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Firestone Hot Springs i will prove myself - Printable Version

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i will prove myself - Sabriyah - April 02, 2014

Date; 4.2.201
Time; Late Afternoon
Location; Firestone Hot Springs
Status; Private for @Atticus

It was almost hard for her to believe that after nearly a year of being entirely on her own, she was a member of a pack again. Sabriyah hadn’t needed to join a pack, but the desire to be something more had been far too strong to ignore at this point in her young life. Being entirely on her own for almost a year and then joining a pack was going to take some adjusting, but she had no doubt that she could do it, that she could absolutely make this work.

It was time for her to work on the task that had been given to her by her new alpha, to supply his young family with things to eat. She was going to take this task seriously, wanting very much to prove to him that he had not made a mistake in allowing her to join his ranks. It was with that thought in mind that she set out, following her nose, as she always did when she went hunting. This would be the first time since she’d left her parents’ pack that she had hunted for anyone other than herself, though.

Although she wasn’t entirely sure of the lay of the lands, she readily knew how to find her way back to the land that she now called home. Setting out, she paused briefly at the borders, lowering her head toward the ground and inhaling deeply. Letting it out slowly, she lifted her head, allowing her tail to sway contently behind her. There really was something about the scent here that had drawn her in, calling to her. She was glad she’d followed that scent and joined this place.

Making her way down the path that she had followed up to the plateau, she stopped at a stream. Lowering her head, she lapped at the water before hopping across at a rather narrow section. Eventually, she found herself at the edge of the Hot Springs and came to a halt. Sabriyah wasn’t entirely sure if she should bother with checking here for something to chase down, kill and bring back to the Alpha male and his young family or continue on. For the moment, she stood there, trying to decide.

RE: i will prove myself - Atticus - April 04, 2014

oh my god i love you <3

The sun shining down on him, glistening in silver-blue ribbons on his sleek ebony fur, created a blanket of heat that lay pleasantly atop him and made him want very much to just drop to the ground, roll over on his back, and snooze in the warmth. Spring had very much sprung, and it would not be long before summer arrived with hot days, muggy nights, singing cicadas, and buzzing bees. He liked summertime, and the thoughts of all that would come in the months ahead -- particularly seeing his little nieces grow and being a part of their lives -- brought a smile to his face.

And it was because of them that he could not allow himself the luxury of sleeping away the afternoon in a pool of sunshine somewhere. He was hunting for them, as had become a habit for him since their birth, and at the moment he was scouting around the hot springs at a ground-eating lope. It felt good to be away from the packlands and doing something constructive. Sometimes he felt it bitterly ironic that he was now working to feed the children his brother had fathered with the woman he himself wanted. He loved the beautiful girls they'd had, of course, but…well, he tried not to think about it too much.

Coming around a small stand of sparse trees just beginning to leaf out for the season, he spotted a figure not far ahead. And the sight of that figure made him stop dead in his tracks.

It was, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful females he'd ever laid eyes on. The first detail that struck him was the richness and color of her coat: brilliant, lustrous shades of gold gleamed boldly against deep, decadent mocha hues. The sun danced and glinted on her sleek form such that Atticus could not help but stare. He'd never seen a wolf so strikingly marked, nor so beautifully feminine.

Atticus did not allow himself to gawk for long, remembering his manners and pulling himself together after a few fleeting moments. Moving toward the female, he waved his tail at her affably and offered a friendly smile. A soft breeze brought a faint whiff of Peregrine's scent entwined with hers. So she'd met his brother. Did this make her a newer packmate of his, perhaps? "Hi," he said as he drew nearer, feeling very dull and plain next to such a splendid wolf. "I'm Atticus. Are...you new to the Plateau pack?" He'd never been good at striking up conversations, especially where pretty girls were involved, and he couldn't help kicking himself for how dumb he sounded.

