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potholing - Printable Version

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potholing - Bazi - April 02, 2014

Scouting thread! Discovering some caves. :) Anyone welcome - but Bazi is also keeping an eye out for anyone hunting in the vicinity of Swiftcurrent Creek.

Swiftcurrent Creek was still only a pack of acquaintances. Building relationships took time, energy, and enthusiasm - and after a week, Bazi was tired. She slunk away early that morning, moving through the low-hanging fog like a whisper. Everything was muted and still, and for once, she was glad of the solitude. Even thoughts that normally fluttered like anxious moths between her ears in the absence of distractions were still sound asleep.

This morning, her scouting took her to the distant source of the pack's namesake, where what would soon become the Creek's rushing water was utterly still. The lithe female skirted the edge of the glassy lake, but her eyes were trained on the wall of rock that curled it's dark arms protectively around the water, searching. It was exactly the right type of rock, that much was clear; with any luck, there would be caves.

But although her primary mission was to explore, she had a secondary aim. The were recurring clashes with Vale wolves - and Bazi nervously wondered what would come of the rising tensions. She doubted that the Vale would simply roll over and accept that everything to the west of the mountain range belonged to the Creek, and that meant verbal confrontation at the very least if she spotted an intruder, and the very real possibility of fights. The petite yearling hoped with all her heart that today would not be the day that the Vale decided to escalate.

RE: potholing - Blue Willow - April 10, 2014

As per usual for the dark furred female she was out and about searching for herbs and plants again. Today her search was marred with sadness as she walked and sniffed looking for anything that might be helpful. The death of her pack mate and friend lay heavy on her heart and mind and she could not help but feel that she was perhaps slightly to blame. She could have saved her if she had stayed near her, she knew there would be risks with this pregnancy given Pied's size and her internal injuries, but she had decided to err on the side of caution and keep her distance and she fully regretting that now.

She soon came to the lake where she had met another wolf. Her bright green eyes searched out any water plants or any plants really that she could pick and take. This was neutral ground after all. As she searched her ears caught the sound of foot falls and she tilted her head to search out the other wolf that drew near.

A white wolf, small but stealthy was coming upon her. She let out a gentle chuff to let the other know she was near. Another wolf she had yet to meet.

RE: potholing - Bazi - April 11, 2014

The mist muted all the colours of the world, and Bazi did not notice the dark stranger until they were almost close enough to touch. With the rumours that were flying around about the Vale, the youth's first instinct was to bristle and assume a defensive stance - but only for a split second. Unprovoked aggression on neutral ground was was as reckless as it was unlike her, no matter how close they were to the Creek - though if she happened upon Xi'nuata again after hearing of her hypocrisy from Jinx, it would be difficult to maintain an air of civility.

But none of that had anything to do with this wolf, who had announced herself politely and looked to be alone. Hostility melted from Bazi's face and body as quickly as it had appeared, and she offered a gently wag of her tail to assure Blue Willow that it would stay that way.

"I'm sorry," she apologized, nostrils flaring to catch Blue Willow's scent. There was no trace of the Vale about this wolf - she smelled warmer, greener somehow. "We've had some complicated tension with the Vale lately, but you're not from there, so... I'm Bazi. From the Creek, the one that starts here." She opened her mouth to go on, but something changed her mind. Wide, blue eyes regarded the shadowy visitor with a mixture of curiosity and caution. "What's your name?"

RE: potholing - Blue Willow - April 11, 2014

Blue Willow began to step back so as to not get run into as she noticed the younger female was not paying complete attention to what she was doing. Blue Willow who was larger and a little more hefty did not want to bruise the poor girl if she ran into her. Blue Willow's ear's went back and she showed her own teeth, but as the girl quieted so did she. What had caused the girl to go after her on Neutral ground of all things. It did not bode well for the rest of the day.

Blue Willow tilted her head thoroughly confused now as first the girl had been aggressive and now she was being nice, what was going on and was Blue Willow just coloring the day in blue because of her own sorrow.

