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Gyrfalcon's Keep That I could be looking for - Printable Version

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That I could be looking for - Asterr - July 17, 2016

@Hiram, but anyone can join in. Set like... two hours after this thread.

Beyond the land she'd known had the girl gone, finding answers in her journey, but never the sort of relief that she was seeking. Upon her mind did guilt weigh heavily, for not only had she'd departed from her home without any real warning being issued prior, but she'd entered an area that was entirely unknown to her. Such discoveries were meant to be made with other souls close by, and yet, it was alone that she'd ventured up along the mountain. The loud screeches of the birds made her ears ring, yet any feelings of annoyance remained outside of her system. It was their home that she'd entered, and so to be angry at them for speaking as they did would be a silly thing. While she could not deny that it was rather bothersome, never were her grievances voiced aloud, for never was she certain which species understood her and which ones could not.

Often did the girl move in a sort of zigzag motion, needing to avoid nests when she'd spotted them up ahead, as well as any sections of earth that didn't seem safe enough to walk across. Hiking wasn't a new experience for her, of course, but her lack of familiarity with the mountain there made her all the more cautious. Her senses were alive, but not at all honed in on anything other than herself and the birds that lingered within the area.

RE: That I could be looking for - Tetsubō - July 17, 2016

The mountain called to him. He had passed by the insurmountable range when Skellige had brought him to the white sand beaches that would become his home - and then again, as he passed through the meadow. Always the mountains loomed, immense, distant, but somehow comforting to the boy. No, not comforting - familiar maybe, or just impressive; yes, Tetsubo could be impressed by things in a vague sense. To become as tall and strong as a mountain — it was childish to believe he could be so substantial, foolish, but while he cast that thought from his mind his paws did seek out the low lying hills.

Travel wasn't smart. Not in his current state. His ribs still smarted with sharp, dedicated stabs. These reminders of his injury were all that remained, but they were persistent, and would have fouled his mood had he been anything but a sociopath. At most Tetsubo felt annoyed by his body. But he was detatched from it, more or less, seeing himself as the solidification of the dark, the nether, which had produced him. The body was only a vessel, a tool, and though it needed mending it still functioned well enough.

And so the mountains drew closer, formed a great living wall of stone and thickly growing trees, and Tetsubo picked his way between them. He sought something warm to sink his teeth in to — something that would appease his lord, or perhaps replenish the shaman's stores of herbs, as many had been utilized to mend his wounds. As the grayscale boy moved across the mountain's shifting hillside he thought he heard a call - it was unlike anything he'd heard before - and he paused, but only for a heartbeat, before being urged to continue by a strange sense of otherworldly presence. Like something drew him out from the dark of the trees.

And in the gap between the boughs, he saw the first shadow slip soundlessly across the sky. It was sickle-shaped and quick, and at first Tetsubo did not register what it could be. He thought it was a trick of the light - the wind through the trees, or perhaps a byproduct of his head injury from earlier in the week. But there was a second, then a distant third, and he loped after the soaring birds with his instincts primed.

As Tetsubo emerged from a dense copse of trees, he saw the falcons spiraling together, up, up, away, gone — and breathed a thick sigh from his crackling lungs. When his golden gaze drifted back down to earth, he saw her. A dark figure roaming about, erratic, and as Tetsubo inhaled her scent he watched her, curious but solid, as he sat like a gargoyle beneath the fronds of an oak tree.

RE: That I could be looking for - Asterr - July 17, 2016

Avoided had each and every nest been, the talons of the birds threatening enough for her to veer away from anything that might bring them down upon her flesh. She could not fear them, but she could respect their being there, and so never had she allowed for herself to disturb their homes—individual homes, that is, for already had she felt as if she'd bothered them as a whole simply by stepping upon the mountain. But, she'd lingered not on such thoughts, deciding that the area was large enough for her to pass through it, rather than rounding it on account of a species that was not her own. The birds would have to accept her being there whether her presence was appreciated or not, for not yet could she leave. There were more ridges to cross before the forest that she'd spotted became reachable, leaving her with no other choice, really.

Asterr continued, skeptical at times of the birds, but not so much so that she'd been made willing to go elsewhere. It seemed almost as if they were watching her at times, but there came only one moment in which their stares had been enough to send a shiver down her spine. The fur covering her dorsal had been felt raising, eyes scanning the surrounding areas briefly in search of the reasoning for it. When she'd not found anything of immediate concern—perhaps she just hadn't looked well enough, or maybe she'd wanted to remain alone so badly that she'd simply avoided the male's direction altogether—the girl had attempted to flatten her coat back out, but to no avail. She was, in the end, left to continue forward just like that, the feeling never dying down.

RE: That I could be looking for - Tetsubō - July 17, 2016

She did not appeal to him in the slightest, and he watched her as if bearing witness to the birds again. Perhaps she could feel his eyes upon her and that was why she held a staccato pace? Or maybe it was something else - something more primal that he should have been privy to, should have felt, or understood - and yet he was left in the dark, so to speak, and could only observe. That was how the world worked for Tetsubo though. How it would always work. Observation was all he could do, because surely feeling or responding was too much. Unless he was faced with battle, which the boy was thoroughly prepared for. Life had sculpted him in to a machine with one purpose and cast aside the rest of him, and so he watched.

