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Sleeping Dragon Beauty behind the madness - Printable Version

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Beauty behind the madness - RIP Valette - July 24, 2016

AW, But I know @Thuringwethil is dying for a thread!

Valette realized that she was coming closer to a new pack, the pack that she had been warned about. The pack she could only remember of terrorizing her previous pack. She was a bit nervous to go up to their borders, yet, not entirely afraid. She had a faint whiff of Silvertip in her fur, and she didn't live in the Maplewoods anymore. She walked past it on her way here. She was smart enough to go through those woods later and visit her mother's grave. What she didn't tell them they wouldn't know. She even wasn't named Desna anymore.

The girl came up to their borders, yet treated them with great respect maybe even more that she did with others. She sat away more than a respectable distance. The young scout let out a howl towards the pack, asking if someone wanted to meet with her. She was curious if they would tell her anything or how she was received by this pack. Though she kept in mind that she might needed to run. Hence why she fed herself and rested up before coming to their borders. She had been warned by Larksong, and knew their history.

RE: Beauty behind the madness - Antumbra - July 26, 2016

The call sends a wave of irritation through her spine. It is not the call made by a curious loner for a potential home but someone wanting attention. Her jaw sets as she moves, with only urgency that some stranger lingers on her borders with intent and she has to find that out and clear the threat. Another could beat her to the spot she’s been called to but the closer she gets, she doesn’t smell anything she recognizes.

Thuringwethil stiffens her posture, squaring her head above her shoulders and her tail arched tightly along her spine. As she descends the last bit of distance to find a young girl at her borders, she finds a growl low in her chest when the scent of the grotto lingers on her pelt. It is not thick, but there nonetheless, and she flashes her teeth once she’s closes enough but she doesn’t pursue a chase just yet.

RE: Beauty behind the madness - RIP Valette - July 27, 2016

The others were not kidding when they warned her about this pack. Valette wasn't sure what trigged this female to show her teeth. Maybe it was just her sheer presence that annoyed her. Valette moved back a few paces, while she had already been very respectful of the borders.

The young female looked over the other, deciding that she better start talking. "Hello, I'm Valette. I am a scout and my alpha asked me to explore the taiga. I came across your borders and wondered if you might want to tell me anything about it? I mean if you want me gone just say so and I will be out of your hair instantly," she spoke to the female with a surprisingly steady tone. She knew that if she would started to stammer it wouldn't help out her case. She had grown more confident and was definitely more in sync with that compared to her mother.

RE: Beauty behind the madness - Antumbra - August 02, 2016

The explanation does little to soothe her posture but she finds herself on the other end of curiosity, if only to placate the other’s own instruction. Thuringwethil vaguely wonders if she’d gone to the maplewood’s borders instead of meeting Reek that day how things would have turned out. Regardless of the curiosity, she doesn’t like the method and can’t picture herself doing it. But, she reminds herself, she’s given an opportunity.

“What I tell you depends on what you can tell me,” she says, turning her head to look off into the distance while she takes a heavy step forward. “Tell me about where you’ve come from,” she offers with a tilt of her skull once she’s brought her attention back to the girl. Why not make a gain out of the experience before terrorizing her out of their sight?

RE: Beauty behind the madness - RIP Valette - August 02, 2016

Valette looked at the female and nodded. It seemed fair to swap information for information. The young girl kept her guard up though, she didn't want to be attacked for something she said. "Only a name of your pack would be sufficient," she spoke to the other, just to let her know.

"But fair enough. I am from the Silvertip pack over the mountain range, Sunspire Mountains, to be precise. It is located more to the coast. My alpha, Steady, didn't know much about the Taiga, so here I am. I've come across several other packs already which I am sure you know about since they are in your region," she commented.

Valette gazed with her hazel eyes over the other but never reaching the other's eyes. She wouldn't dare. She hoped that was enough information for the name of her pack at least.

RE: Beauty behind the madness - Antumbra - August 10, 2016

The girl seems reluctant to give her information at first, bartering for something as simple as a name, but ultimately she gives in. She states a pack she doesn’t recognize and her head tilts, curious, as she tries to consider sending Wildfire to nearby places for what information she can manage from their neighbors. Luckily, Thuringwethil knew most of what surrounds her and she isn’t sure she’d want to send her bandrona into danger. Nonetheless, Thuringwethil backs out of the thoughts as Valette finishes.

“This is Sleeping Dragon,” she stiffly says, hoping the girl desires more than just a name. If she decides to go, Thuringwethil won’t pull to keep her in, but she remains hungry for what she does know and instead she attempts to soften her posture just a little so that she might invite her to remain.

RE: Beauty behind the madness - RIP Valette - August 11, 2016

Valette nodded slowly when the female spoke the name of this pack, she didn't seem keen to have her here but the female however did seemed to soften her posture. Valette was not her scout, and she reminded herself of that. The female might have opened up more, sounding like she wanted to know more, but then she would have to reveal the information she already gathered herself.

