Wolf RPG
King Elk Forest give me time, give us a kiss - Printable Version

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give me time, give us a kiss - Keziah - July 14, 2016

indentKeziah still had not located Laika. It had become a source of frustration for the girl, because she had not anticipated this. How difficult could it be to locate a wolf whose scent was already known? She skirted to borders of the wolf pack that she had found, hoping to come across one of its members. Perhaps someone would leave in search of food - after all, the lands were still suffering in the aftermath of the locust attack. 
indentKeziah stopped at a brook just small enough to wade in, and she dipped her paws in the cool water. It was not terribly cold, but its temperature was low enough to provide some relief from the sweltering weather. Her pink tongue lolled from between her jaws as she moved deeper into the water, until it came up to her chest. She lowered her head and her tongue darted over the brook's surface, taking small gulps of water here and there.

RE: give me time, give us a kiss - Spring - July 14, 2016

Spring had gone to the hunting grounds of the neighboring forest today in search of prey.  For the most part she had been pretty unsuccessful though, almost catching prey a couple times, but eventually found herself giving up on the hunt, although determined to try again later.  She was about to head straight back to Silver Creek when the scent of a nearby wolf caught her attention.  The Apha froze in place for a moment and scented the air for any clue of deceased prey that could have possibly been caught by the other that was not of her pack.  She picked up nothing to that effect, but you never knew.

Slowly Spring began to make her way torwards the wolf.

It took a few minutes, but soon she came upon a brook with a wolf drinking from it, a wolf that matched the scent.  Unsure whether or not she had been noticed yet, the Alpha surveyed the wolf.  She didn't seem like she had been up to anything troubling.  Not yet at least.  So in case the female had not noticed her yet, Spring spoke up.  "Hello, what brings you here?"