There was something about her — he could not pinpoint exactly what — but the boy could not take his eyes off of her. Unlike the falcons, her movements were clunky and erratic. She was hardly soundless, and so he easily tracked her despite the ebb and flow of darkness, the pinpricks of light, the shifting of the branches and swaying leaves. The woman did not call out. so he assumed easily enough that she was oblivious to him. Tetsubo was not trained in stealth, he did not know how to be coy or sly or to sneak like a rat through the underbrush; to him, this marked the woman as weak, in the way that an unsuspecting deer might be weak. He did not hold it against her because he had no opinion on the matter, and his brain made the connections without fully informing him.

She just was, and he watched.

Gradually her pace outmatched him, because he was hardly moving at all, and Tetsubo began to pace after her with lethargic strides. His expertly placed steps kept him moderately well guarded against her perception, although that was more of a fluke than anything, and he followed after her for no other reason than to study her, or so he thought. The pull of any instinctual magic was lost upon the boy as he was ignorant of how things worked in that way, and utterly asexual in his desires, so far as he was aware. It was not his purpose to mingle, or breed, or spread the influence of the nether, or so his mentor had taught him; he was a weapon, and thus far there was nothing for him to bludgeon.

RE: That I could be looking for - Asterr - July 17, 2016

The more she moved, the better her paws found their proper footing. Her time living along the dome had served her well, for winding had the territory's ridges been, and thrilling were they made each time a storm had struck them. It seemed to fit her, hiking, the toughened ground posing for her great challenges. Still, though, she had the birds to worry over. She'd moved with not even a portion of the ease that she did when upon familiar paths, her motions instead being overly calculated and seemingly mechanical. Mountains were not unknown to her, nor were the outcomes of taking a tumble down one. Though away she had gone for the time being, there stood a home for her a distance away, as well as a tribe that would surely wonder of her if never was she to return.

Progress was made all the same, though, her desire to not fall guiding her well over the unworn paths. Between herself and the forest the distance was growing slimmer, all the while her anticipation grew. Surely there would be within there things that she could not quite understand, and she could only hope to be surprised by something that was entirely new to her. Before then, however, the excitement had morphed into a feeling of unease, which had proceeded to then sink like a rock towards the pit of her stomach. What had caused it, she'd yet to discover, glancing ahead for a moment or two longer before finally looking back over her shoulders. On either sides, she'd glanced over that which she could before turning herself around fully, spotting movement that she'd originally thought to be another bird. It became apparent directly after that a single look had not been enough, for it was not a bird, but a wolf—a stranger.

In his direction, several sniffs of the air had been offered, attempting to pick up upon anything that might shed some light on who he was. Though the wind moved not in her favour, and so she was left without any details on him or his origins. The sinking feeling increased, urging her to turn away once more and continue onward with a far more brisk pace. It was an impulse that she'd complied with, too, carrying out her unconscious self's desires and moving forward across the rocky terrain.

RE: That I could be looking for - Tetsubō - July 17, 2016

This is really long, oops. I guess this is what happens when I can't sleep!

Tetsubo thought himself to be well equipped for all of life's many challenges. He had a sturdy body that he likened to granite of all things, immense, gray, and powered by something infernal, igneous. While recently he had been chipped and cracked on the outside, he felt like the same creature otherwise. A few chunks of him were missing but they would return to him. Once he was whole again, Tetsubo could serve his lord to the full extent of his many and varied abilities; yet for now, he made sport out of his days. Filled his moments with reconnaissance and study — thus the trip to the mountainside, and the current oddness unfolding.

Although to Tetsubo this was not strange in the slighest. This was a new world to him, one filled with many dangers for himself and for his lord, and it seemed only right that he get to know this place better. If he was to protect Skellige and the lives of his lord's kin, he would need to know of the many worlds surrounding it.

This was the logic that told him to pursue the stranger. He told himself these things. That his study of her was for the benefit of the group, that perhaps he could glean something of relevance from her, that Skellige could benefit from this. Yet the more he followed her - and the more she led him away from the edge of the world - Tetsubo knew, somewhere in the back of his mind, that he was lying to himself.

He didn't know what truly brought him this far. Or why he continued to lurch along behind her, following as if attached; she was no enemy from what he could tell. A wayward soul at best. Someone of little value to him, as Skellige had not placed any value upon her for the boy to identify her with - and he needed that. Someone to tell him what to do. To make sense of his actions.

The boy thought of all the reasons he had to follow her, to not follow her, to slink back to the beachside and return to his resting, but nothing cut through this self-imposed mission to follow; at least not until she spotted him, with a fleeting glance he should have seen coming, and as she did a double-take his steps abruptly ended, and he lurched as he came to a stop as might a locomotive with an engaged emergency brake. He anticipated revulsion or fear as those were the most common signals his presence ilicited. Maybe hostility, as nobody enjoyed being followed in this manner, or perhaps even a snap of the teeth followed by a chase — but no, she did none of these things.