Her hazel eyes looked at the other, at least she was pretty sure she wasn't going to be attacked right now. "I've met with other packs. Marauder's Keep and Larksong and one that was close to disbanding it seemed," she pointed out to the female. "Larksong is in your area, the other two are close to the mountainside," she added. She hoped that the female would give her more information about her pack now.

RE: Beauty behind the madness - Antumbra - August 14, 2016

Without asking, the scout gives her more information. In fact, information she didn’t have before. The name of a pack she doesn’t recognize catches her interest and she thinks to ask more, but keeps quiet. It isn’t necessary for her to know now (unknowing that Warbone had been it’s founder) as the rest of it really catches her interest.

“The home of the Seadogs?” she questions, wondering if the pack in threat of coming to an end might be the problem wolves that had once tried to settle too close to her. While it doesn’t surprise her, given her last meeting with Denali, it is still new to her and leaves her with more questions she might search later, using this to cushion the blow when she really wants to know about the grotto.

Before she jumps to the most desired, she considers what she might tell the girl of Sleeping Dragon, mulling over a few things.

“My name is Thuringwethil and I am the commander of this claim,” she begins. “We’ve been here since the middle of winter,” she says, unbeknownst that, as a former Phoenix, she might know this already. “We have done well here. I may answer a few more questions, if you have them, but I am curious about this Larksong?” she adds, brows knitting between her gaze as she places confusion firmly on her features as if she’s never heard the word before.

RE: Beauty behind the madness - RIP Valette - August 21, 2016

I totally missed this omg!

Valette was not entirely sure if that pack was named the Seadogs. It was not by the sea though, so she was pretty sure that was not their name? The girl looked a bit troubled. "I wouldn't know, M'am," she returned. "I never got the hang of their name. The dark colored mother was not very friendly and willing to talk. Her daughter was named Chusi though?" she spoke in return, perhaps the names or description was familiar to her.

Valette was pleased to hear more information, feeling like she was doing a good job. Her tail swayed gently. She instantly took every bit of information to heart. It was good to know that there was a fierce ruler in these part of the lands, perhaps they needed strong leadership with the strong winters. "Larksong? Um sure! I don't know how much I can answer they were friendly but not open to tell about their pack," she admitted. Plus she wasn't sure if she should reveal to the enemy of Phoenix that she was close to the current leader of Larksong, and former leader of Phoenix.

RE: Beauty behind the madness - Antumbra - August 23, 2016

The scout isn't able to give her much information on the pack. There are names she doesn't recognize, but she'd never been given names. She does remember Denali telling her the female had given birth but none of this really answers questions she has. Unable for the girl to produce anything more, Thuringwethil decided against pushing her about it. She makes a note to take the trip herself but when the time is right. With plenty on her mind and paw now, she sets it aside for another time.

Valette's description of the grotto wolves causes her to stifle a snort, forcing it back down so that her confusion remains. She teeters on the edge of simply asking for what she'd been told but she tries, instead, a more tactful approach.

"What do you think of them?" the leader asks after a moment of consideration, eyebrow whirled upward as she waits for whatever interesting but she can pull from the girl.

RE: Beauty behind the madness - RIP Valette - August 24, 2016

Valette decided to play dumb with this female. The female asking about what she thought of them made her a bit suspicious. Perhaps she didn't like them at all, seeing how Valette knew she and her pack chased away Phoenix Maplewood. Valette shrugged lightly. "I only know that they were nice when I came to their borders. I think I talked to their beta," she hummed.

"She didn't tell me a lot though, only that they had a big religion they followed," she added. "That is all I know," she spoke. She hoped it would be enough, otherwise she would just have to leave.

RE: Beauty behind the madness - Antumbra - August 27, 2016

The scout doesn’t have much information to give her. She tells her, instead, things she already knows. Dio had informed her what he’d gathered from Gavriel some time ago but nothing new is presented. She’d met a leader not that long ago, either, but she’s still at a loss. Had the Phoenix wolves followed a religion, too, that she didn’t know about? Nothing had ever been mentioned, but their time together had been less than pleasant so she doesn’t think much of it would have come up anyway.

Thuringwethil instead nods her head, accepting what little information Valette has to offer. Where she might want to push for more, she keeps herself stationed in place. There is little keeping the younger wolf around and more might cause her to turn tail and go about her business, but little information about Sleeping Dragon had been given and Thuringwethil is quite all right with that. The young leader doesn’t speak up beyond her nod of acknowledgment and waits for her to dismiss herself.

RE: Beauty behind the madness - RIP Valette - August 27, 2016

Valette realized that their conversation was coming to an end, this was fine though, because she seemed to have enough information for now. "Um. Thank you for your time," she spoke politely and then dipped her head before trotting off down the mountain. She wanted to visit a few more places before turning around and leaving back home.

There hadn't been an reply from her information and Valette just assumed it was enough or not useful because the female didn't ask further. It might have something to do with the fact that she said she didn't know anything more, which was technically a lie. Before she would be caught with it she wanted to get some distance between Sleeping Dragon before it would awake.