RE: i will prove myself - Sabriyah - April 04, 2014

i love you too!! [mate] how does the ooc code thing work?! LOL

This entire land was new and confusing to her. Confusing only because she didn’t yet know her way around or where any of the best hunting spots were. All she did know was that she needed to find somewhere to catch three small animals to give to the alphas for their family, as per what she’d been told to do by Peregrine. She worried that if she didn’t do this promptly, she would find herself out on her rear, and that was not what she wanted at all. She wanted the chance to prove that she could go from the life she’d been living to adjusting into pack life again. It shouldn’t be too hard, right?

Movement caught her attention, causing her to turn her gaze in the direction of the fast moving wolf. Sabriyah instantly tensed, steeling herself for confrontation. His scent reached her, and she realized he smelled of the pack, and smelled of Peregrine. Just as quickly as she had tensed, the two year old female found herself standing down. It didn’t matter that this was neutral territory. She had no doubt that he was higher rank than her since she’d only just been accepted into the pack.

She watched him near, without making eye contact with him, letting her ears slick slightly backward the closer he got. Lavender eyes were fixed upon his chest. ”I’m Sabriyah,” she offered in return. ”I am,” she confirmed, giving a bit of a nod. ”Sent out to prove myself by supplying the alphas with three small animals to be placed within a cache near the alphas’ den for the young family.” She figured she might as well say why she was out here, away from the pack lands. Perhaps he’d be willing to give her a helping paw.

RE: i will prove myself - Atticus - April 10, 2014

[ooc]Easy!  Just use this code![/ooc]

Upon hearing that he was in the presence of a new packmate, Atticus's tail waved and a smile warmed his face. He was glad his pack continued to grow and prosper. And he was glad that this hot chick was a member of its ranks. In his opinion, the Plateau was in dire need of more attractive females, especially now that Hawkeye was no longer available. There would always be a cold little seed of bitterness within him where she was concerned. So far, he'd done just about everything he could to avoid her. Since she'd had her pups, it'd been pretty easy.

But he pushed thoughts of her out of his mind. This woman was easily ten times more beautiful than Hawkeye was. Where his Alpha was muscular and brutish, Sabriyah was all sleek curves and feminine elegance. But she was no weakling; anyone could see that beneath her lovely exterior was the power and strength of a she-wolf who could handle herself. A glimpse at her face revealed perhaps the most shocking detail of all -- deep lavendar eyes. He'd never seen such eyes. His own eyes widened in surprise, though he tried not to stare and make her uncomfortable. To say he was intrigued would have been an understatement. Good god, where had this woman come from?

She commented that she had been tasked by the Alphas to prove herself by hunting for them, and Atticus had to chuckle. That asshole brother of his was too smart for his own good. Knock out two birds with one stone -- see what this newcomer was made of, and get a free meal or two for the kids in one go. He grinned. "The Alpha male is my brother," he explained, his deep baritone voice warm and friendly. "I don't know if he told you, but they have two newborn kids to feed. I was actually just hunting for them myself. If we work together, maybe we can fill up that cache a bit faster."

RE: i will prove myself - Sabriyah - April 26, 2014

So sorry for the terribly long delay :(

She was surprised to hear that this male was the brother of the Alpha male. He was quite handsome, with stunning eyes, but she disallowed herself to make eye contact other than the very fleeting moment to actually take note of his eyes. It was rare for her to actually take so much notice of anyone else, especially since she had lived for nearly a year entirely by herself, avoiding contact with others at all cost. It wasn’t that she was anti-social, though. She’d merely been wanting to prove to herself and to her mother that she could do it.

Her tail swayed behind her when he spoke of them hunting together. It had been far too long since she’d actively hunted with anyone else. In her parents’ pack, she’d gotten to go on a few pack hunts, but that was few and far between. Her mother had forbid her from doing quite a bit of things that the others got to do and Sabriyah was convinced that it was purely because her mother was being a controlling bitch.

”I would like that,” she finally responded. There was an almost touch of shyness in her voice. Where this was coming from, she wasn’t sure. ”Care to lead the way?” she asked, giving a small smile along with the swaying of her tail. ”I don’t know where the good hunting spots are around here yet.”