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The Sentinels this side of paradise - Printable Version

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this side of paradise - Annabel Tremaine - July 25, 2016

Annabel still had a hard time taking it in. She was in a pack now, that meant she didn't have to endure the crippling feelings of isolation from being a lone wolf. She had grown so used to being alone, save for the occasional aggressive lone wolf that looked like it wanted to eat her for dinner. Annabel was brave, and she knew it. Well, it didn't exactly emanate off of her in waves, but her courage was there somewhere, tucked in. Hiding. And she was smart too. Her quick wit compensated for her lack of physical strength, and it  had saved her more than a few times. 

The cream she-wolf breathed in, her small frame expanding and then contracting as she exhaled shakily. Ok, don't freak out about this. They all look super friendly...right? Annabel tried to look like she was minding her own business, and pretended to be occupied. She started dragging her paw through the dirt, obviously very busy with important matters. Ants were crawling over her paw, seemingly trying to get to a dead caterpillar. Annabel tilted her head, and couldn't help but let curiousity get the best of her. Suddenly, a sharp stinging pain jolted her from her fixation. She yelped. "Ugh, they're the stinging kind." She nervously chuckled, hoping nobody had been watching her act like a half-witted pup.

RE: this side of paradise - Deirdre - July 25, 2016

'twas the sound of a yelp that brought deirdre from her medicinal hovel not too far from where the creme annabel lingered. the beauty arrived upon the scene with flowers hanging loosely betwixt her fangs, held in such a gentle manner that they would not break or be damaged. she placed them lightly upon the earth and looked worriedly to one of the newer residents of donnelaith, and out from her lips came a breathy: are you alright?, the tones rich with her genuine concern.

RE: this side of paradise - Annabel Tremaine - July 25, 2016

Annabel looked up to see an elegant white wolf hovering near her. Well, so much for not drawing attention to yourself. Annabel's eyes flitted to the herbs and flowers that the other she-wolf had set to the ground. Medicine? I could use some of that. Maybe a nice, refreshing herb to do the trick. I really know nothing about herbs. The cream she wolf could gather enough to come to the conclusion that the wolf in front of her was pretty knowledgable in her field. 

   Annabel realized she had been silent for a long time, and hastily responded. "Yeah, um, I think I got a few bites actually. I mean I'm fine for the most part. Not like these ants actually hurt me, or--or anything." Annabel was lying through her teeth. The bites stung something awful. "Ok, maybe it hurts just a tiny bit."

RE: this side of paradise - Deirdre - July 25, 2016

deirdre waited, comfortable even when the other was silent; though the other seemed panicked, deirdre remained calm so that the other might feel more at ease. the other spoke of ant bites, which caused deirdre to look briefly to the earth--she had not known that the ants could be so cruel, but then by chance she simply must have never disturbed their nests. deirdre had no dandelion before her, but they were everywhere in donnelaith; surely it would ease the sting, as it did with the bees. only when the other admitted to her they ailed did deirdre feel it was necessary to go and find the stuff, which appeared in the corner of her eye now that she sought it. 

the witch moved toward the flowers and moved to uproot them, though not before whispering a prayer of thanks to the spirits and to the earth itself. even when she took, she uttered more heartfelt gratitude, as her father had taught her, before she moved back toward the pretty creme waif. deirdre placed them down before annabel, and smiled warmly. i am deirdre mayfair. what i have here is a flower that i know helps take the pain away when the bee stings. i have not dealt with ants biting before, but i think it the same principle. i will chew this to a poultice, and apply it to where you hurt--if that is alright with you, she informed gently, her head tilting a measure toward the tail-end of her words.

RE: this side of paradise - Annabel Tremaine - July 26, 2016

Annabel felt soothed by the medic's presence. It was like the other wolf had that affect on others; she was truly a natural at her trade. She was gentle and kind, and spoke with a reassuring voice. Annabel almost forgot about her ant bites, for the stinging had already lessened. At this point they were just itchy and irritating. She resisted the urge to scratch at them, and instead took the moment to respond to the white wolf.

     "Thank you so much, Deidre. My name's Annabel. I am pleased to make your acquaintance, though I wish it wouldn've been under different circumstances." Annabel joked at the last part, realizing the stupidity of her statement. She's a medic! She must deal with incidents like this all the time. Then again, how many wolves yell out from stinging ants? This has got to be one of the most pitiful---Annabel cut herself off as she realized Deidre's question remained unanswered. "Oh! Yes. A poultice would be amazing!"

RE: this side of paradise - Deirdre - July 26, 2016

deirdre smiled graciously at the others introduction, a little amused--though not at the others expense--at the words spoken. i, too, wish it were under better circumstances--but there is always next time, she hummed, her tail waving behind her. when the other accepted the suggestion of a poultice, deirdre gestured to the offended paw. alright, would you show me exactly where it hurts...?

only after the other did this would deirdre begin her work. she moved to grab a cluster of dandelions and removed them from the earth, beginning to chew as she returned to annabel with inspective eyes.

RE: this side of paradise - Annabel Tremaine - July 26, 2016

Annabel raised a now very itchy front paw. "They bit me mostly on top, but I think I've got a few between my toes, too." The cream she-wolf noticed that the younger wolf had begun to chew up a bushel of dandelions. I never really thought about using dandelions for bug bites. Knowing that could've really helped when I was out there alone. Annabel could recall a handful of times, such as when she had a particularly nasty encounter with a group of bees. That had left a scar. Well maybe not a physical one, but probably a scar on her dignity. 

This kind of stuff is really interesting, but I'm not sure if I'd have the patience to sit through and learn all of the different kinds of herbs. Deidre must be really passionate about what she does. It's a good thing we have her in Donnelaith.

RE: this side of paradise - Deirdre - July 27, 2016

deirdre listened to annabel, and once she was told she shifted nearer. she stuck out her tongue to reveal the mustard-hued poultice she had created. coupled with her saliva, the itching and the burning would be removed surely within the hour. the witch began to apply it gently, placing it upon the areas indicated to her. she was delicate throughout the process, and once finished she whispered a quiet gaelic blessing unto the wound to quicken the process, and thanked the spirits and nature both for their aid in the same spell. 

the discomfort should stop as the sun shifts westward some degrees. it should last, but if you feel anything bothering you, i would be happy to assist you again, her tail waved at that, to show she meant it. deirdre was happy to heal the other, and truly was passionate about her trade and caring for others. donnelaith she loved and adored, and to see a new face within it filled her heart with joy. annabel, you have a very lovely name, she smiled at that, welcome to donnelaith! how do you like it so far?