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The Sentinels the birth of venus - Printable Version

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the birth of venus - Deirdre - July 26, 2016

aw but hoping for a wild @Tansea !!1

deirdre had met one of the newcomers, and now sought the other eagerly. how she adored new faces! and what would this one look like? be like? the young witch spoke to the flowers this morning, and the winds encouraged her to go and see, to find out! she saw the proud visage of her father, conjured from her heart, and 'twas then she delayed no more and set out to find the new wolf of donnelaith.

RE: the birth of venus - Tansea - July 26, 2016

Tansea was in prayer when she smelt the wolf, a young female if she were correct, approaching. She nudged the piece of quartz, a find she had spotted by the river and had been rather excited over, pushing it beneath a nearby log for safe keeping before turning.

Tansea got to her feet, shaking her pelt slightly to get rid of any clinging plant life that always seemed to find its way into the witch's fur. Trotting off to find the girl, it led her to a white wolf who seemed younger than her but she could not place the girl's age precisely.

"Hello," her voice was soft, her stance unassuming as she stopped a short distance away.

RE: the birth of venus - Deirdre - July 27, 2016

hi!! dei is 7 mos. now so doesn't look like she's a pup:D she looks like a fully grown mature adult!

deirdre saw the wolf a short distance away. her own posture was dominant, but not aggressively so; she knew her place, the forests princess, and one day more than this. she had been born here, and raised here; donnelaith was, truly, her life, as was her family. she plainly adored it, and the forest seemed to bow around her as she drifted closer to the new she-wolf of donnelaith.

bonjour, she greeted softly, i was searching for you! i am deirdre stella mayfair, she introduced warmly, her tail waving behind her as an ear rotated slightly to the left upon hearing a branch snap nearby.

RE: the birth of venus - Tansea - July 27, 2016

my bad! I'll go back and edit

The girl was dominant but not overly so, more in assured way as if she knew her place in the pack. Tansea didn't press the issue, keeping her shoulders hunched slightly to keep the peace. She wasn't much of a challenger anyways. 

"A pleasure," she responded easily, smiling the slightest bit. "I'm Tansea or Tansy if you wish," she inclined her head, allowing the use of her nickname if any wanted to call her by it.

"Why were you looking for me? I'm not in trouble am I?" Her tone was light, teasing, to let Deirdre know she was joking.

RE: the birth of venus - Deirdre - July 27, 2016

deirdre heard the others name, and committed it to memory. tansea, she practiced, what a beautiful name! all within donnelaith she found to be named wonderfully, though she had truly a penchant for loving most all names she heard. the names of flowers she loved most of all, and tansea's was reminiscent of the pansy flower. there was a fondness already gained toward the other for that alone! and that she had come here, to donnelaith, to live! it pleased deirdre greatly, as the forest was perhaps one of her greatest loves. 

trouble? non, she smiled warmly, amused at the others jest, i simply wanted to meet you! it is important for me to know all who live within donnelaith, and she wished to befriend them, too, as her heart was so large and had ample room for more in it. walk with me? she invited, gesturing to the open path ahead of them.

RE: the birth of venus - Tansea - July 28, 2016

Tansea felt a smile, not one of the half smiles that she usually gave but a true smile, settle on her features as the girl spoke. Deirdre was a spritely little thing and she would have been proud to call her a friend. 

"Thank you," she replied to the compliment, moving to the white wolf's side. "I would love to." She began to walk, glancing over to see that Deirdre was following. 

"Have you been here long?" Tansea was unaware that Deirdre had been born here.

RE: the birth of venus - Deirdre - July 29, 2016

the others smile was met in kind with a radiant one from deirdre; that the other might be happy in her presence meant the world to the she-wolf, and brought happiness in turn to her. the pale youth was always glad to be with those of her pack, whom she considered to be family. as the other began to move, deirdre slid alongside her to match pace; she was no small thing, but a full, long-legged, curvaceous woman who was made for this very forest. the trees whispered overhead as a breeze rifled through the leaves, and when tansea spoke, deirdre turned her gaze to her.

for all of my life, she informed the other warmly, and continued on: i was born here to donnelaith's first king and founder, lasher. he passed--not so long ago, there was a curse upon the wilds that took from it every hue it carried, leaving only soil and wood behind. it was a bleak, hard time... his spirit still resides here, she smiled softly at that, though it was clear the tale saddened her. he watched over them all, and lived yet within her and his other progeny. she would ensure that he never died, not truly, and that his work would thrive with her magick. while his body is at rest. she fell quiet for a moment, looking back to the wooded path before them, drifting between or around the trees as was necessary.

RE: the birth of venus - Tansea - July 30, 2016

Tansea did not bother with apologies of what had happened, she had always hated that when she spoke about her past. As if the person she was talking to had anything to do with it or her trials in life. 

Rather the witch glanced over at Deirdre knowingly, turning her eyes back to the path before she spoke again. "My own father passed when I was young. Things are never quite the same afterwards." 

"My beliefs may not be the same as your own or maybe they are, I don't know. But I have never believed my father was truly gone. All life is energy and when he passed it was just absorbed. Something about that gave me comfort, that he lived on in the world around me," Tansea nodded to herself, unsure if that would help the girl or not.