Instead, she reached out to him. Tasted the air for signs of him, and probably found the layers of salt and pine that he exuded, as well as the thick scent of Skellige he wore, and the undertone of the various herbs that the medicine women had used upon him. Tetsubo quirked his head slightly, tilting it while his eyes briefly narrowed, and continued to watch her antics. He had no desire to truly meet this woman or to exchange pleasantries, and to be truthful he had no knowledge of how to speak to the opposite sex in the first place. As he opened his mouth - perhaps to try - he swallowed the thick perfume that dominated the air around her, and the cloying scent roosted briefly in his sinuses, his lungs, his belly, his everywhere.

Was she like him? An embodiment of something greater? He swallowed thickly and resumed his advance. He was much slower, steadying himself as he carefully came closer, and reached out for her - and that aroma - like a connoiseur of fine wine, his head lifting and roaming back and forth and back again, until their noses were nearly touching. Her scent was intoxicating to him; he did not know what it was, or why, or how to stop it, but as Tetsubo rested before her, he knew he could not leave, as if something was giving him orders from outside the realm of reason.

RE: That I could be looking for - Asterr - July 18, 2016

The pause made had been a mistake, her brief curiosity in the male an error. Amiable by nature, she'd been unable to help herself, seeking answers from the wind but receiving hardly any. Even though she'd carried onward with her trek, mind working overtime in an effort to find for herself a quick escape route, it had not been enough. She longed for home then, wishing to return but knowing that she could not. Her presence there would only cause great turmoil within the tribe, and so, in her mind, a journey away had seemed like the better of her few options. But as she stood there, having been made to stop, she couldn't keep her mind from wandering back. She was not afraid, she wasn't allowed to be afraid, but she was uncertain. Not knowing what to expect, being unable to lead a conversation—it bothered her, feeling to her almost as if she lived no longer as Asterr Draconid, but as another being of foreign origins.

Nearly had their noses touched, the stalling of her conscious state having left her motionless just long enough for him to draw as near to her as he'd wished. When she had snapped out of it, had regained some sense of who she was, she'd reversed. Several steps back had been taking, issuing a new distance between them. She'd pushed her ears forward, eyeing the stranger with a skeptical expression, but could not muster up the effort necessary to place a snarl across her lips. To do so was not her. Her intentions were to deliver a warning, but she'd allow not for her bearings to be lost in order to do so. It was important that the girl remain firmly planted on the ground, keeping herself calm and living off of the manner of her upbringing.

"Back," said she, voice sharp and demanding. Of course, obedience was expected, if only because of her status back home. There, though, she'd yet to realize that she was no one. That without her tribe there to follow her, she existed only as a single wolf, untrained in the art of battle. There came no punishments for going against her word, nor were there any loyal followers near enough to ensure she was listened to. There, Asterr possessed no power, and yet still did she speak as if she did.

RE: That I could be looking for - Tetsubō - July 18, 2016

A reaction swept through her before she spoke, before anything, like a precursor, or maybe he simply anticipated the rejection - because Tetsubo was not so surprised when he witnessed her withdrawal, and felt nothing, though his brow did lift. Her voice was firm. A beast accustomed to control, no doubt. And he, being a monster attuned to the needs of those better than himself, adhered to her instruction without hesitation — although his stillness could easily be mistaken for that same thing. He did not move from his spot, and watched as her ink-dark figure retreated from his own. The gap between them lengthened and Tetsubo remained fixed to that one spot, his breathing even, and his body slack but ready to react all the same.

He watched her. Silent, perhaps predatory to anyone observing them - no doubt unnerving to the woman - and as he waited for further orders, Tetsubo grew bored. Or maybe not bored exactly. He anticipated something, and while he waited it felt as if a wave of ants had crawled in beneath his skin, and he became reactive, impatience dominating him, and then when he could not hold his composure any longer he leveled his gaze upon her face and chuffed, I mean no harm. It was the truth. He had been merely curious, and with no order from his lord to follow, he was left to his own devices with what to do about her and that intoxicating scent she carried. For Tetsubo that meant to study, because he could not make up his mind — although within moments of speaking, his body seemed to react in ways he had not anticipated, and he canted his head away from her to gawk at what was hanging between his legs.

Perhaps he should have felt embarrassed. It was an awkward situation for anyone else. But he saw his body reacting, felt a flood of some kind of chemical through his body, and seemed to shrug to himself - whatever, not important, the woman was more interesting than the swelling of his own parts anyhow. He murmured something similar to, Oh, and then adjusted himself again, lifting his head and watching her silhouette and the silver of her eyes.

RE: That I could be looking for - Asterr - July 19, 2016

When she had spoken, she'd done so with the desire to be obeyed, but her expectations had undoubtedly dwindled. Yet, when she'd noticed that he'd stayed even as she'd moved away, it became somewhat apparent that her words had been taken seriously. She did not know his reasoning for having listened, but was grateful all the same. To work with a being that did not go against every word spoken aloud rarely ended in mishaps, and so she'd found a new sense of peace in knowing that he was said type—but how quickly the feeling had faded upon feeling his gaze. His stare made her feel uncomfortable, and she'd shifted beneath it several times over. The metaphorical knotting of her stomach remained visible, her expression and demeanor as a whole acting as a display screen for her worries alone. That which made her feel nearly sick, or as if she could control nothing. The feeling was not at all enjoyable, fueled, perhaps, by his claim of harmless intentions.

