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The Sentinels will the faithful be rewarded - Printable Version

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will the faithful be rewarded - Thrax - July 28, 2016

If it had not been for the strengthening scent of borders Athens would not have realized that gradually the Deepwood Weald had ended and the outer rim of The Sentinels had begun. The thick blur of dark woodland offered no difference of territory, though luckily, the Tiberius-DiSarinno had been paying attention to avoid any unnecessary aggressive transaction from the wolves that ran with the pack whose borders he'd gained upon. Salmon pink tongue drew across his chops as he lowered his head to sniff at the multitude of scents the markings offered him before he moved away from their borders to a more than respectful distance. Thoughtful flick of his tail was given, brushing against his hocks as he contemplated his options. He did not have to stop here, he considered, as he cast a glimpse heavenward, taking a moment to admire the myriad of brilliant colors the sunrise had painted on the canvas of the heavens. No doubt there were more packs in the area; but he had to try somewhere and the worst these wolves could say to him was 'no'. If they rejected him he would move on. Admittedly, Athens wasn't confident on the statistics of that simply because he had nothing to compare or back it up, yet he would never know if he didn't take the chance.

He inhaled deeply, tipped his head back and let out a low howl to announce his presence. As his summons faded into the treeline of the towering conifers he became conscious of his posture and made it neutral.

RE: will the faithful be rewarded - Aria - July 28, 2016

-- hi! I'm on mobile so my posts will be somewhat short. --

Her pride and motivation had taken a huge blow-- she felt more lost than she had in weeks. Donnelaith was hers alone, currently, and it seemed all of her decisions were the wrong ones. But did Constantine not agree? Did that not make the decisions justified? To have another wolf agree surely made something make more sense... Perhaps not-- how she longed for Lasher to be live and well once more. This pack was not the same without him-- she would never be the same leader he was. 

A howl tore her from her self pitying, and she sucked in a deep breath before she made her way towards it. She arrives to see a male, her posture straightening the closer she got. To this stranger she was a leader-- she had no faults-- not yet. 

​"Greetings," she says, dipping her head to greet him.

RE: will the faithful be rewarded - Thrax - July 28, 2016

short posts are perfectly fine! c:
A pallid beauty approached him, responding to his presence. Pale blue gaze admired her from a distance, lowering as she drew nearer. As much as Athens adored words there was something enticing in the ability to determine and speak in what was left unspoken. The woman's posture gave him all that he presently needed to know without her having to part her pretty lips and speak. She wasn't just a leader — she was the leader and Athens adjusted his posture accordingly, lowering his body from it's neutral stance, ears splaying flat against the curvature of his skull, throat exposing in submission before her. The Tiberius-DiSarinno returned her greeting with a simple “Hello,” of his own. Athens had seen his mother conduct these meetings plenty of times growing up, and during those rare times Eros allowed him to accompany him on patrols. Though he'd never been on either side of the process he understood it's mechanics well enough. “I am Athens Tiberius-DiSarinno and I've come to seek a place among your ranks, if what I have to offer pleases you, of course.”

RE: will the faithful be rewarded - Aria - July 28, 2016

He was young and handsome, so he already pleased her plenty-- but that was hardly a reason to let anyone into her pack. Especially after recent events, she needed to be more cautious with her decision making. 

She wondered though, if this boy was related to Osprey in any way. They had similar names-- although she felt that the first part was different. She would ask later. 

​"Can you fight?" She asks, an eyebrow quirking, her pale gaze studying him.

RE: will the faithful be rewarded - Thrax - July 28, 2016

There was no introduction from her, which Athens supposed having her name really wasn't required. She was the leader after all. Rather, the question that had fallen from betwixt her lips was direct and blunt. Considering that nothing before it but a greeting and nothing presently followed after it, Athens was left to assume that it was all she cared about. Perhaps his assumption wasn't true, or at least fully accurate yet she was looking for warriors, else she would not have asked him that. This was the only logical conclusion that he could come to. Though immediately the Tiberius-DiSarinno felt his rejection was imminent either way as he refused to lie. “I can fight as well as any wolf,” This was true. He may not have enjoyed the violence but Athens was a wolf. Any wolf that couldn't fight would not live long: that was just how it was. “but I am not a combatant. Wars aren't always won with brute force. I am more brains than I am brawn.” With that information she could do what she wished and had no doubt from her earlier directness that she'd have no problem sending him off.

RE: will the faithful be rewarded - Aria - July 28, 2016

The man revealed that he could not, and though she was disappointed, it did not surprise her. He seemed a calmer sort. "Very well," she says, her head dipping. "Do you have any other skills, then?" She asks. She assumes he might work well with advisory or healing-- as most of the wolves in Donnelaith did. While warriors, she felt, were necessary, might as well attempt to appease those angry with her with more healers... Or whatever this man was. 

RE: will the faithful be rewarded - Thrax - July 29, 2016

Athens had no reservations about the fact that his words were not what she wanted to hear, else she would not have been so direct and blunt. For whatever reason she was looking for warriors, and while Athens boasted a svelte, athletic build he had no true interest in violence. In his opinion, wars were won by politics. Warriors could fight endlessly...but knowledge and one's willingness to assert it was what turned the tide of wars. Athena proved this time and time again, and as far as Athens knew his patron goddess had yet to lose a battle to Ares who was the brawn. Surprise stole across Athens' features when she did not immediately dismiss him, instead asking him what other skills he possessed. “A few,” Athens simpered with a playful, characteristic cynical edge. “I was a peacekeeper...I guess you could consider them a combination of a diplomat and an adviser,” He elaborated unsure if she would immediately know what he meant by the general “peacekeeper” co-rank he'd carried or not. “I've got a fondness for the night sky and it's constellations, and stories, mythologies and history in general.”

