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Wapun Meadow Ease my Mind - Printable Version

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Ease my Mind - Xinuata - April 02, 2014

OOc: Takes place several days after the avalanche. Keeping details kind of vague

All this time since the first warming to signal its coming, she had been excited for spring. But as the season was growing out of its infancy, the expecting female was finding that her hopes of a prosperous and possibly joyous time were consistently dashed, in one form or another. She had taken to the season with puppyish youth, looked to it with eyes hazed with mirth… and yet, she felt not the true sense of the season in her heart. Only disappointment, and eventual depression.

This day, she found herself overwhelmed by the heavy feeling and left the borders of the Vale without word. She was certain there would be a single red eye watching her progress from the mountain top, yet even then she did not care, nor did she fear the consequences. She wanted time, peace to herself, wherein she might find the hope if not the motivation to smile once more with ambitions for the future.

She had followed the progress of the creek in a near lethargic state, never minding the borders where the dwellers made their home. The woman would not try for their ear again. Such efforts had proved to be wasted time and time again. Instead, she turned to grounds only ever seen from a distance; the little paradise of beds in which the radiant flowers made their home. The meadow was fragrant, of this she was glad for, and for a moment she allowed herself to wallow in their graces. With eyes closed and body relaxed, she bathed in their aroma til the whole of her was lost within it. Only a single auburn ridge stood visible amidst their colors. Wavering softly in the breeze as it would be with any flower.

RE: Ease my Mind - Bazi - April 06, 2014

It hadn't occurred to Bazi until recently that scouting could be done much closer to home - that in fact, this was probably more beneficial to the Creek wolves than far-flung excursions to the beach.

Today she headed south, drawn by the scent of budding blooms. Wapun Meadow had been quick to take full advantage of the improving temperatures, and many of its delicate inhabitants were reaching out their colourful arms to bask in the sunshine. It was the young Lambda's intention to lay among them, inhaling the fresh, new scent of spring until her nose burned. Even arctic wolves grew tired of winter, and Bazi was no exception.

But someone else had beat her to it. If it hadn't been for the tuft of brown hair that peeked out between the petals, she might not have noticed (the scent of wolf was impossible to pick out here). The yearling flattened her ears in a display of caution and made a low, huffing noise to catch the stranger's attention without startling them into action. They were technically beyond the borders, but still - Swiftcurrent Creek was only a short sprint away. "Hello?"

RE: Ease my Mind - Xinuata - April 06, 2014

Peace came in the rolling breeze among the flowers, tickling the sense of the lounging beast by nose and grace of touch. It was soothing, not unlike what she had once found in the Vale but was now nothing more than a bed frigid rock and ice. Nature had dealt upon them a relentless blow, though it was of a higher design, she could not yet find the positive of it. Many had been lost while only the broken had been found. She could not begin to understand what would bring about this change. What wrong had been down by the earth-dwellers below to bring about the vengeful breath of fate. Or perhaps, it had not been the will of fate at all… and nature was simply a cruel and trifling force that offered peace as well as destruction.

Sighing softly, the female rolled to her side to better allow the sun to warm her cooling fur, but then a stout ear swiveled forward as a soft voice rose above the whispers of the meadow breeze. Youthful in its tone, but not without an understandable air of caution. In turn, the female uttered a throaty grumble having heard. But did not raise her head above her nest of flowers nor did she raise her lids above a heavily shrouded glance.

RE: Ease my Mind - Bazi - April 06, 2014

Bazi waited, but only received an irritated noise in return. She lowered her head and crept closer, making each footstep as obvious as she could. A breeze parted the stalks ahead of her, and she caught sight of a gargantuan, cream-coloured wolf - four times Bazi's age and nearly twice her size - snoozing quietly amongst the greenery. Up close, she smelled vaguely of trees and mountain air. A distinctly Vale smell. Bazi's heart leaped into her throat and stayed there, but she manged to quell her instinct to say the first thing that came to mind. "Are you alone?" she queried, casting a nervous glance about the meadow. It would seem so, but her sense of smell was impaired by the blooms - smaller wolves than this one might very well be hiding under the canopy of petals.

