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Sleeping Dragon you are made of galaxies with stardust stuck to your ribs - Printable Version

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you are made of galaxies with stardust stuck to your ribs - Antumbra - July 17, 2016

Any puppy is welcome but maybe @Freyja or @Eske?

With Gavriel gone for the time being, again, Thuringwethil has taken some time to guard the puppies. She isn’t able to spend as much time as she had before but any she gets around them is good enough for her, at least for now. When Wildfire and Gavriel returns, she hopes to pick back up with the presence in their lives as they grow into Drageda. This morning, she stops by to give Gyda time to stretch her legs and something to eat. They exchange a hug, a few comforting words, and Thuringwethil turns to the den once the mother disappears into the distance.

“Who wants to come outside?” she murmurs toward them, knowing they won’t exactly understand her, but nonetheless Thuringwethil feels the excitement.

RE: you are made of galaxies with stardust stuck to your ribs - Freyja - July 18, 2016

Freyja had discovered the very concept of sights to see. The moment her baby blue eyes had opened she'd done an awful lot of looking, but it was in the context of running around and jumping and playing and wriggling.

So when Gyda swapped with Thuringwethil and the latter made noises Rey knew to be beckoning, the soft little puppy froze for about two seconds — staring — then thundered into the daylight.

RE: you are made of galaxies with stardust stuck to your ribs - Antumbra - July 18, 2016

It doesn’t take long for her to gain attention from at least one of the puppies. The others remain peacefully sleeping on the ground while Freyja charges forward in the light spilling into the den. She can barely contain the chuckle as she inches forward, creeping downward until the first born is carefully placed between her teeth and tugged up into outside world. Gently, Thuringwethil lowers the little warrior to the ground between her paws to best contain her as the sun lightens up her pale fur.

And then, Thuringwethil buries her nose into the girl’s chest and huffs warm breaths against her.

RE: you are made of galaxies with stardust stuck to your ribs - Freyja - July 21, 2016

The lovely new sunlight didn't have much time to work its magic, for it was swiftly blacked out by Thuringwethil's great playful head. Rey giggled and wriggled like crazy, then remembered she was outside. So she planted one forepaw on (or in) Thuringwethil's mouth in an attempt to cease playtime for a moment so they could have a good old look around.

RE: you are made of galaxies with stardust stuck to your ribs - RIP Blodreina - July 23, 2016

pls excuse my lateness to this party~
Gyda left them and Eske watched her go with idle remorse — there was no longer a fear that her mother would not return. Eske knew that Gyda would return, eventually. A lofty sigh left the Grounder Princess's lips as she dolefully awaited the sitter that would take Gyda's place and though would engage them refuse her what she wanted. They all did. She'd been able to see, hear, and walk for what seemed like ever in Eske's confused interpretation of time and she was ready to go outside. To venture out of this cage they had put her in and see her lands. Okay, well, maybe not her lands but it made no difference to the child. Everything, according to Eske, was hers. Noises of beckoning came from outside the den and for a moment as Freyja charged towards the light — ugh, how dare she make the ascension before Eske! — a scowl twisted Eske's features for a second.

Not to be outdone by her elder sister the extremely competitive Spear of the Gods charged like a bull for the mouth of the den, small, excited pants leaving her lips as she burst into the sunlight. It was bright at first and she didn't even pay the customary attention to Freyja or Thuringwethil as she glimpsed around her in awe as her eyes adjusted to the sudden onslaught of light. Her eyes rapidly moved wanting to take it all in as soon as possible. She moved forward eagerly, an excited noise leaving her lips — a peal of childish laughter before she let out a shriek (eske right now), her tail wagging so hard that her butt wiggled. This was awesome!

RE: you are made of galaxies with stardust stuck to your ribs - Antumbra - July 26, 2016

She’s only given a moment with Freyja before the playing ceases and a stiff, pudgy leg presses into one of her nostrils. Her nose wrinkles up a little and she huffs, lifting her head that allows the sunshine spills across the pale girl.

Keeping her still between her paws becomes her focus so she doesn’t lose sight of her but then there’s a sudden splash of brown out the corner of her eye. She jerks her head and jerks a little to keep the area blocked off. Now having to watch two little puppies makes her nervous but they are small, easily moveable potatoes, how hard could it be?

RE: you are made of galaxies with stardust stuck to your ribs - Freyja - August 01, 2016

It was amazing, quite frankly and quite literally. Rey was amazed. The play of light out here was quite different to the light in the den, and everything smelled so much of things. She didn't know where to begin. She was twitching to chew that leaf or roll in that grass, or just run wildly towards that gorgeous horizon.

But when Eske appeared on the scene in a great thundering of paws that made her giggle, Rey turned her attention on her sibling. She gave a squeaky bark of happiness as if to tell her: look at all this!

RE: you are made of galaxies with stardust stuck to your ribs - RIP Blodreina - August 13, 2016

If Eske would have known how to swear a string of the utmost unladylike profanities would have came from her mouth when Thuringwethil jerked and blocked off her path to the free world. She had to stop suddenly, which ended up with the grounder princess skidding a bit and bumping into Heda's side with a “Oof!”. She tumbled back, blinked, squinted at her Heda, sucked in a deep breath and let out a wail that stated her protest and unhappiness about being cut off from where she wanted to go. She wasn't sure where just that she wanted to romp around in that green stuff and chase that thing that zoomed on by. She had been deceived. She had thought she was finally free of that prison den only to be cut off from truly getting to explore.

It was so unfair. A scowl twisted the princess' face and she plopped down on her bum harshly with a characteristicly grumpy “hmph.”.

RE: you are made of galaxies with stardust stuck to your ribs - Antumbra - August 14, 2016

I’m just gonna wrap this up. ^^;

Frejya’s excitement makes her smile and she longs for the day they are old enough to explore their home, to become dragons in their own right, and rule the land with Drageda blood. It gave them hope and promise for the future, that they are doing something right and with four puppies and Gyda surviving the famine only proves it. She knows she’ll miss these days when they are simple, but memories she’ll harbor for a long, long time.

Eske’s displeasure distracts her from her thoughts and she snorts, nudging the girl playfully with her nose. She lets go of the silvery puppy between her paws, giving the girls time to play with one another while Thuringwethil watches guard.