Soon enough she was given an explanation and it caused for her to chuckle gently in a kind way. "It's okay, if I had tense neighbors I would be a bit wary of strangers as well. I have met a few of the vale, seem fairly quiet to me. Blue willow had had not trouble with either of the Vale wolves she had met although Raheerah had been slightly scary. She smiled and dipped her head "I am Blue Willow from the Plateau. I am searching for herbs today. She shifted her feet and sat down curling her tail around her paws to show she meant no harm to the younger female.

RE: potholing - Bazi - April 12, 2014

The larger wolf mirrored her initial reaction to company, but eased off as soon as Bazi did. Her chuckle was low and motherly, the kind of sound that warmed the cockles of the yearling's heart and brought back memories of the two maternal aunts that weren't insane.

"It'll peter out; a few individuals have clashed about hunting grounds. Nobody will care in the spring," Bazi explained, lulled into sharing openly by Blue Willow's gentle countenance. She took another step forward to get a better look at the other wolf, certain that her own attitude and diminutive stature would convince the healer that she wasn't a threat. What kind of herbs? Can you teach me something?" Bazi was a natural scout and 'talker', whatever that would amount to, but had never explored the fundamentals of healing, much less seen it raised to an art as it was here.

RE: potholing - Blue Willow - April 12, 2014

Blue Willow listened quietly "yes Winter can be tense for all around. Hopefully spring will produce bountiful prey. I would hate to see anyone hurt over something as simple as food. Blue Willow hated any kind of violence far too often she had seen the aftermath and it was detrimental to say the least.

Blue Willow smiled as Bazi stepped forward to look her over closer she did not mind. Blue Willow chuckled and dipped her muzzle. "Yes I can teach you some things. Although there are no herbs it looks like to show you, however I can talk about different things. Let's see first and foremost you know the poppy flower? You can use the seeds for pain, however you do not want to use to many as they cause you to hallucinate. Blue Willow wagged her tail gently as she spoke about that. She would speak about a few more things, but first she wanted to make sure that Bazi knew what that was.

RE: potholing - Bazi - April 12, 2014

Blue Willow was receptive, and Bazi voiced her appreciation with a high-pitched yip, tongue lolling out of her smiling mouth though she was in no need of cooling off. She spoke of flowers and herbs, sharing her knowledge freely with the Creek wolf. Plateau wolves seemed entirely likable, and sensible - Bazi agreed wholeheartedly with the stranger's assessment of the Vale situation, but there were times when a pack needed to show its strength. Fox knew that, and Bazi was starting to understand it too.

"Poppy... are those the red ones, in fields?" The youth's face was the very picture of eagerness. "I think there might be some in the meadow - it's close to here."

RE: potholing - Blue Willow - April 12, 2014

Blue Willow smiled at the younger females enthusiasm. Though she was not much older than the girl in front of her, she seemed older. Most of her packmates were friendly adn sensible. She enjoyed her pack and would not trade it for anything.

"yes the red ones and I am sure there are some in the meadow. Remember though do not eat many as it will cause some terrible things for you to see. She wagged her tail and shifted her weight and began to speak again. "If you are bleeding profusely you can use cobwebs as a blood stopper. You can also use cobwebs to hold herbs in place when you are making a poultice. Blue Willow was more than willing to share her knowledge after all that was how you learned.

RE: potholing - Bazi - April 12, 2014

Bazi soaked up this new knowledge like a sponge. Poultice wasn't something she had heard before, and one topic fed into another like the wolf Wikipedia of healing. "What's a poultice? Like some kind of..medicine blob? What kind of herbs do you put in it?" It made sense to concentrate and combine the effects of herbs, she assumed, but had always assumed that such things were administered orally. Her time in captivity was a blur, but she vague memories of bitter tastes and the occasional pinprick.

The student sat, curling her plush tail about her toes against the cold - there were slimy growths in cave that Blue Willow might think interesting, and movement would warm them both up. She decided to run the idea past the Plateau healer. "Hey - in exchange for you telling me all of this.. do you want to help me scout for some caves? There's moss and stuff in them sometimes, if they're close enough to the surface. I'm looking for saltrock to preserve fish. I can show you, if we find some - and maybe there'll be something interesting for a healer in there too."