RE: Ease my Mind - Xinuata - April 06, 2014

In few words, she had made her presence clear, yet the inquisitive nature of the girl brought her closer perhaps to assess the origin of this strange creature fixated on her state of repose. Again, the female’s ear bent forward though it was with more opened, attentive eye that she received the younger female. Slowly, she curled herself forward then braced her paws beneath her to shift into a sitting position. Her movements were slow and deliberate, indicative that she carried no ill intention toward the youth… even as her nostrils drank in the musk of the Creek among the fragrance of the spring blooms. Xi’nuata breathed as her curled her tongue over her lips. She sat there for a moment, solitary aside from the pale female under her sights.

“I am,” she answered honestly, openly. Her voice was but a whisper hardly rising over the sigh of the breeze. “If you seek company, it is unlikely your Alpha will be pleased with your present choice.” Again she wet her lips, tasting a bit of pollen on the flat of her tongue. “Where is your company, young one?” Surely the regulations of the Creek were not so lax that they would let and young wolf wander on their own without protection. But then if this were the case, she would not have found herself surprised. The wolves of the Creek were odd, if not disappointing in some manner.

RE: Ease my Mind - Bazi - April 06, 2014

Bazi's nostrils flared. She was stressed, and it manifested itself plainly upon her face This wolf was alone and committing no crime, but whatever Bazi chose to do - engage her in conversation or depart - she risked punishment from Fox. Even outright aggression, the least desirable choice, might land her in trouble - the alpha had spoken of 'tension', but Bazi's solution to tension was to diffuse it, not fan the flames.

"I'm scouting," she told Xi'nuata, ears twitching nervously. "Alone, too." A long pause followed. "If I don't tell you that you're very close to Swiftcurrent Creek, and advice you to leave - or at least tread cautiously - I think that I might risk my place in the pack. But you are alone, and you like flowers..." the yearling trailed off, chewing hard on her next sentence to soften it. "You do just like flowers, don't you?"

RE: Ease my Mind - Xinuata - April 06, 2014

The ignorance of youth was oddly tolerable to witness, more so because there was a time when the warden had been much the same. Unaware of the complicated makings of the world, instructed with only she need know of what to do and whom to follow. She imagined that the youth’s place in the pack was under similar regulations to ensure it would be maintained. And though while she was sympathetic to it, she was not wholly generous as to regard it without difficulty.

The woman simply smiled to the youth though made no move to rise nor intent to harm. “I do enjoy the flowers,” she shared with little hesitation. “And it is doubtful your warning would send me elsewhere.” Truth be told, unless it was the whole of the pack to rain down on her, she was quite confident that her place in the meadow was secure. Regardless of how close to the Creek borders it might have been.

“Does your Alpha not require you to scout further from the borders?” she inquired gently in genuine interest. For one that was inclined to keep to their own lands more, it was odd that she would permit them to venture from their home. Unless what was said had been a means to discourage further opportunities peace.

RE: Ease my Mind - Bazi - April 07, 2014

"I do enjoy the flowers."

Bazi nodded. This felt ridiculous - like asking a distant relative to punish a dog several weeks after it committed the crime. She had no problem with a single Vale wolf enjoying the flowers, and Fox probably didn't either (nor would anyone want Bazi to throw herself into a stupid fight that she wouldn't win, and damage relations further). But Fox was young and new to the job, and having the Vale troop in had been taken as an affront to her leadership. Things had spiraled out of control from there. Shar-Kali would have greeted them with an entourage of her strongest wolves - Zambiya and Zimri, most likely - and agreed on a set of open-ended, mutually beneficial terms. Hunt while the goings good, but when it isn't, expect to fight for every scrap. Packs clashed violently in the sparser months, but they had been prepared for that eventuality, and accepted it. Disputes were settled in the field, and tensions never rose.

