Wolf RPG
The Sentinels Pawsteps along the borders - Printable Version

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Pawsteps along the borders - Reginae - July 16, 2016

The small wolf lurked around the outskirts what she could only assume was pack's territory. She nervously stood as she realized she was definitely close enough to peek around the trees, her paws ached and her back leg was sore from a progressively healing bite wound. She had a slight limp in her step, but could manage to go quick enough on three legs. She lifted her head to the air and sniffed as new aromas flew through the air. Tall trees dotted the terrain and covered her view as she scanned the area for other wolves such as herself. Her coarse fawn pelt was matted and dirty, after stumbling countless times when she hurt her leg time and time again. She narrowed her blue grey eyes as she heard a distant noise, the wolf's ears flicked as she anxiously stood, making sure to stay where she was. Reginae's tail soon dropped and hung above the ground as she froze and kept complete attention on whatever could approach her.

RE: Pawsteps along the borders - Lucani - July 17, 2016

Hello there. ^__^

As was common to the grey Medic, she was following the scent of wolf blood. Lucani knew that it was not the scent of one of her own kin, a creature of Donnelaith, but she tracked it nonetheless, it being her instinct to know the source and think it fixable.

It was not long before the tall Epsilon found the wounded on the borders. It was a lone wolf, nervy and unknown. Salutations, pale one, she said coolly, ears erect. What brings you to our shores.

RE: Pawsteps along the borders - Reginae - July 17, 2016

Reginae soon noticed the stranger approach her, she seemed intimidating as Reginae was quite small for her age, yet there seemed to be no sign of aggression on her face. Soon she brought up the courage to speak calmly, "This may sound quite forward, but I am looking for a pack to join, so I may finally be with my own kind rather than in my own head," she trailed off for a moment and then sighed, "I suppose after traveling and searching I may as well try my luck," she said with a smile, trying not to show that her leg had been bitten, in case she could be no more than a nuisance.

RE: Pawsteps along the borders - Lucani - July 17, 2016

Lucani looked her up and down, then watched the female's face as she delivered a classic lone wolf pitch. Lucani paused, then wrinkled her nose faintly in distaste — because other than a lowered tail, the stranger was showing no signs of submission. In a bid that she did so, Lucani's ears were erect, and she gazed directly into the other's eyes. A quiet show of dominance.

But she paid more attention to the budding conversation than the lack of proper stance, and gave a nod that she understood before proceeding with her query: I smelled blood from a short distance away. Is it yours?

RE: Pawsteps along the borders - Reginae - July 17, 2016

Reginae looked at the wolf and realized she wasn't submitting to her, since she was last attacked she remembered her punishment for not doing so and tucked her tail between her legs as she slowly lowered herself to the ground, her ears pinned back as she began to feel fearful of what her mistakes could lead her to, "It might be, I was injured a few days ago and my wound could have opened again," she studered before looking up slowly, "I'm sure I will heal, the bite was't all that deep, I hope this doesn't mean I am wasting your time," Reginae said, feeling that she may only be keeping the pack wolf away from her obligations and wasting her time as she was so slow to recognize her mistakes.

RE: Pawsteps along the borders - Lucani - July 18, 2016

Lucani watched with quiet approval as the lone wolf realised her mistake and submitted accordingly. She inspected the wound from a distance but did not get up close and personal — she mustn't be tempted to use the rare herbs of Donnelaith on a loner's injury.

Not at all, she said kindly when the girl worried she was wasting her time. Lucani lifted her head and howled for @Aria or @Osprey. Her call was deep and masculine. I've called for leadership, she explained. My name is Lucani. I'm a Medic here at Donnelaith, but while I can help you it is the leaders you really need. Be prepared to explain your assets well and you may be welcomed into our fold.

RE: Pawsteps along the borders - Aria - July 28, 2016

-- eep I'm so sorry I've been on mobile for a while and I keep loosing track of tagged threads. --

Although she hadn't heard the first call, Lucani's call grabbed her attention. The pale alphess padded quickly towards the elder, finding a wolf with her. She dips her head in greeting to Lucani, glancing to the other woman with a warm smile. 

"Greetings," she says, "can I help you?" Her question would probably make her repeat herself-- but she was a little tardy. 

RE: Pawsteps along the borders - Reginae - July 28, 2016

Reginae stayed low to the ground as she had been doing, only thins time was more relaxed. She then looked up at the wolf that aproached and listened to her question, "My name is Reginae, and I was hoping you may have a place for me in your pack, I have excellent hearing which makes me quite good at catching small prey and quick on my paws," she smiled back, and tried to think of something more to say, but knew there was not much she could say without sounding so desperate or sounding like she was only saying such things to make them more tempted to let her join them. Reginae knew they weren't in a horrible mood by how they had approached her and hoped that they may look past her minor injury, as Reginae herself attempted to do so, and wouldn't try to get them to heal her if it meant wasting their valuable resources.

RE: Pawsteps along the borders - Lucani - July 28, 2016

As the shimmering form of the Alpha Female lightened up the scene, Lucani watched quietly until both had said their first words to each other. Reginae seems an earnest sort, she added her two cents, lest Aria be willing to hear them. She's a little injured, but seems like a good fit for Donnelaith.

RE: Pawsteps along the borders - Aria - July 28, 2016

Her ears perk as both women speak, listening curiously. She dips her head to Lucani. "I trust Lucani's words. My name is Aria January, leader of Donnelaith. I welcome you into my ranks," she says, smiling. She takes a step forward, hoping to exchange scents with the other.

RE: Pawsteps along the borders - Reginae - July 28, 2016

Reginae smiled as she heard the two wolves, she slowly got up and wagged her tail, lowering her head as stepped forward as well and sniffed the other wolf. Reginae felt like she was a pup again, being exited for something more than she ever thought she could be for her next meal, but she knew to keep herself calm and try to act more her age.

RE: Pawsteps along the borders - Lucani - July 29, 2016

Lucani could not help but smile at Aria's sweetness in welcoming Reginae with open arms.

When all was official, Lucani bowed low to her Alpha then gestured to Reginae with her muzzle. Come. What that wound needs is good clean water. Then we'll see about some herbs to prevent infection.

RE: Pawsteps along the borders - Aria - July 29, 2016

"Thank you Lucani," Aria says, nudging the woman's shoulder kindly. After that, she gives the other a quick dip of her head and pads back into the territory, her eyes shining.

RE: Pawsteps along the borders - Reginae - July 29, 2016

My paragraghs are shrinking into sentences XD
Reginae nodded, a bright smile across her face as she awaited for Lucani, she now knew, to bring her where she would tend to her wound. She still wagged her tail as the alpha left to return to her territory, and was exited to meet again when she would meet the other wolves that occupied the land. She wondered how many there were and who they were, but knew that her questions could wait.

RE: Pawsteps along the borders - Lucani - August 01, 2016

:D Ending this thread here! Reginae, please feel free to tag me in a thread any time~

Lucani smiled at her Alpha, watching her go a moment before she led Reginae towards the river. She turned her mind to that bite wound. Reginae would be a good packwolf, she was certain... but only once she'd had her injury seen to.