RE: will the faithful be rewarded - Aria - July 29, 2016

He seems surprised that she did not run him off already-- and at that she gives a small smile. It widens as he begins talking about his own skills, a bit of his personality shining through in his tone. An adviser-- as she had thought, her ears perk with curiousity as he continues, almost wishing to ask him now for advice. But it was too early on. 

"A naturalist as well, perhaps?" She offers, smiling. "Pardon my ignorance-- Mythologies?" She asks, her pale ears pivoting forward. 

RE: will the faithful be rewarded - Thrax - July 29, 2016

The ethereal leader offered him a small smile which a quick glimpse told him had widened. Yet, he did not allow it to give him any sort of illogical and false hope. This meeting was not yet concluded and he was still ignorant of his chances of success. He had not been able to impress her by boasting of being a gladiator because he was not one. All he had to offer was his stark honesty and hope that it was worth something more than physical prowess in battle. As she was a stranger this was not something he was willing to assume of her either way. Athens was not overly familiar with the term of “naturalist” as she spoke it but he could draw the conclusions easily enough upon it's root word. “Yes,” He had a natural knack for sky-gazing and all that it entailed including weather and navigation using the alignment of stars. “Mythologies are traditional stories of gods and heroes. My family is big on Greek and Roman mythology, in particular.” He explained unsure if it would mean anything to her or not. Still, Athens offered the specification because he always did.

RE: will the faithful be rewarded - Aria - July 29, 2016

As he explains what mythologies he means, Aria nods. She remembers the conversation she had with Osprey all that time ago, curious if he really was related to her.  "There is a wolf among my ranks who comes from the Romans, I believe," she says. "Osprey, perhaps you two could talk about them together." With a light dip of her head, she motions to the territory. "This is Donnelaith, I am its lone alpha, Aria January," she says, introducing the humble pack. She is silent for a moment before continuing. "We are a sanctuary pack, peaceful in our ways, if you are still interested, you are welcome among my ranks."

RE: will the faithful be rewarded - Thrax - July 29, 2016

Really?” Athens inquired with honest interest, when the pallid leader offered him the information regarding one of her subordinates. The prospect of meeting another Roman was an interesting one, for he'd only known of those in The Huntress Moor and of his mother's brothers whom were more or less myths themselves to Athens. She motioned to the territory she stood stalwart at with a soft gesture, offering the name of the pack and her own name, informing him that she was it's sole leader. She was young, he noted — close to his own age if he had to guess. He was impressed immediately by her, even without knowing the details. The how's of it didn't matter in truth. She was the Queen of the Sentinels, even as young as she was, and that was credential enough for the Tiberius-DiSarinno. “It sounds perfect,” Athens murmured with a slow grin curving the edges of his lips upwards as she mentioned to them being a sanctuary; peaceful. Athens liked to believe himself a benevolent beast and a pack that embodied harmony sounded more than ideal for him. “of course I'm interested.”

RE: will the faithful be rewarded - Aria - July 29, 2016

He seems to light up when she mentions Osprey, and the girl nods. "Mm," she hums in return, "Osprey is a DiSarinno as well... Perhaps you have something more in common." Her eyes glint with amusement, and when he expresses his final interest in the pack she dips her head. "Welcome home, Athens," she says, stepping towards the male. She lowers her head to touch her nose to his shoulder, inviting him to do the same. When she parts she gazes at the pack behind her. 

"Would you like to show yourself around, or would you like some company?" The snowy queen asks with a smile. 

RE: will the faithful be rewarded - Thrax - July 29, 2016

Aria shared further on the “roman” — a woman named Osprey DiSarinno. Given that their name was not a common one there was little doubt that they were related though in which way Athens could not be sure. Attica had not seen her brothers or mother for many years. Possibly since she had been a young girl, led by Artemis on a path of adventure where it had inspired her to found The Huntress Moor. She had been generous with her knowledge though the knowledge of where her family was and how they were doing had always been an unknown variable. “Perhaps,” Athens allowed with a knowing smile. Though it was exciting to know that at least one of his family was here he could not entirely ignore the tightening of apprehension in his stomach. Athens wasn't even sure this mysterious Osprey would even recognize the name Attica and there was no telling how he'd be received. Aria drew nearer to him and the cool brush of her nose against his shoulder caused a small shudder to slither up the length of his spine. He returned the gesture, offering her a submissive lick beneath her chin. “I wouldn't mind some company,” The Tiberius-DiSarinno responded. “So long as there is nothing more pressing that demands your attention.”

RE: will the faithful be rewarded - Aria - July 29, 2016

She shakes her head. "Nothing that can't wait," she returns, her smile returning. "Come on, I can show you to the heart of the territory," she offers, nodding towards the beautiful trees and beginning towards them. 

"May I ask about your journey down here?" She asks, glancing to the male, her ears perked. "A months travel Doesnt sound easy."

-- you're welcome to continue this! Or you can fade with your thread and we can just not write their walk. Up to you (: welcome to DL <3 --