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The Sentinels don't let me down - Printable Version

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don't let me down - Constantine - July 25, 2016

P for @Aria.. for now... :o
They were getting closer to his imp-like sister. The girl floated through the redwoods as if she was on a cloud – and Constantine, despite his worry for her recently, felt a surge of adoration for the girl. His fiery eyes would drift back to Aria every so often, knowing the stress that seemed to fall upon her shoulders. He was uncertain of what to tell Deirdre – but somehow, knowing the angelic girl, she would only take the news well, and be delighted at the prospect of more siblings.. despite his own reservations. Eilidh would need to be notified too – but he scarcely saw his littermate these days, and was unwilling to add to her heartbreak for now.
“She should be close,” he muttered quietly, his tail giving an idle flick. Her scent mingled among the others of the great redwoods – and one of them happened to be Rowan Mayfair.

RE: don't let me down - Aria - July 25, 2016

Aria follows alongside Constantine with ease, her mind free from some of the worry that it held earlier. But, even with Constantine's gentle reassurance, she grew more and more wary with each step. Pearl's conversation slips it's way into her thoughts, reminding her of her position and of Lashers passing. She couldn't let the Mayfairs-- although she didn't think they would-- walk all over her. It could not happen. She would not let it. 

The he pale princess stops abruptly, letting out a whine. "Constantine I've changed my mind," she says shaking her head. "Rowan cannot stay here."

RE: don't let me down - Constantine - July 25, 2016

It was her subtle whine that drew his attention, and canting his muzzle in her direction, a look of surprise flitted across the man’s features at her words. He did not question her – his own uncertainty of Rowan playing a major role in that, but his own tactics would need to change as well.. should he even tell Deirdre now? Would she be upset?
“What would you like to do?”

RE: don't let me down - Aria - July 25, 2016

To her surprise, he does not argue-- rarely does anyone not argue with her last minute emotional decisions. She has to shake the shock free before answering him, hesitating as she thinks. "Make her leave. There is somewhere for her-- Donnelaith is not that place," she says, straightening up a little after she knows that Constantine agrees with her. "She will leave if I ask."

RE: don't let me down - Constantine - July 26, 2016

He gave a slow nod. It was not his decision to be made -- it was Aria's. He only regretted not being able to discuss it with Deirdre. Yet the girl was so young -- there was nothing in the situation she could decide either. Her innocence exceeded everything.

"Then if that's your decision.." he trailed off then, his form stepping away from the path that lead to his sister and toward Aria, awaiting her to lead the way.

RE: don't let me down - Aria - July 26, 2016

Aria nods, waiting for Constantine to move towards her before giving him a gentle nudge on the shoulder. She sets off, her nose twitching as she tries to find where Rowan might be. Then, the pale girl takes in a deep breath and howls for the white witch, her tail flicking impatiently behind her.  She then continues forward.

@Rowan Mayfair <3

RE: don't let me down - Rowan Mayfair - July 27, 2016

Her talk with Casmir and Deirdre leaves her chest feeling a little looser. She isn't as overworked, as frantic as she had been and she keeps replaying Aria's promise that she would not kick her out. All she wanted was her children to have their family and to walk the same paths that their father had walked. She had no ideas of claiming anything for her children's benefit, she had nothing that she expected other than just survival. It was as simple as that. 

When she left Deirdre she heard a call rise up, Aria's voice specific for her and she felt a chill run down her spine. The wind swept over her again and Rowan swallowed back her thoughts - moving with a purpose to arrive shortly after she was summoned. It felt like a lifetime since she had told the pale Alpha about her pregnancy, in that time she has informed a few others, but the news is still secretive and guarded. After Aria, she doesn't trust others. 

She only vaguely knew Constantine, Casmir's twin, but she can tell a sharp difference between the two boys. She gives a polite nod of her head to both, but her silver gaze focuses on Aria - waiting. 

RE: don't let me down - Constantine - July 27, 2016

There was something deeply unsettling of it all – the fact this woman carried the brood of his father’s was what set his nerves afire. Not because he felt threatened by their legacy – no, he embraced that – it was the dismissal his father had given the girl upon their first meeting.. and now, suddenly she claimed she was pregnant with his children.
And she hadn’t even bothered to tell Lasher’s own children – his own surviving legacy.
They found her, and Constantine dipped his muzzle lower in a silent greeting. He did not feel warmly toward her, but there was a stir of pity in his chest. He would not be able to simply escort her from their home – it was likely the swarthy wolf would offer his services to her and help her seek a new home should she reside nearby. He was not cutting his life from her or them – but he did welcome the distance.

