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Swiftcurrent Creek avoidant - Printable Version

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avoidant - RIP Fox - April 01, 2014

Jinx had been... oddly absent. Well, not exactly. The newly-crowned Beta had taken to avoiding Fox. Or it was just incredibly bad luck, but Fox refused to believe in such things as luck. It left a bad taste in the fireball's mouth, though she could not quite say why. She had no reason to believe that Jinx was doing anything but being a good little leader, and yet... something in Fox's gut just didn't sit well with her. Back at nearly full-strength, the yearling set out toward the borders, thinking she might catch the avoidant leader mid-patrol. If not, there was still patrolling that needed to be done.

Swiftcurrent had grown steadily in size since Fox had taken over, and she decided she would have to be more picky about who she would accept in the future. Not that any of her current followers were weak. In fact, she could not think of a single "dead weight" among the ranks. There were newcomers who would have to prove their worth, but that was an ongoing process that would not stop until Swiftcurrent ceased to exist.

RE: avoidant - Haunter - April 06, 2014

Haunter hated how the sporadic spring showers made it increasingly difficult for him to move how he wanted. The earth was thick and loamy, and having gained a considerable amount of weight and muscle mass since living more comfortably within Swiftcurrent, he sunk almost too easily in places where the ground was no longer firm. It irritated him to no ends, but the inky wolf was diligent and hunted for his pack despite the disadvantage.

He had just returned an hour ago with two stupid young rabbits clutched in his jaws, and he was digging out a cache now in which to put them in. The ground was like slosh and it clung to his fur like a desperate relationship. He ignored the weight it was adding to his legs and had soon buried the pack's food satisfyingly deep, only to be bothered by the earthworms who would take no interest in the bloody corpses.

Fox's scent came to him then, and he abandoned the cache in favor of finding her patrolling at the borders. He joined the small Alpha, loping beside her in an eased stride that would equate his longer legs to her shorter ones. "Sick of my constant presence already?" he asked out loud to his den mate, having noticed her troubled expression and mistakenly assuming that it was about him. He didn't really think it was, but at least this was the easiest way to find out.

RE: avoidant - RIP Fox - April 07, 2014

Yay, you're back! I actually wrote a reply to our other thread, but it's sitting on my computer at home, and I'm at work, so you get this. :D

Fox's attention snapped to Haunter when he spoke, startled at first, but her gaze softened when she realized it was him. "Actually, I'm missing the presence of a co-leader," she replied, "Have you seen Jinx lately?" Fox was blissfully unaware of his little near-tryst with the Beta. If she had been aware, she would have dismissed him as quickly as she had dismissed Njal as a prospect. Fox loathed those who were unfaithful, and she would have none of it. Not that she expected Haunter to be faithful to her, but knowing that he had wanted Jinx would have ruined him for her.

The rough and tumble yearling then took a step toward her roomie, as if suddenly realizing she had forgotten to greet him properly. She pressed her wet nose to his shoulder for a second, then she withdrew and waited expectantly for his answer.

RE: avoidant - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 07, 2014

I'm placing this after another post going in, but I shall be vague after this since I don't know where jinx wants it in her time line

Ferdie Von Pelt drew up to the pair another goose hanging in his mouth, He may be a horrible fisher but how he caught birds was a mystery to behold.

Truthfully he wanted to apologize to Haunter for his first days behavior, he had come a far way in learning some social skill since he first arrived. Even though he held a minutely higher rank then Haunter he did not flaunt it, he made sure to hold himself correctly, not bothering to lift his tail or his head, he didn't want to jostle for position just yet, though there would be a time when that would come.

He set the goose goose down nude to them and nudged it toward them, not caring whom would take it, His fervent hope was that his presence would be accepted.

"I have.." he offered "with a red eyed male.. there was just something off about sitri made my hackles crawl" Ferdie cringed a little to himself and then looked at Haunter, not wanted to have interrupted something he gave a sincere deferral nod of his head, hoping if not to spark small small flower of kinship then acceptance would do

RE: avoidant - Haunter - April 09, 2014

Haunter looked down at Fox idly, his mind traveling briefly to Jinx and their near-tryst before remembering that that was the reason he had been avoiding her and hadn't actually seen her since the spring festival. This was probably a good thing, as Haunter couldn't imagine himself being very good at apologies.

