Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay inch by bloody inch - Printable Version

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inch by bloody inch - Leokadia - July 28, 2016

for any in skellige's troupe!

Leokadia had healed perfectly, following the instruction of Donnelaith's medicine woman. At present, she lingered on the oceanfront, sniffing loudly. But there was no oceanfare to be found that had washed ashore, and so she would take to the sea. She did not hesitate; she plunged into the waves and moved against the sands until she could feel them no more. Leokadia dove into the sudden drop after she sucked in a heavy breath, already steadying it to the oceans rhythm, fully relaxed.

The world beneath the waves was different, but not to her. For a long while Leokadia remained beneath them, moving adeptly through the familiar terrain. When she emerged from the waves, in her mouth was a large fish; she took it to shore, and upon placing it against the sands she began to tear into it.

RE: inch by bloody inch - Doe - July 28, 2016

I don't think they've met yet!
Atoll was still fuming, unable to imagine the sort of bestial nature it took to attack someone to kind and good-hearted and pretty as her Shadow. It was unthinkable - so much that Atoll had never worried about her friend, even being out there all alone. What could happen to her, when everyone at their beta would surely be looking out for her simply because of the way she grinned?

But the unthinkable had happened. Someone had hurt her, and Atoll wanted them to pay. She was going to find Szymon right now and they were going to hunt down that bastard before he got too far to track.

Seeing a pale wolf coming out of the water, Atoll headed for the figure at once, though she stopped with a little oh falling from her tongue as the wolf's scent reached her, and her mind caught up with what her eyes were seeing. Not Szymon, then, but doubtlessly related. No other family could move with such grace in the water, and this shewolf smelled faintly of her Leviathan and his pretty friend.

"Hail," she said to the bigger shewolf, her tail wagging faintly behind her. "You're a Cairn, aren't you?"

RE: inch by bloody inch - Leokadia - August 01, 2016

Leokadia snarled, food-aggressive, as the other drew nearer to her. Although the scent of her brother was upon the she wolf, Leokadia did not discriminate who she fought away from her food, him included. Though Skellige won those skirmishes, Leokadia did not get as large as she had from letting others near to her catches or else plundered meals.

One forelimb stretched over the meal as she shifted to a stand, her eyes sharp and wary both upon the other. The question merited a short nod. And you are a follower of his, she deduced. For if it were some foe, she expected to simply be met with fang.

RE: inch by bloody inch - Doe - August 01, 2016

She gave a short nod, realize her mistake as the shewolf moved to stand protectively over her meal.

"Atoll," she said in reponse, her tail swishing once - more pacifying than friendly. "I can leave you to your meal; there will be time later to know one another."

She remained for a moment, though, commiting the shewolf's face to memory.

RE: inch by bloody inch - Leokadia - August 05, 2016

Leokadia nodded at the others word. Atoll. That and the others scent both she memorized; she needed little else. Her ears remained erect atop her crown while she waited for the other to depart, as she had said she would, for a brief moment... before deciding that she did not much care for the others eyes upon her when feasting, so long as she did not intervene. It was impersonal, but she was hungry from healing and her journey both; the lovely she-wolf Deirdre had helped her, though she had--foolishly, but intentionally--ignored the girls instruction to keep out of the water. She stretched forward a little bit, content to feel the healing wound on her back stretch... if she did this more, the scab might open, and she could be faux-concerned and visit the healer of Donnelaith again.

RE: inch by bloody inch - Doe - August 05, 2016

Aside from hungry, the larger wolf appeared preoccupied as well. Atoll rolled her shoulders in an easy shrug, letting the short encounter roll like water off her back. A mental note was made to ask Szymon about the shewolf - what her name was, for starters, and whether she was a shy girl to follow up. It did not occur to the little wolf that her presence could be so easily dismissed, and Atoll continued on in her day blissfully unaware of the other's disregard.

Life was good.