RE: the birth of venus - Deirdre - August 11, 2016

deirdre nodded to tansea. not all that would come to pass had yet, and soon she would understand intimately what it was tansea spoke of. as it stood, at present none had trespassed against her fathers wishes, and all was well and peaceful within donnelaith--as it should be and as she aspired to keep it. but his absence, the physical absence, was one she identified with and felt keenly. it was a pain she would never grow used to.

we share the same thoughts, she hummed with a warm smile, and went on, my father lives on. his spirit is one with the winds you feel that the trees speak with, her tail waved, hopeful that perhaps shes had found another druid, another being that communed with the Otherworld.

RE: the birth of venus - Tansea - August 11, 2016

Tansea breathed a silent sigh of relief, grateful she had not offended Deirdre. Sometimes she was too forthright, have too much information and received the backlash for it. The femme at her side did not seem to mind, seemed at peace with what had happened to her father. For that the witch was happy, though she would pray for her new friend all the same.

"If you don't mind my asking, what of the rest of your family? Is your mother one of the Alphas here?" She found that she couldn't imagine Aria being this young woman's mother, she seemed too young herself. It was entirely possible that Deirdre's mother was an Alpha she hadn't yet met.

RE: the birth of venus - Deirdre - August 17, 2016

she was, deirdre informed her newfound friend, thinking on the lovely blue willow. she and my father both found this place. one day she had left, when famine struck, to find herbs for donnelaith. but she has never returned, and deirdre said no more on this; her mother might live yet, out there... or she might have been, like her father, a victim of the colourless times. deirdre missed blue willow as fiercely as she missed her father, and to not know of her fate pained her. she thought of the woman every day.

the pale witch princess licked her chops, not wishing to dwell too much on that. i have brothers in the valley--one is constantine, who lives here in donnelaith. then there is casmir; he is at silver creek. i have a sister as well, who lives within donnelaith--eilidh. my elder sister, emaleth, is elsewhere for the time... but she will return, she had plenty of family left over, each she loved vehemently. she peered sidelong to the becoming tansea, her tail waving behind her. tell me more of yourself, tansea! i should so love to get to know you, her ears perked, not one to talk much of herself and loving more to hear of others.

RE: the birth of venus - Tansea - August 17, 2016

Tansea remained silent, listening as was her usual habit. Her ears flattened in sympathy once more, unable to truly experience what it must be like. Their own mothers were similar somewhat and yet not. Tansea's mother had not physically gone anywhere but when her father died, Mother too had faded into someone unfamiliar to her.

The talk of siblings was not something she could relate to either. Her own sisters had both been persuaded into the cult, married to a male old enough to be their grandfather. It was sickening and their was no love lost between Tansea and either of her siblings.

"Me?" Her tone was surprised as if it were extraordinary that someone would question about her own totally boring life. "Oh well, I am from a land far from here and there isn't much to say about it. It wasn't unlike this place. We lived in a forest atop the cliffs of the sea. My own father passed when I was quite young and my mother was never very maternal," she confided without giving too much away.

"Once Father was gone, Mother was no longer herself and she fell into the wrong group. My sisters went with her. I was raised with them and their new group but was unable to abide their laws and once it was found that I practiced witchcraft, I was forced from them. It wasn't long before I found myself here in Donnelaith." 

RE: the birth of venus - Deirdre - August 22, 2016

deirdre listened to the others story and, sensing twas not a subject she wished to dwell on, nodded in rejoinder. i am glad to see you here, now, she hummed warmly, we would not turn you away for following such a path, not simply because deirdre herself was a full-blooded witch, but because donnelaith had a heart the size of its forest that was open and warm and welcoming to nearly all. and i hope it is here  you find happiness, came her warm and encouraging words. though the origin story of her newfound friend was saddening, deirdre trusted that the future of tansea would be a bright one!

so, you are a witch, deirdre inquired in her accented voice, intrigued; she had only known the mayfair witches, after all, and with emaleth and rowan both gone they were short in number!

RE: the birth of venus - Tansea - August 23, 2016

"I do hope so," Tansea murmured honestly. She had plans to make Donnelaith her home, so long as it stood she would be a loyal insubordinate to it. There was a difference in finding a home and being happy there, Tansea was used to living in loneliness and so wished that she would not be here. It seemed she was on her way to deterring that path, having met many of the members already. 

"My mentor called us dryads but yes, I could be called a witch as well," Tansea laughed lightly, the word had been an offense in her homeland but here she was learning to embrace the term.

RE: the birth of venus - Deirdre - September 19, 2016

deirdre looked thoughtful for a moment. if i can help at all with that, please, let me know, she decided at length, wanting only for her newfound friends happiness! deirdre herself was glad for the others being here. it was good to have another friend within donnelaith! a new face was something deirdre was only ever happy to have.

it seems we have many names, she hummed, her tail waving. but they each mean the same thing, i suppose. my father, while he lived, mentored me as best he could; but he was no witch, she admitted.

maybe we can fade this one soon and has a new one? life beat me ^

RE: the birth of venus - Tansea - September 19, 2016

"You already have by approaching," she smiled at the younger witch. It was easy for the socially awkward dryad to speak when approached, it seemed harder to go out and actively make friends. Old habits die hard.

"I have never met a male witch but I suppose anything is possible," Tansea commented idly, assuming it was okay to speak about her deceased father considering Deirdre was the one to bring him up.

The witch followed after her friend, finding herself at peace with the forest and those that inhabited it.

sure :) tried to put a fade at the end, not sure how good it was