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Larksong Grotto Bleib Bei Mir - Printable Version

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Bleib Bei Mir - Lilac - August 09, 2016

Lilac sat by the lake, listening to the waves as they rolled before her paws.  In, out, in, out, in, out, in, out, in, out....  It was beautiful.  The sound, the sight and well... everything.  The water was soothing here, it in a way seemed to pull her towards it, like it was her master.  So slowly the agoutti stood up and proceeded to the water as she started to feel it's soothing waves lapping at her fur.  She chuffed her delightment and went in further.

She stopped when it came up to just below her neck.  A feeling just made her stop.  She didn't entirely know why though.  It was just like one moment she wanted to pursue and then the next she wanted to get away.  So confused by her conflicting feeling, Lilac began to backtrack her steps, leaving the water behind and then leaving the scenery by and of the lake entirely.

RE: Bleib Bei Mir - Nova Rose - August 12, 2016

Nova Rose was heading the the lake for a bath, worrying as usually about all the little things she didn't need to be. At least one of Hiram's daughters wasn't fully happy here, Seff was missing, Tavi was wandering somewhere in the Teekons, which meant Tamborine was alone when it came to his parents. Oh, why hadn't she told Hiram where he was sooner? Why hadn't she told him yet, in fact? The golden elder had planned on calling to the Cardinal when she got there, but as she closed in another silhouette coming towards her signaled that she wasn't alone. They weren't in sight of the lake yet, but the Sister's dripping pelt told Nova she'd just been there.  
                      "Hello, Sister."

RE: Bleib Bei Mir - Lilac - August 22, 2016

A greeting rang out to her and she caught sight of a scarred elder before her.  "Greetings to you to sister.  Raas has truelly blessed us and this land upon this day hasn't he?  I can just feel it."  She smiled at this.  Raas loved them and so he had written their paths, yet they were still his pawns.  You always had to remember that, but Lilac didn't mind.  Raas was here and that was all that really mattered right now.

"How are you though Sister on this marvelous day?  I must ask."  She remarked to the elder.  Curious if this day for her was a blessed by Raas as it was for Lilac.  Hopefully so though, if not though that was just the way things needed to be in Raas's great plan for them all.

RE: Bleib Bei Mir - Nova Rose - September 14, 2016

The pale woman called out a greeting that warmed her heart like the sun warmed her pelt. She was right, Raas had blessed them with such a bright and warm day. The burden on her shoulders seemed a little lighter, but there all the same.
                   "He truly has blessed us with his warmth and light today, but my heart is heavy with the worries of the world." 
As they neared each other, Nova gave a bright smile and a chuff of welcome. 
                              "I'm afraid we haven't met: I'm Nova Rose."

RE: Bleib Bei Mir - Lilac - September 25, 2016

The older Sister agreed with her then offered her name which happened to be Nova Rose.  Lilac gave a polite nod of her head.  "I'm afraid that we haven't either Sister Nova."  Lilac replied, with a breif delicate smile.  "It is a pleasure to finally meet you though I must say."  For a moment the Sister gave a thoughtful pause before continuing.  "My name is Lilac."  She finally told the elder Sister politly.

Then the females gaze settled upon to sky and eventually to the sun.  The light caused black spots at the corners of her vision, but she didn't care.  That was Raas up there and to look up at him was nothing but a gift of the world.

RE: Bleib Bei Mir - Nova Rose - September 29, 2016

They hadn't met, but the pale woman was called Lilac - such a wonderful name. With a smile, Nova returned the Sister's kindess with her own, tail wagging behind her. 

              "How long have you been here?"

Nova didn't share in her fellow Sisters look - every healing bit of knowledge told her that wasn't a good thing to do, even if the urge to turn her eyes to Him was palpable. She did not, but she fluffed out her fur in an effort to let the sun rays kiss her skin.

RE: Bleib Bei Mir - Lilac - October 13, 2016

Eventually her gaze removed from the rays of Raas and black dots blinked at the corners of her vision, feeling faint.  It did not bother her though because every bit was worth it to look at Him.  For nothing was better or greater than Raas.

"I have been here for some months."  She responded to Nova with a shrug.  "How long have you been here?"  She tossed back the question in turn her curious gaze now observing Nova before her.

RE: Bleib Bei Mir - Nova Rose - November 01, 2016

Eventually, the pair again met eyes, and Lilac responded to her question. Of course, she asked about Nova, but she was a woman who wouldn't ask something she wouldn't tell:

                      "A month and a half or so."

A smile spread across the elders face. She decided to be the one to offer up information this time, wagging her tail. 

                                                                   "I'm a healer, a starwatcher, a mentor, and, previously, a traveler."

RE: Bleib Bei Mir - Lilac - November 12, 2016

She gave a small nod to the masterful elders words, grateful for such a powerful soul to accept Raas into her heart after only have been in the Grotto for around a month.  Then again it just went to show how powerful the love of Raas could go.  How much of his love could spread so quickly, especially in the Grotto.  "I am glad to hear that Raas has gifted you with so many talents Sister Nova.  Perhaps I could take a lesson from you sometime as you say you are a mentor after all."  

Her icy blue eyes then began to scan Nova's frame, noticing the scars that laced her body, yet Nova had never noted herself as a Mercenary past or present so Lilac of course found herself curious by this.  "You have already told me your talents Nova, but your body is laced with scars.  Were you ever a mercenary perhaps?  how have you earned them?"  She waited stoicly for an answer that she would make sure would come.