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The Sentinels Grace - Printable Version

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Grace - Cas - July 28, 2016

It was different, very much so, from the pack he had been born in. Where he had known a large variety of space - the little mountain side oasis had a lot, this was different. The trees were calling him though, and the chocolate colored name stopped a few pages from the borders to be polite. He didn't know if the pack was sleepy, or busy, had no idea the recent drama either. 

All he knew was he liked the look of it enough to warrant learning more. So he gave a call to anyone around who could spare some time talking to him. 

RE: Grace - Deirdre - July 28, 2016

before meeting cas!

deirdre sought constantine with the news she held, still not knowing of the drama that had unfolded but (likely) hours ago. but first she had come across another at the borders, and to him she moved warily toward with a proud posture and a graceful gait. her emerald eyes glistened as they took in the chocolate hue of the stranger, so similar to her fathers and brothers coloration--the base of it, anyway--that it warmed her. hello there, she greeted, her eyes warm.

RE: Grace - Aria - July 28, 2016

As she wasn't far off from the call, Aria arrived shortly after Deirdre. Her ears were cupped forward and she gave the pale child a gentle nudge to the shoulder before looking to the male-- giving him a quick look down.

He was tall, handsome, and appeared to be built like a warrior-- should could only pray he was. And those eyes, they reminded her of Lasher. But where Lasher's eyes were like a gorgeous turquoise ocean, this males reminded her of a river, bright and clean and the bluest color she'd ever seen in her life. She clears her throat to hold herself together. 

"Greetings," she says. "What brings you to my borders?"

RE: Grace - Cas - July 28, 2016

His heritage was full of beings of great power, bodies magnificent and souls pure ad could be. His first impression of the young woman who approached him was that she, too, was a sweet pure soul. Not unlike his mother, if her gentle approach was any indication. The chocolate male dipped his head politely, "Hello, ma'am." Before Castiel had any chance to say anything else yet another pale woman approached. 

It was a surprise, in a sense, and the two might have been related - they looked like it was possible at least. Her features were different, not the cherub like qualities of the first and the way that she spoke it was obvious this was someone higher in the order than the young woman. "Curiosity, you could say. Intention, would be another - I am trying to see if I would be a fit here." His gravely voice might have sounded gruff had it not been so earnest - he truly was hopeful and so he waited patiently to hear from the two. 

RE: Grace - Deirdre - July 29, 2016

deirdre listened to the other who spoke in an intriguing voice. it was deep, and the sounds it made reminded her of pebbles and stones rolling against one another. it was a harsh sound, discordant, but deirdre enjoyed it. it was unique to any voice she had ever heard. she sensed the genuinity in his voice, and nodded, as interested in him, surely, as he was with donnelaith itself.

tell us of yourself, she invited openly, looking to aria with a warm smile as her plume waved, knowing donnelaith turned few, if any at all, from their doorstep. the ones that had ever been denied were the ones that had abandoned the pack at all--she thought of the wolf, malachi--although those with violent proclivities would likely be warned that those tendencies were not preferred, as donnelaith were peaceful folk.

RE: Grace - Aria - July 29, 2016

Deirdre asks the man a question, and although Aria stiffens slightly, she nods. "What are you skilled in?" She asks to back up Deirdre's question, her ears cupping forward. Had she heard Deirdre's thoughts, she probably would have agreed. While she did turn Rowan away-- she had never turned away a wolf from her borders. Nor had Lasher, really. She didn't see any reason not to have a full pack, she felt it was a good idea to have many wolves come.

RE: Grace - Cas - July 29, 2016

Hi tail swayed a bit at the tip, they both seemed pleasant enough despite the tension that had rippled through the pack. "My name is Castiel," He began, his blue eyes glancing from one to the next before returning respectfully lower. "I was a guardian of my former pack, though war was waged against us by a neighboring group. There was chaos, and my parents perished - I sought a new beginning." It was such a abbreviated version of his life if almost felt like it did him a disservice, but, he couldn't change things now. He would go more in depth if it was asked of him. 

"How long have you all been here?" 

RE: Grace - Deirdre - July 29, 2016

deirdre was saddened to hear of his story, brief though it was. she felt for him, truly; her father perished from the plague that had come to the lands, and her mother... she could only hope she had survived it, but could not know for certain. it was a different sort of death than the one his own parents had suffered, but the ache of loss was one all who the reaper had taken from knew too well. i am sorry for your losses, castiel, she spoke softly, and then looked to the heavens above and let a respectful moment of silence for those who had left one body for the next hang around them. she would let aria answer the question, though she knew the answer--donnelaith's origin story was one she knew intimately, and she did enjoy to hear it from the mouths of others.