He shook his head in answer just as she touched her nose into his shoulder. He looked slightly pleased at the gesture, but if he had been about to smile for the first time, it was negated by the sudden appearance of Ferdie and his dead goose. Haunter was immediately irritated with himself for not noticing his presence before, but in the back of his mind he blamed Fox and her ability to completely ensnare his attention without impunity.

The Theta was interrupting but it was not Haunter's place or nature to say so. Regarding rank wasn't either. As long as he didn't feel challenged or bothered, the inky male was tolerant of company. He was so facetious about things like this that he couldn't even exactly recall their initial meeting and if Ferdie were to apologize about it, Haunter would gaze at him blankly in response.

"Jinx does seem the type to attract the skin-crawling type," he drawled in his raspy rumble; and only after a long moment in which he debated on responding to the male's words or not.

RE: avoidant - RIP Fox - April 09, 2014

Before Haunter had a chance to respond, Ferdie had apparently overheard their conversation and butted in with his own observations. And although Fox's ear flicked in mild annoyance, she was thankful for his relaying of the information. Fox had met Sitri only in passing, and to be honest, she could remember very little about that particular comrade. With their pack bursting at the seams, it was getting more difficult to keep track of everybody. It was a stark contrast to the way things had been when Fox had first arrived.

Fox quirked a brow at Haunter's comment, pondering what he meant by that, exactly. It was only then that Fox realized Ferdie had brought her a gift. She had an extremely short attention span, you see. Greedily, Fox grabbed the goose and tucked it neatly between her front paws, claiming it as her own. Flattery was a good way to win her over, and Ferdie certainly seemed to do that well, despite his hiccups in the past.

“What was she doing with Sitri?” Fox asked. Quite frankly, she was torn. She wished to garner more information from Ferdie, but she also wished for a more intimate moment with Haunter. For the time being, she awaited Ferdie's answer, but she would be quick to dismiss him once she had gained everything she could from his observations.

RE: avoidant - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 10, 2014

Ferdie shook himself his pelt though well groomed was duller then normal, no spring time matts or clumps held his coat in place and as he shook, more then a fair share of fur entered the air to be taken by the breeze, not that he noticed. He had always prided himself on keeping his pelt clean and free of debris, one might wonder where he got the time to hunt if they saw how much time he spent grooming.

Ferdie felt oddly comfortable with haunter, the male didn’t seem at all angry with him, he knew now his worry had been for nothing, and perhaps someday he would ask Haunter to a friendly spar but not in front of Fox he didn’t want to cause any more trouble.

A big smile lite Ferdie’s face as his alpha accepted the gift. He knew she held no love for him, she had been clear about that so far, the infatuation he had for her was very one sided. In the time he had gotten to know the lithe female he admired her both mind and body. He had watched her from afar as well as near, he wasn’t stalking her per-say they did live together in the same territory. Everything he had hunted for himself he had offered to her when he could, It was starting to show for below his pelt he had lost some weight.

He also watched the other wolves which was evident by the news he had to share, He knew much but be wouldn’t speak unless it was inquired upon. Fox’s words made his heart sink a little. He could tell he was about to be dismissed again, this much he had learned about Fox. He needed to harden his heart a little, being dismissed over and over would help over time; and so he offered his knowledge sadly knowing his reward... She asked me to retrieve Lecter she had said Sitri could learn Shamianc arts apparently... what ever that is... Ferdie didn’t know or understand the ways of the shaman, and after having met lecter he wasn’t about to go chasing after those ‘shamanic arts’ himself

There it was, Ferdie prepared himself to be told to leave. If asked he had would so as graciously as he could.

RE: avoidant - RIP Fox - April 27, 2014

I'm going to write Haunter out of this thread, since he's gone inactive.

Fox did not think that sounded terrible. “I guess she meant him to be another healer,” replied Fox. She did not know what kind of skills Sitri possessed, for it had been Jinx who welcomed him into the creek. Perhaps he sought Lecter so that the old man could pass down his skills to a younger apprentice. That would be wise, considering Fox thought the batshit loon was probably nearing the end of his days.

Haunter then made a move to leave, and Fox nodded to him in a silent parting. She assumed he had better things to do, and she was not about to stop him from doing whatever it was his heart desired. “Have you seen anything else?” she asked Ferdie.

