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The Sentinels go síoraí - Printable Version

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go síoraí - Constantine - August 10, 2016

Right after Constantine's return home.. but before the meeting with BD, I think? AW, but would make sense for @Deirdre or @Aria to join.
Returning home should have felt more of a relief than it did – yet Constantine stood just past the borders now, his heart and mind heavy as he cast his eyes toward the tall redwoods of Donnelaith. He had come home for Deirdre, naturally – Eilidih too, though his sister was a shell of her former self. He felt at a loss – unsure of how to engage his littermate to live once more.. it was what their father would have wanted.
But would Lasher be disappointed with him now?
He looked to the sky then, wondering. Deridre spoke of spirits – of all of the world’s abilities, why was it his father could not come to him? To tell him what to do? He did not know what had happened to Rowan – did not know if it was right that he and Aria had escorted her from the lands. Were the pups truly his?
Would he ever know, now, that he probably wouldn’t even lay eyes on them?
He sat down slowly, feeling the weight of no sleep and a long journey pull at him. He wanted to seek his sister out – even Aria, but he could not bring himself to just yet. Right now, it was the silence that called to him.

RE: go síoraí - Deirdre - August 10, 2016

deirdre moved throughout the forest, beauty and grace and worry. she had not seen constantine, but knew he had traveled with rowan for her safekeeping. she did not begrudge him for aria's choice and his obedience to her foolish, selfish whim, but deirdre certainly thought plenty upon the topic. the scent of him upon the wind quickened her pace, and she weaved expertly through donnelaith as the forest whispered to her. in her mouth was a creature that had been well beyond saving for him to sup on, if he hungered.

she came upon him, sensing his exhaustion. the topic would not be one she would thrust upon him after his long journey; she swept to his side and surveyed his figure to be sure that nothing had happened to him when he had journeyed far from home. the mayfair child sensed that now was not yet the time for speaking, and instead offered her shoulder for him to lean upon. she tossed the long-eared rabbit toward his feet and within his reach, her tail waving loosely behind her. deirdre was always happy to see him, and was glad for his swift return. if only he had not needed to leave at all! if only there had been no reason for it. her heart twisted, and the girl was no stoic; it showed, and she looked briefly to the thing she had hunted for him.

RE: go síoraí - Constantine - August 10, 2016

If he closed his eyes for only a moment, the youthful wolf envisioned something entirely different before him – Blacktail Deer Plateau, his siblings, and both of his parents. There was a sense of confusion upon him, which swam closer to the surface with Rowan’s recent news. Had he ever truly known his father? He could not believe so – not now. Sweeping away from the Plateau when he was far younger to see the world.. never had he imagined that when he would come back, his father would have moved them to a forest near the ocean, birthed another litter with his mother, insisted they were witches, and then taken another lover.
He feared Lasher would be disappointed with him, but only then did he come to the realization that he was disappointed in his father. The feeling was alien to him.
He felt Deirdre’s presence before he allowed his eyes to open – and when they did, they fell upon her sad form. Despite everything, she ushered to his side, and he could see the heartache in her eyes – of course she had trusted Rowan without thought or question. Deirdre trusted everyone and everything.
She might have wished to fuss over him, but the dark wolf stiffened, his fiery eyes casting upon her. If she was an angel of the family, then surely he was the devil – Casmir had all but said as much. “Say it, Dee,” his tone was soft, but there was a gentle demand to it. He was exhausted, but he would not shy away from her feelings.

RE: go síoraí - Deirdre - August 10, 2016

she felt him stiffen, and deirdre looked to him, wounded and worried both. when he spoke, her ears cupped around the words, and deirdre looked to his eyes with compassion and with pain. i would hear you speak, first, if you would, deirdre admitted to him, i do not judge you--though i do not understand. i know i am young, though she grew older every day, but i do not wish to be ignorant. deirdre loved him so, and loved him fiercely. it mattered not what casmir thought of him, not to her, who loved both her brothers in a way that none could cut down or take from her.

RE: go síoraí - Constantine - August 16, 2016

He considered her words, grinding his teeth together as he attempted to decipher the meaning of his own whirling emotions. He hated hearing her call herself ignorant – and while he considered many of her words and decisions as of late as such, he would never tell her as much to her face. “You are not ignorant. You are pure,” and to him, that was the entirety of the truth. Anything bad that had happened to the girl had only deepened her compassion, rather than resisting it.
“I hate to know that I’ve disappointed you, Deirdre. That I’ve let you down.” It was the same with any of his siblings – Casmir, even, though the rage in which his brother had greeted him had only fueled Constantine further to ignition. It had occurred to him that nothing would ever be the same.
“I don’t know where Rowan is – she left me in the middle of the night and skirted around Donnelaith – she went the opposite way of Sivler Creek. I didn't follow where I was not wanted.”