Wolf RPG
As Night Falls (Pump) - Printable Version

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As Night Falls (Pump) - Nuka - April 03, 2014

The sun had only just lost it's battle with the nearly full moon and dusk had given way to night. The large female had a way about her that involved her moving far quieter then one as heavy as she should be capable. She entered the valley with a goal in mind. She wished to get to know the leader better. She seemed strong, and proud and these were both traits that Nuka was drawn to respect.

Clamped between her jaws was a lifeless badger. His body was undamanged beyond the broken neck which had killed him. A badger was no easy kill, and to do so with out tearing him up showed that she was not being a braggart in regards to her ability as a huntress.

She scent of milk on her was fading as her body realized that she had no more cubs to feed. She was moving easier as her engorgement had subsided, and it had helped with her mood. She would soon be of the midset to celebrate their passing but had not quiet yet come to that point.

Keen eyes searched the empty plain until she spotted the alpha. Only then did she advance, having to keep her head exceptionally high to limit how much the badger drug the earth. She stopped several yards back and laid the badger on the ground, her tongue snaking over her teeth and maw. Cleaning the blood that had collected there, so that she was once more blood free.

She chuffed softly in greeting.

"Object to some company?"

RE: As Night Falls (Pump) - Pump - April 03, 2014

ooc: Thanks for starting!

It had been a very long day for Pump - she had spent most of it, exploring the Ravensblood forest, because now that they were recovering from the rockslide a lot quicker than before, the need for new territories to live and hunt in was great. The newcomers - Nuka and Gavriil - had proven themselves to be quite useful and likeable, Bjorn was doing a good job, guarding borders and dealing with strangers, Thistle was running around and about. The only worries she had were for Kennedy, who had healed so far to stand and walk and yet she sensed that he was not entirely satisfied with the whole situation.

Therefore too tired to do it today, she promissed herself to deal with him tomorrow. She wanted to be a good leader and not let anyone feel neglected or left alone in the pack. The nights were quite warm lately, therefore Pump hadn't sought out a den, but rather chosen a safe spot to sleep by large sequoia tree's roots. It was located in the middle of the territory, where there were other pack mates in the vicinity and therefore a safe spot. However an old habit of hers was to never let her guard down and even in the sleep she had one ear open to whatever happened around.

This proved to be useful tonight, when she was awoken by the sound of light footfalls coming in her direction. Pump opened her eyes and lifted her head to see, who it was. And a surprise it was to recognize the large she-wolf Nuka she had accepted in the ranks a week ago. She had brought a gift with her, which the wolf-dog eyed curiously and then replied to her request: "Not at all - settle down - there is enough space for everyone."

RE: As Night Falls (Pump) - Nuka - April 03, 2014

She had made herself quiet busy in her first week here. It seemed she was apt to prove her words true when she stated that she did nothing with half her heart. She had thrown herself into the very centrist of the pack. Making a point to visit with each member and get to know them. She had a way about her, that seemed to handle everyone just slightly different. Yet, in that difference, it was exactly the approach that the other needed. With Bjorn, she was matter of fact but calm, as she would be with any male of her kindred. She allowed him his pride with out challenging, but would not be pushed around either.

With young thistle, she seemed more the gentle mother - knowing at that moment, the young female needed nothing more. Offering quiet words and gentle guidance, she had become very close to her very quickly.

She had met kennedy, and was working with him, but it was difficult to make new acquaintances during a struggle. He was wounded, and doubting himself, it made him aggressive toward any one who would show him kindness - mistaking it instead for pity. She felt that he to would come in time.

That left her new leader.

Nuka approached when invited and dropped the kill Pump's front feet. She didn't stare at her in hunger or question why she didn't eat or did. Instead, it simply rested there. A silent offer from a patient wolf.

"Thank you. It seems that I am not the only wolf who is not a fan of these warm nights."

It was no doubt true, even shedding her winter coat did little for the nothern wolf. Her summers rarely reached above forty.

"I wanted to take a moment and thank you for your acceptance. I know new commers who come in the wake of trouble can often be questionable. It is choices like these that the leaders must struggle with. I remember those struggles, and I hope that you feel validated in your selection of my company."

She had mentioned in passing that she lead her pack for three years before coming here. Yet, she did not seem the time to push for power, instead - she was quiet content to lift the leader up and support her.

RE: As Night Falls (Pump) - Pump - April 03, 2014

Pump didn't mind warmth - it was a very nice change after the long cold months, however, the hot weather during the summer was the one that she had found very hard to bear. Thick, black coat was not the best combination for high temperatures, even if the thickness of it varied according to the seasons.

The wolf-dog examined the freshly caught badger and looked up at Nuka feeling a bit confused. She was not used to receiving gifts - let alone understood the concept of them - therefore it seemed strange that after making such a difficult kill the newcomer would leave it for her to have it just like that. On the other hand - since she had done it willingly and didn't appear to have any intention of taking it back - why shouldn't she take it anyway? She leaned over, without getting up, grabbed the badger by the scruff and drew it closer to her, thus claiming the food as her own.

Nuka spoke in a rather complicated manner and Pump didn't get half of what she had meant to say. However, she was wise enough not to let it show on her facial features. She listened carefully, keeping a steady gaze at the large she-wolf and after she had finished, asked a question of her own: "Have you found a place to fit in in this pack then?"