Wolf RPG
Ocean's Breath Plateau lost in the world - Printable Version

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lost in the world - Onatah - July 25, 2016

The air simmered unfavorably as the day grew old. The sun scorched the plateau, driving out most of the wildlife to the protection of the nearby forests. Unlike the others, Onatah scoured the sun-damaged lands. Despite it all, she was glad to be here. She had followed the greenery south as life had returned to the wilds. She had not paid much mind on the changing of her surroundings-- only the fill she received after every meal and the hesitation of any nearby predators.

Slowly, she made her way further into the plateau, her eyes scanning the barren lands and she slowly strut into the open. Every move she made was one of caution. She knew nothing of the lands that she trudged on, knew nothing of the inhabitants. She only knew the blood curdling noise that she had heard the previous night: the cry of a wolf. Wolves were never good news for her.

RE: lost in the world - Bajeera - July 26, 2016

Gul’Dan did not like the great expanse of land that offered no cover to his being. His large paws were pressed to the earth with each step, fearful that there would be a hostile presence nearby. Toxic green eyes sought the closure of anything, but the plateau was not a place for the vessel to be. The fur along his back and spine seemed to bristle with the tension that he had riled in himself. Should Gul’Dan lose the vessel that he had in Bajeera, he would need to latch onto the nearest willing soul. There was no telling who that would be, or if it would be a safe passage for the great spirit. The fel were supposedly in that land, but the feline had yet to find them, and his travels had led him across the great land and back to the seaside in hopes of finding a sign of them. Gul’Dan would not be pleased if they had wandered that far for nothing.
The sun beat down overhead, sinking into the thick coat of the lynx. As he continued to cross the plateau – wary expression – he parted his lips to take in the scents of the surrounding areas. There was a pack nearby, and another not much further than that. Flicking a tufted ear to the left, it was the sound of scuffling hooves that alerted the prowling shaman. His head turned abruptly toward the noise and his poisonous gaze settled on the roaming figure of a doe. An amused smirk curled the inky lips of the feline and he drew his tongue across his mouth.
Prowling forward, he kept his head low and his body toward the ground. The intent was not to harm the animal, but Bajeera was a curious beast, and he desired a much closer inspection of the creature who dared to allow herself into the open stretch of land with little cover to guard her.

RE: lost in the world - Onatah - July 26, 2016

She was a bundle of grade and hesitance, moving as gently and carefully as her legs could carry her. She did not know what lurked near, nor what was beyond this territory-- the only thing that she knew was that she on the pursuit of greenery. Here, she had found a goldmine of green. Despite the sun, it was everything that she had hoped for and more.

It was almost her own personal utopia, until she heard something from afar. Stopping in her tracks, with her heart nearly jumping out of her chest, the doe surveyed the area area. She dared not make another sound and instead waited for whatever was out there to make another noise so she could pinpoint it.

RE: lost in the world - Bajeera - July 26, 2016

The doe halted and so did the feline, immediately putting a stop to the careful steps that had pulled him so close to her. His eyes wandered her frame to note that she was remarkably in good health and would allow for a great feast if one of the wolves of the pack were to catch her. His frame was low to the earth and his limbs remained bent – should he need to, the lynx would be able to spring from his position in any direction that was required of him. Gul’Dan whispered in the back of his mind, demanding that he continue on and abandon the prospect of the deer, but Bajeera did not heed his words. There were few times when the vessel had the power to disobey the great spirit that resided in him, and his power over his own figure made this occasion quite simple.
Deciding to circle the creature a bit, Bajeera was careful with each paw that he placed to the earth. His movements allowed him to circle to the outside of the prey animal with a silent predatory stance, but his eyes were alight with curiosity. The feline knew that there was no fel magic to be had in this animal, but knowing where the deer was and how to get to her would provide him with leverage if he should find himself under heat from the nearby packs.

RE: lost in the world - Onatah - July 26, 2016

The seconds crept on as she waited in silence. The ever-approaching sense of fleeing gripped her core, urging her to move on to safer grounds. And yet, she lingered. Moments dragged on as she surveyed in silence. As she found nothing, her heart slowed from the rampage it had just endured. Drawing a slim leg forward, Ona took her first step forward from where she had paused and continued-- keeping a close eye on her surroundings.