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Neverwinter Forest things never change - Printable Version

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things never change - Charon - July 15, 2016

Before his visit to Donnelaith and Osprey, Charon decided to drop by another place — he had not seen Eshe in a while, and although he didn't really want to talk about what had happened with Lazarus and Amekaze, he knew he owed it to his cousin, or whatever family bit she was, to warn her for him. Besides, perhaps she had seen him, like she had Goober; although odds seemed slimmer now, as Charon doubted he would stick around the pack he had betrayed.

Once he reached Neverwinter's borders Charon howled for @Eshe . He wondered if she had had her pups yet, or if she was expecting, like Amekaze was. Once settled at the borders, Charon waited impatiently, hoping that she would come soon so that he would not waste too much time here that he could spend searching for the enemy. He held his body neutral, tail hanging loosely against his hind legs but not showing any clear signs of submission.

RE: things never change - Eshe RIP - July 19, 2016

The female had been on bed-rest given the circumstances of her birth, and did not wander far while her sons needed her. Though that did not mean she did not stretch her legs every now and then. When the call from her cousin came, Eshe lay in thoughtful repose beside her nursing sons. And then she rose to all fours when the duo paused, only to step outside and call back to him: I am here. It in itself was a summons, inviting Charon into her homes. He was family, and he would meet his... well, nephews, she would have it be! And if he were to have cubs, their children could be cousins as she and Charon truly were (as she so identified their relationship). She waited outside the den, tail waving behind her.

RE: things never change - Charon - July 20, 2016

It was a new experience, and a strange one at that for him, to be invited like that into another's territory. He considered the possibility that it was a trap for a moment, thinking that Scimitar might want to rid of him because he obviously didn't like Charon. But he also really wanted to see Eshe, and since she had such a nose for sniffing out bastards, like with Goober, he couldn't pass the chance that she might know where Lazarus was.

It was curious why she didn't come to the borders, but after a moment of doubt Charon crossed the borders on his own. He kept his body neutral as he walked through the territory, luckily running into no one — even though they would've probably heard their Alpha's call, but still — before he eventually reached the location the call had sounded from.

He pushed his nose past her face as he appeared, tail wagging to convey his eagerness to see her again. "Eshe? Why did you..." But he trailed off and looked at the den behind her, and then he knew.

RE: things never change - Scimitar - July 21, 2016

More or less a cameo, but if he is seen by Charon on the way back to the borders, feel free to address him, Iris!

There was a call for Eshe, and the regal began to weave his way to the border to determine who beckoned for her. He already had an idea of who it would be – and yet before he could investigate, the cinnamon wolf all but stiffened completely when his mate invited the outsider in to their home.
Without an escort. Without consideration.
His lip curled back to reveal fang, his pace quickening. He would have intercepted the on comer, but had missed them. Charon’s scent hung thickly through the air, and Scimitar practically glowered in the direction the man had gone – invited freely in to the home where his pups lived.
He kept far back in the outskirts of their meeting, only listening for distress from his mate – he did not trust Charon, nor was he content with his open presence in his lands. Decidedly, when the pale wolf would make to leave, Scimitar would trail back at a distance once more, lingering away in an attempt to remain mostly unseen if possible, and would discuss with his mate his feelings on the entire matter.

RE: things never change - Eshe RIP - July 28, 2016

Eshe was thinking with the addled mind of a mother whom had perhaps gone a little stir crazy. She had not considered the potential danger of what she had done, but her trust for Charon ran deep. Belatedly she thought to see if Scimitar might meet him halfway, guide him even... but Charon was swift.

When he arrived, Eshe smiled warmly and returned his affections eagerly. It's good to see you!!! She said with a smile. In here are my two sons. I can't go too far from them yet, she informed, They can't do too much yet but, I think they'll appreciate the presence of their uncle Charon nearby, she grinned at that, wondering if he would approve of the sentiment she had put out.

RE: things never change - Charon - July 29, 2016

He was flabbergasted still, and a little touched, that Eshe would allow him into her territory not only because, but also despite her children being present. He was not sure he would ever do anyone such a favour, and found himself standing in awe for a moment. He couldn't help but wonder if Scimitar knew about this; what would he say?

Eshe soon explained herself. Sons. Uncle Charon. It felt so strange and so real, and he realised how it was barely sinking in that he was to be a father soon. "Can I see them?" he asked, feeling like he was pushing it but also figuring that if she trusted him so much to come here, she would grant him this request.

"Did everything go well with giving birth? Ame is... She's also pregnant." He didn't sound as cheerful as he maybe should've, but neither did he sound unhappy. He found himself sounding numb and not caring all that much, even though he did care for them — they'd be his children, no matter what — and he hoped Eshe wouldn't notice the weird tone in his voice.

RE: things never change - Eshe RIP - August 02, 2016

Not yet, she admitted to him, and moved to offer him a gentle nudge. Only one outside of Scim to see them is Kieran, and that's just because he's dealt with puppies more than I have, and helps me deal with my overactive imagination. Once, I thought a gas problem was my sons stomach imploding. I was horrified! Well, Scimitar was on his way to me but Kieran was nearby, thank gosh or I'd have imploded myself, the verbal Eshe paused a second, and then continued, Well, it was just gas, thank goodness. Though, the smell was not that great, but smelly Cypress was alright afterwards, and that's what I'm thankful for... she sucked in a breath and laughed.

She answered each question swiftly enough. The birth... it was... it was really hard. The pregnancy was terrible. If it weren't for... Eshe quieted for a moment, and then, knowing Charon believed in the same things she did, felt comfort. There was a day during my pregnancy I was in so much pain, I thought I might die. This all happened during the famine... I was the best fed wolf in the pack, but that isn't saying much, she admitted, and continued. Well, there was... this girl. Or woman. I don't know. Charon, she was the most beautiful thing... and I know it wasn't a dream, I felt her there--well, she was magick. She did a spell, and I swear, she gave whatever strength was left in me, she let my only two sons have it, and it kept me alive, too, Eshe waved her plume left and right, recalling it. Deirdre Mayfair, of she said her name was. Donnelaith, that's where she lives. This all has a point, she paused, and went on... If Amekaze seems to be having any pains or her pregnancy seems difficult... that one can help, as she helped me... she attributed his expression, his monotone, to worry.

Eshe waited a beat. How is her pregnancy going? I'll be an aunt???? We should arrange play-dates, her tail waved wildly behind her at the thought.

RE: things never change - Charon - August 08, 2016

It was disappointing that he couldn't yet see the pups after coming all the way here. It showed on his face, though he said nothing of it, except ask, "What's their names?"

Charon was caught off-guard by the story that followed, but listened silently to what Eshe had to say. He chuckled at her gas story, and grimaced at her story on the birthing. At the mention of Donnelaith, he said, "I know the place. Thanks, I'll keep it in mind." He didn't know who Deirdre was, but Donnelaith was where Osprey lived (and Dante). He wasn't sure if he should ask her about it now, or if he should wait in case anything really did go wrong.

He nodded when Eshe asked about the pregnancy. He'd intended to tell her about Lazarus, warn her, but somehow he felt a lump in his throat now as he tried to. He frowned and said, "Yeah, that'd be great. Hey, uh, listen — if a wolf called Lazarus comes by, white wolf with some grey on his back, probably wounded pretty bad from a fall, don't accept him. Some shit happened and he isn't to be trusted." That would do, for now. He somehow couldn't bring himself to say anything more about the details of his actions for now; perhaps because he was afraid Eshe might realise there were odds he wasn't the father to his own pups.