True or not, she was skeptical, for nothing about him was familiar to her. She could not look at him and see the life he lived, nor could she understand the way in which he operated. To her he could exist only as an unknown variable, a blind spot within her plans. And though the desire to leave still burned in the back of her mind, she could not move, curiosity of the stranger having grown. She wanted to know why he had listened, as well as what his intentions were if not to cause any damage. They were the only reasons for her lingering presence, she'd told herself. Always had she possessed a strong desire to learn, whether it be of remedies or the workings of wolves as both a species and individuals, and so it was that section of her nature that had been given the blame for her reluctance to depart. Rather than confirming such a claim with the presentation of questions, however, Asterr had kept quiet and still. Neither a nod nor dismissal shake of her head had been offered, searching for a way in which she might speak without coming off as intrusive.

Yet, the questions had never come even after being formed, for he'd turned away then to inspect himself. She'd needed not to follow his gaze in order to piece together where he was glancing, his action having forced her to feel embarrassed for him, since he could not feel it for himself. Her head had turned, lowering as she'd refused to look his way again, and finding herself at a total loss for words. How someone might respond to having witnessed such a thing, she did not know, and so silence had been opted for. Though his gaze could be felt, still, upon her, she could not bring herself to meet it.

RE: That I could be looking for - Tetsubō - July 22, 2016

He had a lord whose word he followed, whose laws he would adhere to, but that was back upon the sand. Here he felt separated from all of that; as one might compartmentalize between a workplace and a home, Tetsubo's mind was reliable in its ability to do the same. This situation was separate from all others. An instance of confusion, yes, of his body doing things against his will, things he did not understand. But an instance none-the-less. Removed from the earthly binds that kept him rooted to the depths and his master.

It did not bother him to obey this dark woman's commands. In fact, as his body continued to grow rigid in her presence, he wished for more instruction. For someone to make sense of this strangeness. Yet she was looking away, and he could not discern the reason from the limited information he had acquired. So the boy, knowingly pushing aside her order to stay back, eased forward just an inch or two, as if to test the limits of her binding command; he reached for her, breathing her scent but mostly imploring with his eyes that she look. This stranger appeared to know something he himself did not, and he was desperate for an explanation — at the very least, she could explain the strange expression upon her face, and why his presence ilicited such a response.

Tetsubo knew he was not a poorly built fellow, nor an ugly one. He had no scars to mar his flesh to the degree so as to unnerve others; not that he'd be aware of their revulsion. He knew that to some, he was pleasing to the eye. There were women of his tribe that looked upon him with their faces contorted, and men also, although they had lost their interest with his maturation. So now why did this woman — who to Tetsubo could have been the nether incarnate —  look away? 

Thinking abruptly that this could have been a test, he withdrew from his subtle lean, essentially retreated, dipped his nose and averted his gaze as if he had been struck upon the nose. Tetsubo had ignored her command to some degree, testing those limits. It was wrong of him. If this was his punishment, he would take it - but still, the boy was quite perplexed, and the feeling between his legs only grew, which made him fidget uncharacteristically.

RE: That I could be looking for - Asterr - July 22, 2016

For several moments, she'd kept her gaze off of him with her head turned away. She knew not how to respond to what had happened, and so her solution was to ignore the situation until she was no longer able to do so. To allow for several minutes in which she did not have to regard him, where she could then ease her mind and push past his doings. It was a natural occurrence—she'd told herself this time and time again, the words having slowly but surely started to take effect. He'd been unable to prevent it, and that was that. Though why he'd chosen to examine himself still eluded her, not knowing of his own confusions. By the time he'd leaned towards he, she'd felt herself prepared to witness him once again, and so his request had been responded to.

When she'd glanced back at him, the inches that had been stolen from the space between them had nearly gone unnoticed. It was when her eyes had scanned over his body—she liked to believe that it was against her will—that she'd noticed the change in his posture; a slight tilt of his body, nose closer to her form than it'd previously been. Since he'd taken no steps, she'd said nothing of his shift and had instead removed her stare from him once more. Asterr did not view his act as having gone against her order, for his entire body had not moved and that was what she'd been most concerned about. An approach made by his entire self, an intrusion of her personal space. She was not so harsh in her ruling to expect that he move not even an inch.

Their thoughts were not the same, however, but that was something she'd remained unaware of. As she'd stolen another glimpse his way, she'd been met with a stance that could not quite be understood. It was most peculiar, this time making it so she did not look away. With knitted brows her maw had parted, voice readying itself as her fascination grew. "What are you doing?" the girl had asked, a slight tilt to her head being displayed. "Has something hit you?" A falling rock, perhaps, or some other type of gift from the birds that roosted there? It was out of habit and her need to assist others in need that she'd taken a hesitant step forward, silently insisting that he look up so that she could better inspect him.

