Wolf RPG
Ankyra Sound none and none together are still none - Printable Version

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none and none together are still none - Marbas - July 14, 2016

Hoping for my lovely half-sis @Ishild, but anyone is welcome!
The evening air was clean and moist, and so salt-soaked that he thought his nose might crack - but that was how he liked it, and he'd grown used to scenting under the smell of the sea, to find the sublter trails of creatures less powerful than the ocean blue. He'd been following doggedly after a scuttling, injured seagull for the better part of an hour when a familiar scent made his lips curl.

"Raccoon-face," he said almost fondly, starting forward at once. But the faint trail led to a very clear and distinct border, across which were the lands of yet another wolf pack - one that Ishlid had apparently gone into. For a moment, he debated calling for her. Would she come? For you, a bastard? Though Bronislav had made it clear that he was to be treated as any other Cairn, Marbas had always had his misgivings. Warsaw, cutthroat as it was, left little room for heart-to-hearts, and Marbas had never know the true feelings his half-siblings had toward him.

But I cannot wait for her to appear, he argued with himself, fearing what being found lingering on this pack's doorstep might mean. It was best to announce himself, even if he wasn't quite fond of giving up the element of surprise.

Decision made, he let out a polite but inquisitve howl. I would do well to be more respectful this time, he thought ruefully.

RE: none and none together are still none - Maude - July 15, 2016

Surprisingly, her promotion from middle to upper tier did nothing to boost her ego. Her life had been too hard, too full of crushing blows for her to suddenly puff up with pride. She went about her business as if nothing had changed, only adding an extra long patrol to her schedule, weaving first along the borders, then through the territory, looking for wolves to help and making sure that everyone was doing their jobs.

She never really patrolled before, given that she only recently was introduced to the whole concept of peeing in a circle around the land you and your friends want to live in. There wasn't enough land to do that in Tortuga. It felt awkward to stop and squat every once and a while, but she figured she would get to it.

If not everyone else could do it instead.

Luckily enough for her she was torn away from her constant urination thanks to a soft, unfamiliar howl nearby. Immediately Maude trotted over to the howl, seeing the charcoal and chocolate wolf a bit too close to the borders. Maude charged forward, her tail high and ears perked (a strange feeling, she had to admit). Her fangs bared, but the twisted corners of her lips made it hard to tell if she was snarling or smiling. Ahoy dere, intruder! Wot're yew doin' so close, eh?

RE: none and none together are still none - Marbas - July 15, 2016

If he'd not just left Coelacanth at the beach, Marbas might've had a lot more trouble adjusting to the strange creature that met his howl. This one at least looked like a full-blooded shewolf, though his nose told him the beast was decidedly male. Mentioning this did not seem like the best course of action - nor did his poor opinion of the wolf's elocution - and so he held his tongue, waiting a beat for more civilized words to find him.

"I do not mean to cross your border," he said with the utmost respect. "But as I was passing by, I smelled my long-lost - sister."

He'd had more to follow that, but after tripping over the final word, the rest of it seemed to leave him. Instead of expanding, he paused once more, grappling with the mixed emotions that the possibility of reunion awoke in him. Did he even want to see her?

"Please - she's pale, with a raccoon mask. Is she among your number, and is she well?" he asked at last, deciding not to request that she be called. He could decide whether he wanted to see her later on - for now, it would be enough to know where she dwelled, and how she faired.

RE: none and none together are still none - Maude - July 18, 2016

Cute. Maude chuckled. She wasn't a fan of the tight bonds between siblings. So what, you shared the same space for a couple of weeks and sucked from the same teat? It was partly because she couldn't understand it, having, to her knowledge, been an only child. The Beta stepped forward, more menacing now.

Don't know 'er. An' even if I did, I still wouldn't let yew just stroll in. She snarled, with a juxtaposing smirk, and walked closer to the wolf, trying to get him to back off. If'n I find someone wit dat name 'ere, I'll tell 'er yer in the area. But yew'd better not make t'mistake o' gettin' so close e'er again, y'hear?

RE: none and none together are still none - Marbas - July 19, 2016

Ah, what am I doing?
Liar! he thought venemously, eyes now algow with his ire. He'd come this far and found one of them, and now this wolf would not cooperate enough to tell him whether she lived or died? Maybe... maybe they killed her. This wolf killed her.