RE: Grace - Aria - July 29, 2016

Aria listens with Deirdre, frowning at his words. Had he not asked a question she would have offered a new beginning in her pack-- something she hoped would appease Deirdre for her outburst the other day.  But, since he spoke, she would answer his question. 

"Since early winter," she tells the other, her tail flicking. She joined a little bit after the pack was formed-- but she was close to its origins. "Our founder passed not too long ago, I am his successor," she adds, and glances to Deirdre. "This is his daughter," she adds, hesitating to add 'and this will be mine'. 

"How long have you traveled, Castiel?"

RE: Grace - Cas - July 29, 2016

Castiel offers the smallest smile, nodding at the woman's condolences.  "And for yours as well." he offered, turning his attention to the Alpha. They had all experienced loss, but, it was still an opportunity for growth. He had to see things that way. "A month, not too long." The wounds were still fresh to him. "What needs does your pack have?"  

sorry it's so short! At work >>

RE: Grace - Deirdre - August 03, 2016

deirdre's gaze was upon aria as she spoke of successors. deirdre looked back to castiel, lifting her head loftily at aria's introduction, at her unspoken words. deirdre need not say what was known, but her look toward aria had been filled with love. deirdre mayfair, its inheritor. a deep nod of thanks was given to the other as he offered his own condolences. when he spoke of his long time traveling, deirdre was surprised to hear that he felt this not too long a time. she realized that she had no desire to travel, no wanderlust within her. no, her spirits were sated here, and this was where she was called to be.

as he queried of needs, deirdre was quiet, her eyes panning to the lovely leader of donnelaith, her tail waving. donnelaith, she felt, truly wanted for very little; good hearted wolves seemed to be the unspoken stipulation, as that was what donnelaith harbored.

RE: Grace - Aria - August 03, 2016

"We are a peaceful group," the girl says, mostly for Deirdre's sake. She would've taken whoever was kind enough to her, though. "But we value protectors, as well,"  she adds. "As long as you're willing to serve Donnelaith, and help it to succeed, you have every right among our borders." Her tail flicks once behind her, ears cupping forward to hear a response from the man. Castiel. An interesting name. 

RE: Grace - Cas - August 03, 2016

Nothing was as terrifying to him as being alone. Truly alone. Castiel had never been without his family, without his siblings to help keep him comfortable and safe, never without his parents as mentors and guides. He didn't want to be on his own. He nodded as Aria spoke, only gaining the younger woman's name. "I would be happy to serve." The gravely voice was honest, forthright - there was nothing to hide from him. 

RE: Grace - Deirdre - August 10, 2016

deirdre listened to aria, looking to cas all the while. protectors they had at the bay, though she had no qualms in the learned warrior residing among them so long as he hung his sword at the door; she knew there was no wiping the blood from it, nor the terrible stain that blood left, but if he did not swing it rampantly within the peacekeepers haven he would find happiness here.

RE: Grace - Aria - August 10, 2016

Aria smiles. "Then welcome, Castiel-- welcome to Donnelaith," she says, dipping her head politely. She steps forward to press her nose to his shoulder, offering him the same chance, before stepping back. "You're free to explore our borders, I'll gladly show you around if you'd like," she adds, her eyes glinting slightly. She glances to Deirdre with a soft smile. "You're free to go, Deirdre, thank you," she adds, nosing the childs shoulder gently. 

RE: Grace - Cas - August 15, 2016

Castiel's tail gave the slightest wag, a bit of relief running through him. He gave a nod to the woman's words, he'd eagerly accept her offer to show him around. "I would like that, if you have time for me." He said with his deep voice before turning his blue gaze to the younger female again. "It was a pleasure to meet you." He offered, still wanting to be polite to her despite her youth - and perhaps, especially because of. 

RE: Grace - Deirdre - August 17, 2016

deirdre was glad to hear of his acceptance, and her own plume waved in turn. she smiled as aria offered to show the newcomer around--if aria had not offered, she would have, but the pretty alpha had done so and so deirdre would let castiel get acquainted with both donnelaith and its leader. she nosed aria in kind, her tail again flicking to and fro in a happy wave. it was a pleasure to meet you, as well, the girl hummed, dipping her head to both wolves before drifting back into the depths of donnelaith.