Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain For old time's sake - Printable Version

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For old time's sake - Charon - July 15, 2016

While he was out in the neighbourhood, Charon decided to stop by Silvertip Mountain. He hadn't seen FitzDutiful or Mason in a good time. The young Alpha kept his posture neutral as he trailed along the borders, his tail hanging low at his hocks. He instantly recognised that something was amiss; the scents at the borders were different, and the scents that used to linger had faded.

Yet still he raised his nose to the sky to call for FitzDutiful, hoping that it would be his old friend, one of few that remained from before he had claimed Moonspear, that would greet him here today. Despite the scents at the borders telling him otherwise he held some hope that his old friend remained as he stood waiting in the afternoon sun.

RE: For old time's sake - Steady - July 15, 2016

He had been relaxing after a morning of patrolling, hanging out at Adeline's den, snoozing on and off. When the howl spread through the territory, Steady lifted his head and his ears perked. He hadn't thought he would ever hear a call for FitzDutiful again, but there it was. It wasn't a voice he knew, but it seemed he would meet him, and with bad news. 

He lifted himself off of the grassy ground and made his way to the borders, his head and tail held to reflect his position within the pack. The white and dark-speckled male came into view and Steady slowed his pace until he came to a stop before him. I'm Steady, Alpha here. Can I help you? he asked, his voice friendly, as he assumed this to be a friend of Fitz'. If that turned out not to be so, his attitude would quickly change. Though, he couldn't imagine anyone but a friend calling for his brother at their borders.

RE: For old time's sake - Charon - July 16, 2016

At the approach of the dominant male, Charon felt a prickle of irritation, for this pack was Fitz' to lead and he could not imagine anyone but him — and his mate — as the Alpha. Yet their scents had faded and Charon feared that there was nothing but truth in the words of the other when he did speak. Charon kept his tail hanging at his hocks, relaxed, though he did not lower the rest of his body much, his body language remaining neutral for he did not feel that he was anything but an honoured guest on Silvertip territory.

"I'm Charon, Alpha of Moonspear," he shared with the stranger, whose name was apparently 'Steady'. It seemed like a weirdo name to Charon, but then again, FitzDutiful hadn't been the best of names either, so maybe it was just a thing they had going on here at Silvertip. "I'm looking for Fitz. Or Mason. Or Fitz' mate." Surely, any of these three would be around to talk to him. Charon nearly forgot his purpose for coming here, suddenly finding himself focussed on receiving whatever news of Fitz' disappearance or death he was sure to receive soon, considering the scent markers had changed much since his last visit here and there was no sign of Fitz' scent any longer.

RE: For old time's sake - Steady - July 16, 2016

Steady dipped his head in a friendly greeting to Charon, as he introduced himself as. He hadn't met him, or any of the Moonspearians, but he had called for Fitz, and was now requesting the three wolves who weren't here anymore, so he assumed Charon had been a friend. 

His expression changed to sorrow at having to share the news. I'm sorry, but none of them are here anymore, he said. Fitz and Zaria both passed, and Mason has been missing since his sister's passing, he explained, his voice soft. They had seen much death in the past months, and since Steady hadn't been aware of any allies that Silvertip had, he hadn't known who to contact, if anyone. 

RE: For old time's sake - Charon - July 17, 2016

"Fitz is dead?" he asked incredulously, but then he realised something else that this Steady fellow mentioned. "June..." He grimaced to relay his grief to Steady. Fitz had been, well, hadn't been young , but for someone like June to pass away, someone younger than himself... He remembered he'd met her and Dhole at the same moment. It seemed forever ago, now.

"I... Thank you for the information. I'm looking for a man called Lazarus. He's probably looking pretty beat up. If you find him, please bring him to Moonspear. He harmed some of my pack." That was all the man needed to know about it. He looked at Steady imploringly, hoping he would help when it was required.

RE: For old time's sake - Steady - July 17, 2016

He nodded solemnly. He hated to confirm it, but Charon seemed like a friend, and he deserved to know the truth. It seemed he knew June, as well. I'm sorry, he said, referring to Charon's loss, as it was obvious he would hurt. Steady knew family wasn't always blood- they were the friends you picked, and he respected this male's connection with the Silvertip Mountain wolves.

He nodded to Charon's request. I'll certainly keep a look out, he confirmed. Do you want him brought to you alive or dead? Steady asked, serious about the question. If any had harmed his pack members, and lived to tell the tale, Steady would have searched them out and taken their life. He was highly protective, and would extend that to Charon and his pack, as he figured Fitz would have done the same for a friend.

RE: For old time's sake - Charon - July 17, 2016

Charon smiled appreciatively at Steady as he was quick to accept the offer, and better yet, with no questions asked. He needn't know of the sordid details, Charon decided, for his own pride and Ame's.

The question brought a thoughtful expression to his face, but only briefly so. A decision was quickly made: "Alive." It was up to him and Ame to kill him, so if it was possible he preferred his nemesis alive. He would not mind tearing him several new ones before granting him death.

RE: For old time's sake - Steady - July 17, 2016

He nodded once more as Charon voiced his wishes to have the enemy taken to Moonspear alive. I'll do my best, he promised. It wouldn't be difficult if Lazarus, as Charon called him, didn't fight back, but if he were to try and hurt Silvertip wolves, Steady would have a harder time keeping him alive.

Before the conversation ended, Steady broached the topic of an alliance. How would you feel about an official alliance between our two packs? I wasn't aware if you had one with Fitz, but I would honor it if you did. Or make one, if Charon was inclined to. He hoped it came without saying that if Charon declined, Steady would still keep his word about the enemy wolf.

RE: For old time's sake - Charon - July 18, 2016

"Thanks. He's a white wolf, mostly, with some grey around his back. He was chucked down a mountain so if he's still alive he'll look beat up." Charon didn't even remember how exactly Lazarus looked, as he never thought that it was something he would need to remember later on. But he was white, or cream, or something along those lines, at least, and he'd been smudgy along his back.

Charon nodded when Steady suggested an alliance of sorts. He'd never been one to make such definitive ties to other packs, but he certainly wished them to be on good standing. "We always had good ties when Fitz was still alive, so I don't see why this needs to change now," he said with an appreciative, though confident smile, believing in the future between their packs. His words were true, for he had no intentions to break off the good mood between the packs, even if he wouldn't take the word 'alliance' into his mouth.

"I should be headed off. Thanks, Steady," said Charon, glad that he had run into Steady that day. Perhaps in time they could be friends, like he and Fitz had been, in their own ways.

RE: For old time's sake - Steady - July 18, 2016

Steady's expression changed to one of shock when Charon explained the male he was looking for was thrown off a mountain. That's an... effective way to get him to stop attacking someone, he commented. He wondered how big the cliff was if they didn't find the male's body at the bottom. I'll definitely keep a look out for him, he assured Charon.

The other Alpha seemed to like the idea of maintaining friendliness between the two packs, and Steady nodded in return, glad of it. He wished he knew the complete relationship between his brother and this male, but it wasn't like he could ask Fitz now. It was one of the reasons why he felt the need to howl so many announcements to his pack mates- he wanted to make sure they were abreast of the most recent happenings so nothing would be in question. 

Charon moved to make his leave. Anytime, he said easily. Travel safe, he added. If Lazarus was out to finish what he started, if he was able to, he hoped Charon would hold his own with the other male. Once Charon was out of sight, Steady moved to head back into the pack lands.