Wolf RPG
Golden Glade We're Going To Be Friends, You And Me - Printable Version

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We're Going To Be Friends, You And Me - Heartha - July 20, 2016

Heartha felt better after her talk with their alpha, Charley Pryor. He helped her after she felt down for not helping enough. But after she talked, she felt she had. She had saved Ayla, pulled her out of there. So with a skip in her step, she set off to her new den she found some time ago, tail swaying slowly behind her with her movements.

RE: We're Going To Be Friends, You And Me - Ayla - August 04, 2016

Ayla had gone to seek out Heartha. She had wanted to ask the woman some questions, she if she knew anything about the trade she wanted to pursue. Her wounds had healed up fairly well, she realized happily, though her tail would not be growing back anytime soon. She sat by the den she had helped Heartha choose, tail curled over her paws as she watched a beetle crawl over the earth.

RE: We're Going To Be Friends, You And Me - Heartha - August 04, 2016

Heartha was surprised to see someone waiting at her den for her. She was even more surprised to see who it was. She approached Ayla, pricking her ears at a slanted angle and cocking her head curiously a bit to the side. She was most curious as to why the wolf she saw injured the last time she saw her was on her denstep.

"Ayla? Is there something I can help you with?" she asked, looking her over as she tried to spot out the wound. She had no such luck from the angle she was at. But the tail, she did she quite clearly.

RE: We're Going To Be Friends, You And Me - Ayla - August 09, 2016

Ayla nodded, looking up to see Heartha. She said, rather bluntly "Yes. I'd like for you to teach me something, if you could. I'm going for my Naturalist trade, and anything you could tell me about herbs or plants would be awesome." She smiled, tail uncurling to wag behind her amiably.

RE: We're Going To Be Friends, You And Me - Heartha - August 09, 2016

Heartha felt she would be giving a bit of disappointment to Ayla. Despite having gone to learn from another pack's alpha, she doubted she could give anything of particular use she didn't already know. For Heartha still had yet to learn full basics. "I'm sorry Ayla, I don't know much." Then an idea came to mind. She did know about pregnancy herbs. "Actually, there are a few. Ready to learn?" She waited for Ayla to ready her mind to take notes.

RE: We're Going To Be Friends, You And Me - Ayla - August 09, 2016

Ayla looked crestfallen a moment, but then brightened when Heartha continued speaking. She nodded excitedly, mind ready to absorb any information the other may give to her. She wanted to know as much as possible to benefit her pack to a greater extent.

RE: We're Going To Be Friends, You And Me - Heartha - August 09, 2016

Heartha readjusted her seating on the ground, then went into teacher mode. "The first is Borage leaves. These leaves come from a plant with blue flowers growing from the middle. The leaves edges look like teeth in a way, and the leaves are a bit hairy. It helps a nursing mother with milk." She took a breath in between each description of herbs.

"The next is Rasberry leaves. Very green, and like the borage leaves the edges are like teeth, except angled forward. They grow with rasberries. It helps ease pain during birth."

"And lastly is Parsley. The opposite effect as Borage, as to keep milk being wasted. The leaves of this herb split into three little leaves, and grow in clumps. Almost like a miniature bush." She stopped there, taking a breath. That was the three she knew, a perk coming with having been a den mother.

RE: We're Going To Be Friends, You And Me - Ayla - September 07, 2016

Her eyes widened at the outpour of information, and she dipped her head gladly. "Oh. Wow. Thanks, Heartha!" she grinned, bouncing up with a surge. "I'm gonna go try and find them all now! I want to practice my gathering" she said eagerly, bouncing up on her paws and spinning, leaving abruptly as her attention suddenly jumped to this new task.