RE: potholing - Blue Willow - April 12, 2014

Blue Willow flashed a smile and nodded her head, "A poultice is a wrap of sorts that you put different herbs in then wrap it around the wound or broken bone. It depends on what the wound is that you need to heal. Sometimes you put yarrow in it for pain, you can put different herbs that will keep it clean it depends entirely on the wound.

Blue Willow listened and she nodded "There may be some plants that grow in caves that I can use. I will gladly explore with you. What is saltrock? I am afraid i am not a very good fisher. Blue Willow lacked the fishing skills, though she was trying to learn she was woefully incompetent at it.

RE: potholing - Bazi - April 13, 2014

Yarrow is called 'hundkex' in Swedish, which literally translates to dog biscuits! :D Feel free to have them find a wolf-sized crack in the rock to explore.

"Yarrow.." Bazi repeated, wondering what on earth that was without realizing she had wandered through whole fields of it in the past. "Is there any around? What kind of herbs make a wound clean? And who taught you all of this stuff?" The more she probed Blue Willow's mind, the more plants reveled themselves to have medicinal properties - it seemed like nothing on earth was without some sort of use.

"Come on, we'll walk and talk," she nudged the healer's shoulder gently as she passed, disappearing in the direction of the mountains. Her voice floated back through the swirling mist, bright and eager: "I thought I saw a good sign over here before you appeared!"

RE: potholing - Blue Willow - April 13, 2014

"Yes yarrow would also be found in a meadow it can be purple or white, but usually white. I shouldn't have said make it clean. The herbs willl keep the wound from getting infected, one such herbs is the Bergamot root. That will help to keep a wound from festering. There were many plants one could use to heal others there were even plants you could use to kill another, though Blue Willow had never ever done that or been party to that, she did however know the plants that could so she knew what was safe to use and not to use. Blue Willow smiled softly and said "My parents taught me they were traveling healers and story tellers.

Blue Willow stood and followed the youthful female towards her goal of caves. She nudged the smaller female at one point and tipped her muzzle towards a crack in the wall big enough for both to get through. "There maybe a good one Bazi.

RE: potholing - Bazi - April 13, 2014

Bazi squinted in the indicated direction, struggling to see anything except soft shapes. But there - veiled by fog and obscured by vegetation, was a small, wolf-sized gap. It looked endlessly dark, and that was promising (twice today, Bazi had mistaken a shadow for a gap). The little female made a beeline for it, making quick work of the slick, black rocks. "Nice catch!" she yelped back at Blue Willow. "This'll do nicely -let's see if we can squeeeeeeze in..."

Assuming her new friend would follow, Bazi sucked her belly in and squeezed into the gap.

It was cold, damp, and slightly claustrophobic, but the short tunnel was well worth enduring. After a few tense moments, it opened into a vast, ball-room sized cavern unlike anything Bazi had ever seen. Shafts of light cut through the gloom from loftier entrances, illuminating a smattering of defiant greens that clung to the rocks and boulders. The sound of dripping water and hidden, slow-moving streams was all around.

"You found one," Bazi whispered, staring. Here and there, clusters of white mineral deposits clung to the wall like hard, glittering popcorn, ready for harvest.

RE: potholing - Blue Willow - April 13, 2014

Blue Willow closely behind Bazi smiling at her youthful exuberance. Blue Willow was unsure if she could fit, but she was willing to try. Sucking in her belly like her new friend she followed in behind.

Blue Willow was not very thrilled with the tight squeeze but she was willing to endure it as long as it opened up larger further in. She had to smile when it did, the cave was huge she was a little bit surprised at how large inside was. "wow this is much bigger than I thought it would be.

Blue Willow looked at the minerals on the walls and even bent to sniff at one. "What are these things? She was curious and her natural intrigue was upping it's ire.