RE: That I could be looking for - Tetsubō - July 23, 2016

Yes, he murmured without much force, for it was the truth, although it was not what affected him now. She was looking at him now though, and that made him feel -- something. It was in his groin mostly, the pit of his belly, his chest, his face - like a fever, and she was spreading it through him with every moment of presence they shared. Yes, he surmised, yes, this was a creature of the nether like himself. It seemed only fitting then that the two of them be united. But he did not voice such thoughts yet - still focused upon her question. When I arrived to this place, I was struck down by a force. I do not know what it was. My body aches, but I function. 

He lurched a step towards her then, as if to prove his point, and inhaled, to which his lungs did rattle. His teeth set in a grimace and briefly Tetsubo looked away from her, but he was quick to look back again, because to look away seemed wrong somehow. She was a creature of the same force as himself; an entity of the nether, drawing strangeness out of his body the likes he had never experienced. Before anything else could be said, he blurted, Why do you call to me this way? Because in truth, he was curious. Confused too, because the fire in his belly was such a strange and unwelcome phenomenon. Tetsubo swallowed dryly and shifted so that she could look upon him, advancing another step, breathing the woman's heavy perfume in. What is this you have done to me?

RE: That I could be looking for - Asterr - July 23, 2016

Confirmation was delivered, though she knew not, still, what exactly was the cause of his posture. As she'd tasted the air, no blood was detected, and so she knew not where to begin. Yet when he spoke, the pieces all seemed to fall into place—even if it didn't quite explain the dipping of his nose, which she'd related to a physical impact having been made. She could understand, to a certain degree, what was happening to him. Never did she speak of it, though, having gone quiet instead. Did he not know of how nature worked, or was she merely being played? Of course, she'd opted for the former, against viewing anyone in a negative way. But if he was unaware, then did that make him him harmless or all the more dangerous? It had been pondered for a moment or two, until finally she'd chosen to label it as undecided. Observations would eventually reveal the truth.

His step towards her had the girl wanting to step back further but, somehow, she'd kept from doing so. A question, another step, and then one last query. She'd held fast to her spot, preventing herself from heading away by focusing on that which had been asked. "I do not call to you, nor have I done anything," she'd responded. "It is not due to any earthly being that you are like this." It was simply nature. Asterr could not will what he was experiencing away any better than she could adjust her body's current state. It was not up to them, she knew, and so her ability to assist him had vanished almost entirely.

RE: That I could be looking for - Tetsubō - July 23, 2016

She was lying to him. He could tell by the tone of her voice that there was something hidden there, that she was holding something back, and initially he felt a spark of anger, but the more she spoke the more he learned, and so that anger was stowed away. If she did not call him here then why had he come? And if she did not make his body respond in these strange and alien ways, what did? The only answer was, the nether, for it was a world beyond this one. A second world laying dormant beneath the first, where once he had lived, until his formation in this place. That was what he had been taught, and so he believed it. But if it was the other world that made him well and grow agitated, then what did it call for him to do?

But what am I to do? What is this for, as he spoke he seemed to loose his agitation upon her, for it flavored his words, but Tetsubo did not move any further; not at first. He made a face like a grimace, perhaps to showcase his frustration, and his tail began to lash behind him. And then, as he drifted a little closer again, he began to slink around her with his nose inhaling her scent, searching for the origin. It was everywhere, that scent. So thick and so alluring — reaching in to him and pulling out pieces he did not know were present. He went so far as to bury his nose in to the scruff of her fur, but he did not harm her, only breathed, breathed and moaned more words like a drunken fool, what spell has been cast? 

He was so close to her now. So very, very close. Yet it did not seem like enough. He needed to be closer, to mix with her, for the two of them to become a single entity — and to Tetsubo this did not indicate a need for sex, as he was utterly without thoughts upon that subject, but he still viewed this strange dark woman as the physical manifestation of this other world, and what more could he want than to be reunited with such a place?

RE: That I could be looking for - Asterr - July 23, 2016

What was he, or even she, supposed to do? She could answer what it was for with ease, the words having already formed on her tongue, but what were either of them to do about it? The obvious answer was clear, but she'd pushed it aside as her search for a better solution began. Anything would do at that point, for no longer could she find it in herself to leave him there alone. As long as his confusion lingered, she'd feel a need to clear things up for him. Her initial desire to get away had since faded, overthrown by something far greater. If she could explain to him what was going on, perhaps she could then teach him, too. Make him learn to control himself, turn him into the opposite of Jolon. While she had no desire to lead him home, she did wish to ensure that those he'd surely meet in the future would not be forced into anything. That she would succeed in teaching him, and then hope that her words stuck.

Slowly, her lips had parted, yet closed had they then become in response to his touch. Acting on impulse, she'd allowed for herself to lean into him, only to quickly correct her stance no more then a moment later. "This is for the creation of new life," came her response, voice having been found. "But you need not do anything. You control yourself, outside influences do not." It was not required that either of them do anything, no matter if nature willed it. With control being executed, they could simply remain there, lingering as two without any real need for the other. "There is no spell, you are bound by nothing," the words were spoken with ease, head turning so that she might better regard him. "You are able to do as you please." For the most part, that was true. He could leave or he could stay, he could keep away or he could reach forward—even she could not truly control his doings, should her requests be deemed unimportant. They acted as singular beings, and so it was only by their own desires that they should be expected to operate.