RE: don't let me down - Aria - July 27, 2016

Rowan came swiftly, and Aria's tail swished behind her. "Rowan," she says firmly, her posture stiff and straight. "I know I've made a promise to you, but I cannot keep it." Her eyes narrow, her ears cupping forward. "You must leave, you are no long welcome among my ranks," she says, her lips curling. It was not to be mean or hostile, but to make a point. A low growl escapes her throat. Rowan surely would not argue, she knew this. Force would not be necessary. 

RE: don't let me down - Rowan Mayfair - July 27, 2016

SHe regarded the dark male for a moment, she had been making the rounds - talking to them as she had found them. She wasn't going to call a group of them together and just shout 'guess what! your dad knocked me up!' no, it seemed more proper to talk to them one by one, to make things easier to handle. She'd been able to talk Casmir and Deirdre through things, but Aria had informed Constantine. Rowan would never have the chance to talk to him about his feelings now. 

She bristled when Aria addressed her, renouncing the promise that she had made. Her head lifted, her silver eyes flashing angrily. What a poor example of a leader she would be, to let her jealousy rule her. Rowan had not done anything against the woman, she had no knowledge of her relationship with Lasher and he hadn't mentioned the pale woman. How much did she truly matter, then? But these were thoughts of her rage, her sorrow at losing the home of her children, of losing their chance to grow up with their family. 

"It's a disappointment you go against your words." She said quietly, she did not rage the way she wanted to - it was evident in the stiff posture she carried, in the slight tremor in her front right leg. Anxiety, no doubt. "I only hope you will keep your word to them." Rowan looked to the dark male for a moment, her gaze softening. "I had hoped to talk with you as I had started your siblings....and I'd hoped to see my children learn from you all. I do wish you the best." She said quietly before she turned abruptly to make her way from the packlands, refusing to hesitate - she could not risk it with the erratic swing of Aria's moods and how she let her choices follow.

I swear this post changed about 40 times as I wrote it!

RE: don't let me down - Constantine - July 27, 2016

There was a certain weight that fell upon him the moment the girl looked to them -- a part of him did not even believe her word, as Lasher had dismissed her upon her first arrival to Donnelaith. How had they turned to lovers in such a short time? Little had he known of the many lovers his father had taken.

The weight continued as Rowan spoke of already discussing with his siblings -- he only assumed them to be Deirdre and Eilidh, and he could only hope the girl had not been so foolish as to tell his young sister without one of her guardians knowing. Surely, she was not so foolish as to go above them in that regard as well?

And yet for all the ire and disappointment he felt.. And even thr uncertainty of the claim, Constantine had questions. He also held a certain responsibility, until the paternity proven otherwise, and he would not see the woman fully cast out. They were potentially his siblings.. Even if he was uncertain to consider them such.

He did not question Aria. Rowan was quick to leave, and already the stocky wolf took a few short paces after her, his fiery eyes casting back go Aria. "I'm going to escort her a ways.. See if I can aide her in finding another home." He paused then, imploring her to understand. "They are family."

There was no time to truly wait for a response, and so the swarthy male swept after the other pale girls heels, trying to keep her pace and yet offering her space.

RE: don't let me down - Aria - July 27, 2016

Aria lets out a breath, glancing towards Constantine. "I think that's a good idea," she murmurs softly, with relief. It lifts a bit of the guilt off of her shoulders-- even though she was still the one making all the shitty calls. "I'm sorry, Rowan," she whispers softly, but she knows her words hold no meaning to the other.

RE: don't let me down - Rowan Mayfair - July 28, 2016

With her head held high the woman walked from the forest, refusing to look back, refusing to crumble. She'd shown a great maturity that day not exposing the real reason that Aria wanted her gone. Her jealous swept her up, feeling slighted by a male who was no longer there. Rowan couldn't help that situation. If she could have, she would have done what was in her power. The witch could only focus her energies on the children she was growing to give them strength. 

Through the forest a howling wind began, shaking the ancient trees and disrupting the peace of the lands. The witch did not duck down, she did not balk. She continued through the lands, past the fairy ring and her den - she didn't spare a thought to the location as the storm began and swept up. She was stronger than the winds, she was stronger than the jealousy and hatred rooted in the Alpha's heart. 

She was not afraid. She would manage. She felt assured of that.