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The Floodlands Old dreams - Printable Version

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Old dreams - Tupilek - July 25, 2016

It was hot. The summers had gotten hotter, but this was one of the worst summers he had experienced. Tupilek had luckily found a perfect spot to swelter under the brutal heat; under the shade of a tree, his paws half drenched the in cooling water. He snored, every once and a while stirring to itch at his radio collar in his sleep, but barely noticing as birds and small mammals alike gazed at his curiously pale form. Most, if not all, had never seen a Kermode bear before. He was a rare sight outside of the Great Bear Rainforest, after all.

He dreamed old wistful dreams; before he slept he half wondered if this was the end, as he always did when he fell asleep these days. He was old, older than most bears, both black, brown or grizzly. Older than the old bears in the Rainforest when he was young. He wondered why he was granted such a long life, given all of the fights, the dark magic. He had tried to meditate on the matter, but gave up within a few moments, choosing to nap instead.

RE: Old dreams - Tryp - July 25, 2016

Vassago had done it! He'd managed to sneak away from his family long enough to venture, and pretty far for the boy too. He was massively proud of himself: he knew, like, FOUR words already! The little thing pranced along on his steady little legs, slowing to a walk as he found new land. The river was close, he could hear it! Rushing in excitement, the little boy wasn't bothering to smell for anything he did or didn't know. If he had, the scent of bear would have been a smack in the face, enough to send him running home. But he didn't, and galloped forward with a squeal of joy. He came to a halt precariously close to the edge, but was confident enough to lean over the edge and poke his tongue into the water.  
Vass's downfall wasn't being too close, or clumsy, or stupid, no, it was simply his fate to be the older, bigger brother. Happy as he was to lay down and poke a paw into the water, it was the bank that crumbled beneath him and plunged the chestnut boy into the water with a splash. Vass yelped in surprise, trashing around despratley to try and keep his head above water. It was then he saw the bear, yards down stream. His blue eyes widened, and the little boy flailed harder in hopes of going in any other direction. He was rewarded with a mouthful of water and left to splutter as he was bobbed high and low down the river. 

Gonna tag @Burke @Malice and @Pyro for visibility and, yknow, pup on the loose, but please let Vass go a few rounds before jumping in (I can tag whoever wants me to again.) Also, Vassago's 50th post! :D

RE: Old dreams - Tupilek - July 25, 2016

While the small fauna of the Floodlands decided not to bother the large black bear, the larger predators had no such manners. Tupilek felt a small sodden mass slam into his hind paw, waking the bear with a roar. Suna? He lurched, pulling his upper body up and looking down at the brown mass. He grabbed the sodden mass gently with his teeth, pulling it onto shore.

He blinked at the small creature, nosing it gently. Amagak? He snorted, wondering, hoping it was breathing.

RE: Old dreams - Tryp - July 30, 2016

Vassago flailed and struggled his best, but he didn't go away from the bear. In fact, he went not just to it but clashed INTO it. A tiny, strangled yelp was the only noise he gave, given that he was filled with water. All he could do was freeze and clamp his eyes shut tight as the bear leaned down to devour him.... But it didn't. It plopped him down between its paws, like a mother would, and nudged the limp chestnut ball of wet fur that was a shivering Vassago. He was breathing, shallow and barely, but moreso from fear of the bear hovering over him rather than his dunk in the water. The river, that was a fate that scared him less than the white monster looming over him and waiting to eat him. What WAS it waiting for? After a few moments of, well, nothing, Vass opened just one eye, the one closest to the bear, and looked up.

RE: Old dreams - Tupilek - August 01, 2016

The boy awoke, shivering, either with fear or cold, one eye opened, peeking, towards him. Not a very comforting sight, he was. Not that Tupilek really care. Do you speak yet, boy? He grumbled, placing the small (damn why was everyone so tiny) wolfing right in the sun, the better to dry him off and keep him from getting hypothermia. The little ones were always suspectible to that.

He began to dry the boy off with gentle licks, though they were sparing at best. It would be nice if you could speak and tell me where you came from.