Bazi desperately wanted to share her thoughts with Xi'nuata, but it would not have been appropriate. She was still on probation, and disagreeing with the alpha - however young - was a good way to get exiled. The yearling shifted uncomfortably, but wouldn't sit. "I do, often," she assured the Vale Gamma. "Just not today." A moment of tense, ponderous silence followed. "I -.. she doesn't.. " There was a deep sigh of exasperation. "I have to follow Fox," she said finally. "I have to do what she says, I have to." Her gaze yearned for understanding, pleaded for it. "But I like flowers too, and there are plenty of flowers in spring for everyone. And if I find a flower in the winter, and you're sitting on it... then we'll deal with that fight when it comes." It wasn't a particularly elegant metaphor, but Bazi was a woman of many words - not necessarily good ones.

RE: Ease my Mind - Xinuata - April 07, 2014

OOC: Love the metaphor! But it went waaaaay over her head

Intrigue touched her brows, but only by a twitch, as the youth stumbled over herself in explanation. All that she could immediately gather was that the youth had a passion for the flowers… and for some reason she could fight against the Vale wolf if she sat on them? Blatantly, the she-wolf turned her muzzle down to where her plump rump was seated, then raised a questioning brow to the youth.

Follow Fox? An ill-advised step for the young one, in her opinion. The lead was youth and brash; quick to play the part of a lead without knowing truly what the role entailed. It went beyond looking to oneself and comforts. It was an aspect the warden felt the spirited female was sorely lacking. However, she thought better than her share her thoughts with the young girl as she did not wish to disturb her peace with an undoubtedly programmed display of misplaced loyalty and devotion.

“Please…do speak clearly,” she requested instead. “If there are plenty of flowers for all, then what difference does it make if I sit on one? Winter or otherwise?” Her head canted slightly in question. Perhaps they were not talking of flowers any longer?

RE: Ease my Mind - Bazi - April 07, 2014

Bazi's face fell. Xi'nuata looked down at the actual, literal flowers under her rump, then back at the snowy riddler with but one request - speak clearly. She had no choice, now. The weight of her flimsy loyalty gave way to that of her conscience, and she spilled the whole thing out in one breath. "I mean to say that I don't really mind - if you sit here, or hunt here - if it comes to winter and we're all short of prey, so be it, we'll fight for it then. But I like spring, and we might all die of disease before the next winter anyway!" The yearling shut her mouth with a muted snap. That was that, then. If so much as a sentient particle of air carried that message to the leadership, she could kiss the Creek goodbye.

RE: Ease my Mind - Xinuata - April 07, 2014

Perhaps her words had struck something of a chord, for in an instant she was bombarded with a single breath explanation. The woman’s ears jerked back and brows perked at this sudden, yet damning confession. She hadn’t the prior knowledge of knowing how Fox handled those within her pack, but surely she would not approve of blatant disregard, especially if this youth believed she had to follow her lead’s orders. Considering the level of tension between the groups, if such word reached her ears… The warden’s brows lowered as a single ear twitched in thought.

“Such thoughts are wasted on the Creek,” she began softly. Her head shook slightly as a genial smile crept to her lips. “If that is how you feel, are you not permitted to express it? Surely even your leader would listen to a sensible tongue.” Subtly she tipped her head as her tails gently swept at the budding blossoms behind her, fanning the flames of thought in both her and the youth. “Or… do you fear the consequences if you speak your thoughts aloud?” The fact that she had not already been run off by the girl gave rise to the belief that perhaps not all supported the thoughts of their lead, as well as not all those within the Creek supported this senseless isolation in favor of avoidance. If there could be one among then, then perhaps this girl would make two…

RE: Ease my Mind - Bazi - April 08, 2014

Clarifying Bazi's misinterpretation of her conversation with Fox slightly - timelines are hard when they move at different paces! :D

The youth fidgeted nervously. In fairness, Fox had not given her an ultimatum - she had told Bazi to interact with the Vale wolves as she pleased, but on her head be it if her actions resulted in trouble later down the line. The Lambda had interpreted it as 'do whatever you want', but spoken in Girl, and that was a complex language indeed.