There was something strange about the male, but it did not feel to her as if they were one in the same. Where she lived as a dragon within a body that could be supported by the earthly plane, he seemed to be different. Perhaps he was something, but certain was she that the same flame did not burn within the both of them. He listened, whereas a dragon would not, his aura seeming cool instead of warm like a raging fire.

RE: That I could be looking for - Tetsubō - July 28, 2016

As she spoke to him, he understood. Maybe not as much as she'd hoped, but some of what she said did resonate within him. The intoxication of her presence aside, Tetsubo was not the type to let his own body have dominion over his desire; he was well trained to ignore his body to a great extent, perhaps too thoroughly, as he had long ago mastered the ability to ignore his pain. So too he could ignore this desire for pleasure - because he didn't know it was pleasure his body sought, despite the fire in his groin. He knew, from her explanation, that what he wanted stemmed from procreation to some degree; but Tetsubo knew that it was taboo. That his kind - the beasts of the nether - were not the same as those bound to this earth. He knew she was different too, in the same regard. Whatever tempted him close to her, pulled him in and tested him in this way, it was not meant for him.

Thus, when she finished speaking, he withdrew from her. It pained him to some degree - in ways that made no sense to him, and he did not grasp for any understanding, but at the same time Tetsubo was curious - yet it was clear to him this was a test. Some kind of learning experience. Maybe something presented to every beast at some point in their life once they had found a master and lord to serve. He pulled back, her scent still flooding his senses, tugging at him to be close, close, close, and yet the boy chose to put distance between them instead, silent and watchful, as if he were a student awaiting the next stage of a lecture.

RE: That I could be looking for - Asterr - August 03, 2016

As her words were concluded, he'd pulled away, and she knew then that his decision was made. Where others were lacking, he certainly was not, his art of control being something that she found to be most fascinating. It was discovered in that moment that there existed nothing for her to teach him, her previous worries of another Jolon-like incident taking place in the future having since faded away. "You manage yourself well," was all she could say in regards to his doings, her own gaze lingering upon his features in the same manner as one might look at an award. She'd readjusted herself, then, allowing for her body to move into a sitting position. While she could think of nothing more that might be taken away from their encounter if she were to linger, she'd found herself unable to leave just yet.

"What is your name?" the girl had asked, seeking something by which she could call him. There burned within her a need to know of his origins, as well as of where he'd learned to master such an impressive level of self-control. Yet, neither question had been presented, pushed aside and left abandoned instead.

RE: That I could be looking for - Tetsubō - August 04, 2016

If there was one thing that could be said for Tetsubo, is that he excelled when it came to control. Whether he was aware of his own self or not, he knew when to act and when not to. And as her words fell upon his ears, he did not even smile, did not make a sound, for he knew it to be true — and her statement needed no confirmation, for she was just now admitting it. Yes, he had himself under quite a lot of control. It helped that she had explained the purpose of his reaction, though. Had she not - or had she run - things might have ended differently. It was difficult enough for Tetsubo to conceive of this dark woman as anything other than the embodiment of the nether, as some kind of force, and that was also a reason why she was safe. The boy could not harm her, could not do a thing to her, without her own consent — she had the power because she was a part of him.

Her question startled him however. As he knew her, understood her (or thought he had some kind of understanding), Tetsubo thought she would feel the same within him. That they were connected - with no need for words - and the question made his thoughts, already quite insignificant, cease althogether. Tetsubo, he announced; she had asked for it, and he would freely give it, for she had the power. I am loyal to Skellige, I serve as a bushido, as he is my lord. Those things she did not ask for, but he was... Not proud, but not afraid, of her knowing these things. It was almost like he needed to tell her these things to verify himself, as a soldier might voice some sort of identification to a superior.

RE: That I could be looking for - Asterr - August 04, 2016

In the way by which he'd thought them connected, she could not see. When she looked upon him, she could not see a being that was the same as herself, but something different entirely. Power, as was a simple way of putting it, but not a dragon. This she did not hold against him, however, for doing so was not in her nature. She could respect him for what he was but, aside from that, could not feel as if she was bound to him in any which way. They were but two beings, similar at times, perhaps, but not of one another. They couldn't be, from her understanding, for never before had there existed two vessels at once—and especially not with one of said vessels possessing not a trace of blood relation to the Draconid Tribe.

When a name was offered, though, she'd wondered briefly if she'd perhaps been wrong. For slipping from his tongue had come a moniker that she was familiar with, followed by a word that she'd learned of as a child. And though her knowledge of it suggested something other than a title, per se, she'd reasoned with his usage enough to understand; she'd believed herself to understand, at least, and spoke with such a notion being present within her mind. "Your lord should be proud to have you," was what she'd started with. "You seem deserving of such an honourable title." The way by which he seemed to live made it suit him well. Though she'd spent little time learning of bushido, and had met but one individual living under the code, he'd felt him to be a wonderful example of such.

Engulfed by the new knowledge, she'd nearly forgotten to fulfill her end of the introduction. And so it was with a break in between her speech that she'd then chosen to share he own name. "I am Asterr, a Miko of the Draconid Tribe, but a chieftess within these lands." Referring to herself as one of the Miko was something that she had not done in quite a long while, for few, she knew, were capable of understanding. Yet, she'd wondered if he might know, and so the information was something offered.