RE: Old dreams - Tryp - August 03, 2016

When he realized just how close he still was, Vassago scrambled to his paws and, initally, away from the isle. He didn't realize he was on the wrong side of the river and didn't really care, so long as he was away from the bear. 
He got maybe a foot before stumbling down to bow on his elbows, vomiting up the belly full of water he'd swallowed during his dip, and falling onto his side. His scars were clear, three shining, horizontal, just-healed gashes across his tiny flank. It was the voice of the bear that brought his fearful, green-tinted blue eyes back to its snowy face. Boy? Who was he calling boy
He drew out his name and pronounced it carefully, his voice full of hate and anxiety even as he taught the beast his name. But then it came closer and reached down. This time, it would eat him. His time with Mom and Daddy and Pyro, they were over. He wouldn't escape this time. 
The strangest thing happened, though. He didn't get eaten. The lumbering creature hovered over, leaned, and began to wash him as mother might. Rougher, with less love, but at the same time it was the gesture that made Vass freeze. Why would it be washing him? He'd just dipped in the water: he was clean enough! The last bear he'd seen hadn't laid eyes on him more than a few seconds before lashing out and causing the boy to learn pain. 
                                    "H-Huh? F-f-from?"
His eyes shifted from the bear to the area behind it: Two Rivers Isle. That was where Mom was, Dad was, Pyro was. That's where he'd just been, where he should be. With a shaking, dripping paw, the chestnut Lordling pointed across the river.

RE: Old dreams - Tupilek - August 03, 2016

He was glad to see the water expelling itself from his body; at least he didn't have to do the Heimlick on the child. The boy's fear didn't surprise him in the slightest, for all wolflings were taught to fear bears. It was a natural response, and Tupilek ignored it as he tried to fluff the wolfling's coat up.

Tupilek paused in his licking, grunting softly. Vassago. I suppose that is your name. Very well, Vassago, you may call me Tupilek. He wondered if the name was too complicated for the boy. He had many more names, each more difficult to pronounce than the last. But he shrugged; the boy, Vassago, would call him what he wanted.

His short-sighted gaze turned towards the island from which the boy pointed his paw, trembling. At least you are not far. He grumbled. Tupilek stood on all four paws, looking down at the little chestnut who called himself Vassago. Can you walk, Vassago? If not, my back might be a better solution. With his tiny weight, he would be but a small burden to Tupilek's creaking limbs.

RE: Old dreams - Tryp - August 04, 2016

Confusion was the ruling emotion in the little boys mind right now, questioning many things he was sure he'd been right on. Like bears, the monsters, they were supposed to eat him.... So why was this one cleaning him? Why did it care? 
Furthermore, how had he gotten to the other side of the isle? Had he really come all the way from that other side? He dunked in the water, sure, but Vass couldve sworn that he stayed on that bank! The bear must've brought him out on the wrong side, he decided. That part was the bears fault, but not even Vassago could blame his swim on the bear. The earth had literally fallen from beneath him!
The bear gave a name, but Vass couldn't pick it all up. 
                "Tuuuu.... Tupeee? Tupi!" 
Giggling, the chestnut boy forgot momentarily about his fear.... Momentairly. When the beast rumbled more words this way, the Lordling fell silent once again with his fading eyes on Tupilek. Walk? There were a few words he knew, but none of them he knew the meaning of. Luckly for the old bear, Vass wanted to go home. Slowly, hesitantly, he pushed himself to trembling paws, pausing with a look to the bear as if it'd be mad he stood. When he was convinced there wasn't going to be an attack, Vass dared to take a few steps towards the bank, but didn't get so close this time. How was he going to get back to Mom and Daddy, Pyro?

Eventually, he'd wandered up river by himself, running from the bear as fast as he could as soon as he'd turned his face. When he realized he couldn't cross again on his own, he had to call for someone to get him. Surely, he'd be in trouble for this one.... But they never had to know about the bear. 

[/ooc] Since the other character went inactive, I'm just gonna edit to leave and fade here. :(