Wolf RPG
Shadewood Evanescence - Printable Version

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Evanescence - Shink - July 28, 2016

Today he was planning to return to the woods that had once served as his gateway to the Wilds, his inquisitive self restlessly itching to explore what lay beyond the Isle. He reached the river, plunging into its swirling currents with an much grace as he could muster, careful to repeat the strokes Aeronwyn had taught him the first time he had crossed. The only difference was that now he was heading away from the haven he now called home, quite a foreign thing for the young lad. Nevertheless, he trusted his Lord and Lady more than most, deeming their land to be safe under the watchful eye of Burke.

He reached the opposite bank, shaking his pelt to rid himself if the worst of the water before swinging himself into a level trot towards the forest. The longing to shoot a glance over his shoulder tugged at his mind, yet he banished the desire with a warning growl, forcing himself to devote his trust to the others. With a swish of his tail, he plunged into the darkness of the trees, ears pricked and nose held high. Perhaps he could even find someone who knew of the alchemists' residence.

RE: Evanescence - Dagfinn - July 28, 2016

Like the russet-toned wolf before him, the Shadewood served as entrypoint to the Wilds for garralous young Dagfinn. He looked around in wonder at the tall, sprawling trees, having never seen such sights in the tundra he'd been borne into. The endless snowfields had been beautiful in their own right, of course, but this new landscape held infinitely more interest to the curious male. Already, he was composing a ballad with which to praise this fertile land - but as he opened his mouth to sing, he caught sight of an unfamiliar wolf.

"A new face!" he caroled, loping toward the distant stranger and stopping a few short yards away. "What a pleasure, to finally see another wolf after travelling so far!"

He'd seen other wolves, of course, but it'd bene days, and it was nice to see a form similar to his own again. "What tales can you tell me, friend?"

RE: Evanescence - Shink - July 29, 2016

Bursting with a multitude of sounds and scents alike, the woods were that of a fascination to the young boy. Upon his arrival to the Wilds, he had ignored the majority, his intent focused on other matters. Yet now, as he trotted beneath the great, shadowed boughs, curiosity urged him onwards and he was determined to unveil the secrets of the forest.

He heard the young stranger long before his glands could pick up his scent; a sharply ecstatic noise piercing the natural hum of the forest. With an intrigued tilt of his agouti head, the boy swivelled around to face the dark figure as he careered towards him. "Greetings," he offered the wolf a friendly wave of his tassel as he approached, pausing his stride whilst his honeyed pools surveyed the anonymous canid before him. "I am young," he spoke, a hint of amusement showing through in his voice as he reclined onto his haunches, "I reside in a land not far from here, ruled under the watchful eye of Bu-Thor and Absinthe." The fake names of his Lord and Lady came out in more of a stutter; he was still getting used to the idea yet he doubted the other would mind. "How about you; what drew you to this land?" he queried, the ghost of a smile beginning to tug at the corners of his lips.

RE: Evanescence - Dagfinn - July 30, 2016

Ah, a young fellow! Dag could see it now that he drew near, and could only find himself pleased that he'd met one of his own kind - a wolf, and a young one. What luck!

"That makes two!" he praised, as though it was by his the wolf's own ingenuity that they'd found themselves both young and wolves, here together at the same time. And here again, his ears quivered at the sound of the names, the places merely hinted at. What joy, to have come to such a fertile land, filled with wolves bearing strange and mystic names. "Call me Dag - and tell me your name! Then also tell me of these leaders of yours! What of the land? Are there many packs? Many mysteries?"

There was so much to discover, and Dag was intent on basking in each lesson and experience before moving on to the next. But - ah! A question for himself. He mustn't be selfish - others wanted knowledge, too.

"I am travelling with min bror! He went this way and I, that; but we'll in sammen igen soon!"

RE: Evanescence - Shink - July 30, 2016

The dark joker before him was unlike any he had ever come across so far; joyful and enthusiastic, much like a heightened version of himself. As he watched him draw closer, he let his tail buff the ground, his honeyed pools wide with interest at the charcoal spectacle standing mere pawsteps away from him.

At the sound of his shrill voice, Shink recoiled slightly, a grin beginning to plaster itself upon his muzzle. "Quite right," he spoke on a friendly tone, baffled by why this stranger was being so friendly to him. In all honesty, he didn't mind a little enthusiasm; it made a change from Arthendal's classic, calm nature. With a dismissive flick of his ear, he retained his focus to the yearling, auds listening intently to the rest of his speech.

"I'm Shink," he replied eventually, head tilted in curiosity, "Nice to meet you Dag." As the brute questioned him about the Isle, he paused for a moment, wandering inwardly if Maloce and Burke would approve. Nevertheless, he was his own free spirit and, if this joker was a possible recruit, then it wouldn't hurt to share a little knowledge. Nodding his head, he decided to stay vague. "The land we roam is rich in both prey knowledge; the wolves who reside there alongside me gain from each other as well as from nature itself. We find ourselves following in the path of a specific skill, this in turn leading to us earning our respected rank."

As he finished, his ears tuned in to catch the last of what the other said; a mysterious sentence riddled with words he didn't quite understand. With a confused cock of his head, he gazed quizzically into the blue eyes of the joker, hoping he would shed some light on what he had meant.