RE: That I could be looking for - Tetsubō - August 04, 2016

A cheiftess? It surprised him at first. That his kind could amount to anything but lowly soldiers, to anything above the obedient dog that he had been cultivated into, made his brow raise. Yet it seemed fitting; with all her mannerisms, her great ability to manipulate the space and control it, control him, perhaps it wasn't so far-fetched as he believed. Perhaps this was only one of the many uses the nether had for its vessels. Yet at the same time, Tetsubo did not apply such thoughts to himself. She may have been a powerful entity (and he believed this thoroughly) but he, as a warrior and a follower, knew he was not expected to reach such heights. Tetsubo was destined to enforce the laws of others, not create his own. He would not know where to start.

The rest of what she said, while being polite, did not matter to Tetsubo. He heard it simply because of his proximity to her, and let the information sink in to the back of his mind — in case, in the future, Skellige were to inquire about the dark woman — but aside from this, Tetsubo did not give any indication or further conversation in return. He watched her. He listened, he watched, he waited, as if preparing to be dismissed by his superior, although he stared vacantly ahead of himself with his gaze cast away from her shadowed face. After a few moments of silence (wherein she had finished her announcement and he, having nothing more to do, felt as if she were waiting for him to do something), Tetsubo cleared his throat and murmured, Do you have need of me?

For he still felt the pull of her spell - or whatever energy had displaced his mood, manipulated his body and his desires - but he held himself in firm control, and would continue to, lest she put him to use; and oddly, he felt a great need like never before, and in the back of his mind was hoping she would order him to -- well, he didn't know what. But to do something that would end the fire in his belly.

RE: That I could be looking for - Asterr - August 06, 2016

A question had arisen, one of which she'd not felt herself prepared to answer. There was a need, a desire, but it was something that could be ignored by her if attentions were left to linger elsewhere. She could think with reason, still, to a certain degree. Yet, in spite of this, she'd found herself wondering of his words. In regards to his candidacy, he'd not be a terrible runner, body lacking in deformities and overall health seeming well enough. The final decision was, however, not hers to make. There was a greater power whose opinion was deemed necessary, and so she'd sought him out within the recesses of her mind, but it was without results. For though the beast was still found to rest there, his presence was not as pressing, having been sent into a state of dormancy. It left her at a loss for words, as well as with an inability to make a decision swiftly.

The choice was something she could make on her own, in truth, and this she knew. Still, it was left as something she'd not allow for herself to give a definite answer on, mind heavy with thoughts of what was fair and what was not. To command him was not her place, believing he possessed a right to think and act for himself despite how obedient he might show himself to be. And so it was after a moment's thought that she'd asked, "Would you like for me to have a need of you?" Draco was lost to his slumber, his opinion unable to be offered or felt. It was as if she was acting blindly, her guide missing with no word of his return having been heard. Asterr considered what he might do—she truly had—and so no matter the choice made, it would be respected.

RE: That I could be looking for - Tetsubō - August 10, 2016

Would he like..? Such a question made little sense to the boy, and while he heard her words, he did not know how to respond. In some regard yes, he needed to be given direction. He craved it. All that he was depended on all that they were; the lord he followed, the strangers he met, and especially of her, because she was the embodiment of so much. She was the darkness, like himself. She knew the struggles that he faced, at least in his own mind he believed this; and yet she asked this of him? How peculiar.

Yes, he finally answered. Although he was just as simple-tongued as before, and rough, there was a weakness to the tone of his voice. As if he were admitting something to her - and himself - that he was unsure of. Truthfully Tetsubo was unsure, but he was more nervous about the question than his answer. He did not understand it. Was she asking him for his opinion? For he had none, and would never. Was she asking him for what he desired? For all he desired was that his lord be pleased with him, or that the nether (that which she represented to him) be pleased. 

Do you have need of me? He asked again, and once again his tone was oddly soft and weak. As if he were crooning his love to her, except he could not feel such a thing, and merely desired direction and purpose. Tetsubo could still feel the burning in the pit of his stomach and the fire in his skin, the strangeness in his groin, but he was left to wait, and stood watchfully before the dark woman with the hopes that it could be alleviated. Or maybe, as he was far more simple than that, maybe he just needed to be dismissed before he would leave her - if he could leave her.

RE: That I could be looking for - Asterr - August 10, 2016

The answer that she'd wished to receive was unknown, even to her, as she'd not the capacity currently to form worthwhile opinions. She could only act upon the thoughts that flitted through her mind and the instincts than had only recently escaped their prison, the former being something she was used to, but the latter almost entirely foreign. Asterr was not a creature of impulse, she never had been, and so it felt almost unnatural for her to give in to nature. To listen to what instincts told her to be correct, rather than herself; to her, it was almost as if the two things were entirely different, when, in fact, they had always been one and the same.