RE: potholing - Blue Willow - April 13, 2014

Blue Willow closely behind Bazi smiling at her youthful exuberance. Blue Willow was unsure if she could fit, but she was willing to try. Sucking in her belly like her new friend she followed in behind.

Blue Willow was not very thrilled with the tight squeeze but she was willing to endure it as long as it opened up larger further in. She had to smile when it did, the cave was huge she was a little bit surprised at how large inside was. "wow this is much bigger than I thought it would be.

Blue Willow looked at the minerals on the walls and even bent to sniff at one. "What are these things? She was curious and her natural intrigue was upping it's ire.

RE: potholing - Bazi - April 15, 2014

Blue Willow managed to squeeze through the gap despite her size. It boded well for Ferdie, who Bazi planned on bringing along for a second, more productive visit. She bent her head down to lick at the little nodules, but the look of disappointment suggested that they weren't the nodules she was looking for.

"Oh. Not salty. Sometimes they're salty," she told her new friend, turning away to gaze up into the blackness. "I think this cave might be too wet.. never mind, is there anything in here that you could use? Like this?" The yearling pawed at a thin, slimy layer of moss that covered a nearby rock, making a face when it came away like boiled skin.

RE: potholing - Blue Willow - April 15, 2014

It was a tight fit for sure, but she had managed to do it. It was all in the way that you held yourself and if you sucked in your gut. Blue Willow saw the look of disappointment and spoke up "Not what you were hoping it was?

Blue Willow chuckled and said quietly so her voice would not bounce of the walls and cause the hanging rocks to fall. "yes actually i can I can use it for dressing wounds I just have to dry it and pick out the dirt and bugs. That is a very good find. Thankyou. Blue Willow bent down and picked a few mouthfuls of the moss.

RE: potholing - Bazi - April 15, 2014

Wrap-up time? :)

Bazi beamed, delighted to have helped. "Is it really? I'll come back some other day - with reinforcements - and harvest some for the Creek, in that case. I'll leave some of it to grow back, though. Maybe we can meet up and look for some of that root stuff you mentioned? And you can show me how to make a poultice?" Her disappointment with the lack of salt had all but evaporated, pushed aside by this world of new wonders that Blue Willow had given her a taste of.

But neither of them were equipped to carry much out of the cave, and the Plateau healer needed to carry her little bundle back home. Bazi padded over the the crack in the wall they had squeezed through, and turned to beckon at Blue Willow with a soft toss of her head and a grin. "Lets get going - before you accidentally swallow that moss."

RE: potholing - Blue Willow - April 16, 2014

Okay :D Thanks for the thread

Blue Willow laid her bundle down for a moment to answer the younger female. "of course I will show you Bergamot root and how to make a poultice although today I should be getting home as you should." Blue Willow let the other go before her and she had to smile at the young ones enthusiasm.

She chuckled quietly, "Yes i don't want to be swallowing what I need. She bent and picked up her bundle once more and headed one more time out the crack and down towards the bottoms and off towards her home, she would have to come again and meet this little wonder of a girl.

RE: potholing - Bazi - April 16, 2014

A final one from me! One more soon?! Maybe Blue could teach Bazi more about healing. :D I might make this a 'discovery' thread for Blue Healers' Garden, actually!

Bazi positively twinkled with glee. She scurried back outside, and waited impatiently for Blue Willow to follow. The sun was up in earnest now, and the fog was fighting a losing battle against its spring-time strength.

"I think it should be called Blue Healers' Garden," the Creek youth bubbled enthusiastically when her friend's nose appeared. "In your honour." When the mountain had let go fully, she stepped forward to plant a big, wolfish kiss on the other girl's cheek before she, too, scurried back down the mountain. "Until next time!"

RE: potholing - Blue Willow - April 16, 2014

Blue Willow blinked in surprise and then blinked furiously at the others kinds words to keep the happy tears at bay. It was a great honor and she appreciated being thought of like that, but before she could thank the youth she had planted a kiss on her and had scurried off. "Until next time She whispered softly and watched her go before she herself started towards home.