RE: Evanescence - Dagfinn - July 30, 2016

The rosey wolf's words only continued to excite the young male. The land was full of knowledge - stories just waiting to be heard and repeated. Dag's paws itched to keep going, but he knew that he must revel in very step - including the steps that had led him to this fine young stranger.

"Ah, what a pleasure it is to have met you," he sighed, seating himself comfortable near the other wolf, to show that he, too, was enjoying their chance encounter. "I'm glad to hear of the richness of the land! I plan at opdage - to explore every inch of it. I wish to be a bard, you see, and to travel all the wilds bringing song and story to each wolf I meet!"

He was glad to have met Shink before all others, and hoping that the red-tinged fellow would offer a song or story he could share. Even a message to relay would be a fine thing; Dag had nothing if not time to spend, after all.

"What brings you here, Shink - and can I be of any service?"

RE: Evanescence - Shink - July 30, 2016

His tail curled in amusement as the dark joker made himself comfortable amongst the leaf litter his expression clearly that of enjoyment and interest. "As for you too,"he spoke, the youngster reminding him of his older sister with her booming curiosity and want for knowledge. Seeing as Dag didn't come clear with his explanation of being drawn to the Wilds, Shink deemed it best to avoid asking questions too personal to the strange fellow's heart. Instead he rose to his paws, splaying his forepaws out in front of him in an elongated stretch as he swung himself into a slow trot, his tassel waving behind him as he offered the joker to follow on.

"I admire your enthusiasm, Dag," he chuffed lightly as he began filtering through the trees. "I'm here to merely scout for my pack," he explained, "Though we each share our own knowledge, it's good to venture further in search of new information." Their group was small, possessing more of a family bond than anything else. Perhaps this stranger could benefit them all, a bard who could satisfy them all with fascinating tales. "We could offer you a place if you like," he added, tilting his head to look back at the dark male, "We are always open for those seeking for a place to call home, share their knowledge and work towards their goals."

RE: Evanescence - Dagfinn - July 30, 2016

Though he'd not planned to tie himself down so quickly, Dag was interested in Shink's offer. It would be nice to have a rendezvous point - a home base of sorts, a place to return to. Though he planned to be away often, and probably couldn't be of much use to the pack, perhaps they would include him in their family and offer him sanctuary for a time.

"I am interest in this," he said agreably, standing and following in Shink's footsteps. "I will be travelling much, but I could return to the pack with stories once or twice in the sets of the moon."

The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea. Hopefully, Shink and his family wouldn't mind his long absences.

RE: Evanescence - Shink - July 31, 2016

A sense of guilt passed through his body as he ended his speech, knowing full well what it was like to want freedom before deciding to be roped down. Yet his concern began to fade as the male spoke again, agreeing to his suggestion as they passed under the shadows of the trees. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind," he answered with a flick of his ear, a grin beginning to spread across his muzzle, "With any luck you'll be able to venture far and wide to satisfy your interests, returning with tales to share with the youngsters of our band." He spoke with an excited note in his voice, thinking of how Pyro and Vassago might gain from this free spirit.

"Come," he began, slowing to a walk as they entered a shadowed clearing dotted with miniature white flowers nestled beneath the trunks of the towering soldiers. "We will hunt for a while before returning to the Isle," he explained, pressing his nose to the ground as he picked up the enticing trails of many rabbits that crisscrosses the forest.

RE: Evanescence - Dagfinn - July 31, 2016

Nodding agreeably, Dagfinn stood and moved his nose to the ground, scenting for anything that he might feed to his new friend and the pack he belonged to. It was polite to come into a kingdom bearing gifts for the leaders, no matter the reason for one's presence - and Dag hoped to gain favor with these wolves. Perhaps they would offer him asylum even if they didn't want to accept a rover such as he into their ranks.

So he hunted with Shink, happy to have the companionship of the other wolf, even if hunting called for quiet, which meant that he couldn't be his usual, garralous self. He was glad, though, when their hunting turned up an acceptably fat rabbit, which Dagfinn set aside, saying, "For your leaders!"

RE: Evanescence - Shink - August 01, 2016

Shink returned to his companions side with a young per rabbit clasped in his jaws, his tail curling as he nodded in approval at the jokers catch. "I'm sure they'd appreciate your offer," he praised as he deposited the critter at his paws only to pick it up again as he motioned for Dagfinn to follow him back to the Isle. With any luck, he'd meet Burke or Malice at the borders and so long as they stayed on the outer side of the river for now, they hopefully they'd see the bard as an acceptable recruit. "My leaders are firm but kind hearted," he spoke, his voice muffled as they trotted east through the woodland, "Hopefully they'll see you as a dedicated young fellow and allow you to join." It would be good to have someone around his age within the pack; perhaps he could even accompany his newfound friend on one of his travels, it would aid him in gaining his scout trade too.

I'll fade here if that's ok and start a new thread on the borders of Arthendal :-) Feel free to wrap up this thread with one last post, I don't mind

RE: Evanescence - Dagfinn - August 01, 2016

He did not quite know if 'dedicated' was the word to describe himself in regards to this mysterious pack. He was dedicated to adventure and legend, but to a pack? He'd left his own, following after his big brother without a care in the world. He would be doing much the same to this pack - though he'd probably be able to stop in often enough.

Still, one couldn't win if one didn't play the game. There was no point in not trying.