Again, she was asked a question, a repetition of his previous one. Though this time she could not return it with one of her own, for already had she been given the necessary answer. "Yes," was her reply this time around. In spite of her internal uncertainty, her voice had remained sturdy, neither raising nor lowering in pitch. "I have need for you." The words felt strange upon her tongue, for never would she have spoken them to anyone had her heat never arrived. But it had, and she had, and there was no way for her to take it back. Already had she advanced, drawing closer to him but refraining from closing the distance entirely just yet.

"I need for you to relinquish what control you have over yourself," was her request, eyeing him as any sort of reaction was sought after. "I need for you to take me—to ease the troubles that I am sure we both feel." If given the opportunity to do so, she'd reach out to him, then. Her neck would stretch so that her nose could be pressed to his chin, an attempt at offering reassurance; a hope, perhaps, that what she'd asked of him would be fine.

RE: That I could be looking for - Tetsubō - August 11, 2016

The silence between them was momentary, but felt endless to him, and it was painful. It pained him more than the strange sensations within his body did; agitated him. Tetsubo could hold himself in place for as long as she needed, and waited primarily for her to dismiss him, because thus far they had been at a stand-still, stalemated by the oddness of it all. Yet she did not send him away as he thought (or perhaps desired, somewhere in the thick of his mind). When next she spoke, his attention was wholly upon her voice, and his head lifted just slightly as if to gauge her facial features for clues — he may not have understood the emotions carried by others, but he could read them, he could identify the signals present. Except she was passive as she spoke, and there was a strangeness to her that Tetsubo could not identify, for all his studies.

And when the full weight of her words caught up to him, he remained standing firm before her, as the boy did not know what she truly requested. Take her? Did she have a destination? Or was this code? Perhaps this was the way the nether thought to manifest through her — and he clutched that thought desperately. If this was the nether speaking, he would do as instructed. Take you, he murmured, and while it did not sound so suggestive as the manner in which she had said it, there was a salacious quality to the phrase that could not be avoided. He breathed deeply, like a locomotive gathering its fire before leaving the station, and stepped closer to her, but did not touch her. Tetsubo did not know how to proceed, or what he was meant to do, so he fell back on instinct and let himself rest, while his body reacted separate from himself.

His nose moved close, as if he were going to nuzzle in to the scruff of her neck, but he did not touch her. He inhaled the scent of her heat - not knowing what it was, still, despite the conversation - and then as if drugged, walked around her. It took time. He did not rush to climb atop her as another might, for he was not eager for this experience, except to complete the task and set her free, to rid her of these troubles she spoke of. The scent was stronger behind her, so he moved there. He followed the scent along her side and to her hip, and dipped his head at her groin as if to look there, but the darkness of her fur created more mystery. As he rounded upon her hips and squared off behind her, Tetsubo realized the scent was strongest here. 

Not knowing what to do, he stood behind Asterr waiting for something — perhaps acceptance, but more likely instruction, as this was not something he had ever been trained in, and the newness of it all was... Unfathomable.

RE: That I could be looking for - Asterr - August 13, 2016

That a greater explanation—further instructions—would be necessary should have been expected. She'd not taken the time to consider all the components of their encounter, however, nor had she factored into play the composure of the male. It was unlike her to have moved forth so recklessly, for she'd not considered all of the possible outcomes, only the one. It bothered some sense of self within her, irritating the portion of her mind that was still there considering everything as it was taken in. It was but a small sector, incapable of weighing against the majority of her mind that had been taken over by selfish desires. Had it been greater in size, perhaps she'd have had the mental capacity to realize that she was acting in an unfit manner. That she was thinking more about herself than of the well-being of another, which was most unfortunate. The turn that she'd taken was one she'd surely look back upon with a remnant of mortification come the future, but whilst living within the moment she couldn't find herself able to do so.

A repetition of her statement had her curious, wondering to herself if she'd been understood, and then considering whether or not it mattered either way. There existed within her a need for some sort of release, but it was not so necessary that she'd instruct the male on what to do. Lingering at the back of her mind, there lived the knowledge that she'd be fine no matter what he was to do, for perhaps her desire to stay in control surpassed the temporary longing for the touch of another. But yet again had her thoughts been jumbled as he'd moved towards her. Never did they touch, for he'd not reached out to her and she'd kept herself just as distanced. And while she'd not grasped at his passing form, his movements had been trailed after up until the point in which her hind quarters had been reached. Thereafter was when she'd looked away, preparing her physical self for that which she'd believe was coming, only to discover shortly after that he'd not moved beyond that point. It piqued her interest, to a certain extant, but the most prominent emotion felt upon realizing his stilled form was yearning; it was not the thought of his body upon her own that had inspired such a sensation, but rather a wish that all could be as composed as he was.

The very same lack of initiative that had made her desire for all souls to be as he was had resulted in her shifting. It was but a slight change, allowing for her to look upon him better without putting a great strain on the muscles in her neck. "If you know not what to do from here, then you may be dismissed," was her concluding statement, knowing herself well enough to realize that she could not teach him. To share with other bright minds as much knowledge as possible was not something that she was against, per se, but using her own body as a teaching utensil was not something she felt herself able to do. It was not the way in which she'd been raised, and so, ultimately, it was the need to keep from dishonouring her teachers that had made way for the neater variants of her thoughts to fall back into place.