"I see," he said simply, thoughts whirring quickly within the confines of his mind. Kill it, they said. Inside, familiar anger writhed, roaring to be freed. Though it had often fueled his body and won him battles, it was also why he'd never measured up to the rest of the Cairns. Through his fury, he could often best even those leagues above him - but never a Cairn, and never anyone else who kept the same kind of calm in battle. Wicked Kesnia, domineering old Skellige, sly Leokadia, shrewd Ishild... They were tacticians, warlords. And Marbas? He was just angry.

Without another sound, Marbas lunged for the other wolf, aiming for the face.

RE: none and none together are still none - Maude - July 19, 2016

There was a glint in the the wolf's eye, not disappointment; anger. Maude smiled. Oh, ho! She cackled as the wolf lunged for her face. As much as she adored the fight, the sudden realization that she had a whole pack on her side made her smile widen. She attempted to dodge to the side, bumping off the blow on her shoulder or flank. Maude decided to let the wolf fight her first, seeing if she could overpower the wolf alone. If not, well, she would summon her crew.

RE: none and none together are still none - Marbas - July 20, 2016

At the savage grin on the other's face, Marbas came to realize his mistake - once again, he had let his temper lead him into swift currents, and he did not know whether or not it was too late to get himself out. This wolf had a whole pack behind them, and Marbas had just crossed their border.

Get out, get out! the voice crowed, immediately changing its tune. Alas, it would not be that simple with the stranger to contend with. Marbas aimed another snap at the wolf's shoulder, hoping that his aim would be true this time, before attempting to retreat back to neutral territory. It would not end the bout, but it was at least another step away from packlands.

RE: none and none together are still none - Maude - July 21, 2016

The wolf attempted another blow at her shoulder, though this time she didn't try to dodge it. Instead she let the blow come, seeing that the wolf had finally realized his mistake in attacking so close to Saltwinter borders. She barely felt it as she snapped at his throat, feeling air in between her jaws as he turned to run. Maude followed close after him, pushing hard with her hind legs and intending on pouncing on his hips, or in the chance she missed, slashing at his leg.

RE: none and none together are still none - Marbas - July 21, 2016

His escape was short-lived, as the smaller creature barreled into him full-force. Despite its smaller size, the wolf succeded in knocking him off course and stalling his flight. Marbas whipped around with a silent sneer, aiming again for the lying wolf's face.

Not fast enough, he feared - his nerves were all jumbled and confused, and he didn't feel anything yet, but the wolf had had ample time to injure his hindquarters.

RE: none and none together are still none - Maude - July 24, 2016

Maude cackled as the wolf collapsed beneath her, though she fell with him, her front legs straddling the wolf's jumbled form. She snarled as he aimed for her face, her left cheek burning with pain, but she ignored it, her fangs aiming for the man's shoulder, or better yet, his neck. If she succeeded, she would hold him there, digging her fangs in, making her point clear before stepping back and releasing him.

RE: none and none together are still none - Marbas - July 24, 2016

When the demon's fangs truly pierce him, there was no mistaking it even through the haze of adrenaline. Sharp needle-points and then jarring force whispered flaring pain into his nerves, and an enraged howl tore through him as the muscles in his neck violently protested being clamped down upon by the wicked creature's jaws. Not even the taste of blood on his tongue could soothe his temper or aching pride.

As soon as he could shake himself free, Marbas tore away from the cursed place, no longer caring if the demon had killed his sister. Why do I always fight? he wondered, his neck and shoulder burning as he tore away like a bat from hell. It never solves anything. People end up hurt, and I still don't know what became of Ishild. Why do I always fight?

Is him getting away like this alright? If not let me know and I'll change it. Otherwise, thanks for the scar thread!

RE: none and none together are still none - Maude - July 25, 2016

It's fine!

Maude laughed as the wolf sped away, dripping crimson onto the golden sand. As the adrenaline of the fight ebbed away, she finally became aware of the scars on her cheek. She licked the blood tentatively, idly wondering if this Ishild person actually existed within her crew. If she did...oh well! Her brother was a fool for trying to enter the territory without permission. The pirate wench squatted along the border, marking the sand with her scent before trotting back towards the Sound.