RE: avoidant - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 29, 2014

When haunter left Ferdie relaxed visibly, it was less likely he'd be turned away now, so as long as he didn't embarrass himself again, perhaps he could actually get to know his alpha a little better.

Something feels off still... Ferdie frowned softly and sat down to scratch behind his ear with a rear paw, then his eyes brightened slightly as he remembered something else Oooh!! And then there is more pack members coming and going then normal. Mostly Bazi but that is normal for her and then Jinx has been in and out a lot, less and less often returning but Lecter too has been coming and going but more often then what I deemed normal for him. But other then that I have nothing else I can report

Ferdie wished now he had been able to track down a pup that went by the name of Ira or something like that for questioning but he hadn't been able to. But he'd go to the ends of the earth for Fox if she wanted him to; if she wanted more information Ferdie would find it for her, but other then this ira lead he had nothing else to offer her, he never left the packland to investigate where the others had traveled.

Ferdie shifted closer to Fox still managing to keep his seated potion he reached out gingerly toward her neck and behind her ear, There were some mats forming due to the loss of her winter coat, and it was absolutely driving him nuts seeing it there. Very gently his tugged a few times breaking the mat free and dropping it to the ground before her tugging gently upon another. only then did he think to ask if she was comfortable being groomed. I hope you don't mind... He spoke sheepishly as he continued to work the mat from behind her ear.

RE: avoidant - RIP Fox - April 29, 2014

Fox nodded in agreement, although she could not quite understand what was off about the whole thing. She made a note to track down Jinx, no matter how long it took, and get some answers out of the Kesuk. Perhaps it was nothing, and she was just being paranoid. Then again, it was likely better to err on the side of caution. Fox was still young and inexperienced, but at least she knew that about herself. It meant she could at least be prepared for the mistakes she was bound to make.

When Ferdie sat beside her and began grooming her, she tensed at first, but then allowed herself to relax. It was a gesture of friendship as far as Fox was concerned, and she made no protest to stop him. The spot he was working on was one she could not reach herself, so it only made sense for somebody else to do it. “Thanks,” she replied, giving Ferdie a bump with her head on his shoulder. “I think I’m going to go find Jinx and just ask her face-to-face what’s been going on.”

RE: avoidant - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 30, 2014

Ferdie smiled, this was the first time she had ever shared that gesture with him, though he had seen her do it to other wolfs, finally he was beginning to feel a little more accepted. He wanted to somehow tell fox he felt lost and without purpose he wanted her to know he could be more then just another useful body around here. But he had no words to portray his feelings not the fox was a wolf of many words anyway. she seemed keen on keeping things short and to the point.

Ferdie got a bit closer and sank into his regular grooming routine and it soothed him, as he nibbled his way toward her other ear carefully tugging and removing extra fur spitting tiny matts out as gracefully as he could.. nibble nibble hold pelt lift head flick tongue, nibble nibble hold pelt that wants to let go lift head flick tongue. Ferdie Von Pelt was an expert at grooming this brute rarely had fleas they could not escape his grooming rituals.

He offered his last bit of knowledge of these course of events, "It might be best to track her down, all I can tell you is she is not currently here she left at dawn.

He continued to groom her and likely would until either she got up and left or when he was satisfied her pelt of fully groomed but that could take him an hour or more. Not that he'd ever complain about doing his favorite activity.

RE: avoidant - RIP Fox - April 30, 2014

Fox stuck around for a few more moments, allowing Ferdie to groom her before she grew restless in her desire to find and talk to Jinx. “Take care, Ferdie,” she said as she departed, feeling somewhat better about the state of things. It was true that she had a harder time warming up to Ferdie. To her, he seemed childish and unlearned, lacking that finesse that she felt should be intrinsic in all wolves. Alas, she could not fault him for trying, and try he did.

The yearling trotted off toward the borders, hoping to pick up Jinx's scent somewhere along the way. Little did she know that her beta would soon break off and take roughly half of the pack with her in the process.

RE: avoidant - Ferdie Von Pelt - May 01, 2014

Ferdie watched her go with a sigh, after she was long gone from his sight he reached his head done and sniffed the fur he had removed from her, She had a warm scent at least. With one more glance in the direction she had left Ferdie stood slowly and walked in the opposite direction deeper into the pack land. With both Alpha and Beta gone he'd have to keep a keener eye out for the pack.