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Hushed Willows We're taking a break. It's nobody's fault. - Printable Version

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We're taking a break. It's nobody's fault. - Stark - July 14, 2016

After Octavia had left him Stark turned and directly started to track @Harlyn. The hunter didn't need to struggle much, the scent of the Alpha was everywhere but it seemed to cross and fade out. The Beta did not speak to anyone that he passed, only occasionally nodding to acknowledge that he'd even seen them. This was a conversation that needed to happen quickly before anything else happened. 

It was irrational, he felt, but Stark was afraid that when he went to try and find Octavia that she and Tambourine would be gone. He'd be worried he'd have to track the woman down and he wasn't quite sure where the notion was coming from. That bothered him too. Something was amiss and while the two had spent time together he didn't know her before the famine - he had no idea who she'd been before. He couldn't tell if this was stress and the pressure of the pack finally getting to her or what. 

Stark thought he'd found a fresher trail, occasionally putting his nose to the ground to track the female.

RE: We're taking a break. It's nobody's fault. - Harlyn - July 18, 2016

Harlyn had kept to herself for much of the time since the incident. Most of it was her body's need for rest in order to heal from the still ugly wound upon her leg. The rest was driven by her worry and fear for Pippin, who had yet to return home to them since it had happened. Resentment broiled in her stomach at Tavi for this fact. Her son had been weak and fragile for many weeks and had barely begun to recover. And now he was gone, away from them, out there in the wild somewhere, all because the woman had been too foolish to restrain her baseless paranoia. Harlyn understood perfectly well the fear of losing a child that had driven Tavi, senseless as it had been in that particular incident, but who was it now that spent the days without her son?

She had abandoned the communal den that day out of a basic inability to not sit idle while Pippin was missing. Pain still moaned in her joints and she could put no pressure at all upon her injured paw, which still bled at the tear that would not heal. Still, she forced herself to roam, slowly, painstakingly, eyes always focused on the terrain for those two hot whiskey eyes that she missed so desperately. Her little Pip. Her sweet little sparrow.

The druid was not surprised when she spotted Stark trailing after her when she looked back from her perch upon a small rise that overlooked a small patch of young willows. She had known that this conversation was coming, for why and how would Tavi ever handle this herself? She sat heavily in place and decided to wait for him to reach her, for she was exhausted anyway even after going only so short a distance. Silently, she prayed to the gods for strength in this next endeavor, for her little journey was likely nothing in comparison so the significants of what would happen next.

RE: We're taking a break. It's nobody's fault. - Stark - July 18, 2016

To say he was worried was an understement, the recent days events making him fret and worry for a few different reasons. Stark couldn't figure out just where to start, he was so overcome with the details - or lack thereof - that it drove his mind in many different directions. The scent if her injury overcame him and worry creased his brow, his blue eyes sweeping the Alpha. She was still his leader, no matter his feelings or personal relationship with Octavia, and he still worried. He hadn't been prepared for her state. 

"Harlyn - did you have Grace or Trick check your leg?"  He asked, concerned first and foremost for her well being. They'd hash everything else out, surely having the conversation the pack needed. But for now he couldn't help but ask about her wellbeing."I wanted to try and figure out what happened, see if you guys were okay."