"No, I.." By this point, Bazi's frustration was at a peak, and she let off steam with a long, labored sigh. "I wasn't actually told to chase you off," she admitted, "I was told to do whatever I want, as long as it doesn't harm the pack. She's not crazy, you shouldn't think ill of her - I think she's just very protective. I just don't know where the line is! What if I leave now, and you harm the pack somehow? What does 'harm the pack' even mean? I want to be a good pack wolf.." But I need rules. "I would just have sat in the flowers with you if I hadn't known about.. tensions."

RE: Ease my Mind - Xinuata - April 08, 2014

The youth female was more than just a little intriguing, near an open book for even the dulled eye to read. Uncertainty was clear, settling upon her brows and in her breath as she sighed. The girl was flustered, if not bothered by their conversation, and was quick to rush to the side of her leader’s words.

“I am afraid there is no distinct line,” the woman uttered quietly and gestured with a flick of her muzzle toward the distant borders. “It was your ilk that decided there would be no line between the borders of the Vale and path of the Creek. We of the Vale simply have more courtesy than to cross without intention, let alone approach it.” In turn, the female sighed. “I cannot speak kindly of one that would seek to avoid their neighbors and live with uncertainty, doubt, when it was her brethren that instilled it within us. And yet ‘we’ are the ones that seek to make this existence livable.” Smoothly her eyes returned to the youth as all manner of warmth and smile receded from her face. In its place was an earnest stare fixed solely upon her guest.

“You must live with this uncertainty. As do the rest of you. If you wish to be a ‘good’ wolf, then accept this complication as it is and make your own decision, regardless of what your leader thinks. Either assume I will bring harm, or trust that I have no intention of causing trouble and simply sit in the flowers and enjoy them as you wanted.”

RE: Ease my Mind - Bazi - April 10, 2014

I checked the dates, and the Lecter/Raheerah run-in happened before the avalanche as far as I can tell. :D Wrapping up - if you think that's a good idea?

Xi'nuata's expression turned serious. Bazi stared back, trying to figure the whispering giant out. She wasn't fond your ilk and her brethren being bandied about - if the guidelines were so flexible, where was 'we' and the collective 'you' coming from? "I'm sure we've all contributed to that tension," she responded with curt diplomacy, unwilling to let the Creek shoulder the entirety of the blame. Had she known of Lecter's recent scuffle with the Vale wolves, she would have labelled Xi'nuata a hypocrite and left with a much poorer opinion of the Vale.

"I'll leave you to enjoy the flowers," she said instead, not knowing any of this, and turned to leave. Irritation was beginning to blossom in her, and it would do the Creek no good to let it loose. "I'm Bazi, by the way," the yearling turned back to say, never one to be rude.

RE: Ease my Mind - Xinuata - April 10, 2014

OOC: Sounds good :D

The contributions to the tension were no longer a concern for her. After her final attempt to find peace and compromise with the Creek leader, all care for the matter had ceased. Individual bridges built with those she knew of her Creek had not wholly been burned, but damaged. And as for new bridges form- the time for that had come and gone. Her relationship with their neighbors were neither hostile nor kindly; simply a reflection of what the situation called for. And she would maintain it as thus. She no longer cared if her own actions further contributed to their fragile pack status, as did the malicious actions of her mate. The woman simply smiled, thought it was an accommodating expression lacking the sincerity of true care.

“I am sure you are right,” she admitted, but would offer nothing more in support of her observation. The less than soft response of the youth suggested that their time of conversing was nearing its end. A new form of tension was growing… and the beige wolf cared little for it. Watching as the young one turned back toward her borders, Xi’nuata lowered herself to her front to resume her basking pose. Her muzzle slipped within the flora as the whole of her became submerged by the fragrance. However an ear did lift to receive the name of the young girl. Bazi. A name she would not forget anytime soon.

“Xi’nuata,” the woman grumbled contently in turn then let herself succumb to the aroma of nature once again.