt pity for her.  She had displayed no aggression, but simply returned the greeting and asked for her name, speaking in a voice that had a slight rasp to it. Either that was the way she talked, or she had not spoken in some time. It was all very curious.

I'm Keziah, she said, turning, lowering her maw to the water, and drinking for a long while, her tongue lapping delicious mouthfuls of water down into her throat. When she had finished, she raised her head, droplets of water dripping from her lips until she swiped her muzzle clean.

​Who're you? And where are you from? she asked, rather bluntly. Under different circumstances, Keziah may have been less forward. But she had been a lone wolf for too long, and it was not a life that she cherished in any way. All she could think of was finding Laika, and joining her in whatever pack she had ended up in. Weeks of wandering around, unable to find a decent meal, had taken its toll upon her, and she was thin and weak. Perhaps this woman with the strange eye could provide her with some useful information.

RE: Shut your mouth, baby stand and deliver - Aniu - July 14, 2016

The female drank as Aniu kept a watchful eye on her, responding to the question easily enough. It eased some of her tension that Keziah wasn't hiding anything, nor trying to, but she was still tense with a preparation to fight. It was true, the stranger was disturbed by her appearance. Aniu had long ago learned to read people and she could see how the woman thought her ugly. Pity was there too and that was what made Aniu bare her teeth in disgust. Pity was useless.

"Aniu," she introduced, moving away from the water. The scarred woman was not social and she would not disgrace anyone with her appearance, particularly after the response she received. Words weren't needed for her to be offended, the expression on the woman's face was enough.

"I am from far away, outside these lands," Aniu tacked on as an answer, turning her head to answer over her shoulder. Waiting to see if there was anymore to be said, Aniu paused. She was ready to leave if Keziah was done speaking.

sorry she's so rude :P