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Golden Glade Rise Of The Court - Printable Version

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Rise Of The Court - Alder - August 10, 2016

Charley could feel the time drawing near in which they would be official, and they would truly claim Golden Glade as their own. For now, there was work to be done: @Ayla's time had come to be made his and Aspen's Dame, the highest rank within the Inner Circle. She'd proven many times that she deserved it, and it was the least Charley could do. 
So, rising early in the morning, Charley padded quietly from @Aspens side and through the tunnels. He was amazed that paws even as large as his own made little noise, but was glad for it as he slipped past Ayla's tunnel and eventually out into the cool morning air. It was already warm, and the King set out with the mission to hunt in mind. Not for himself, or even Aspen, but for Ayla. It wasn't part of the ceremony, just more of a thanks to the pale woman for all she'd done. 

Somewhere near an hour later, the patched man was striding back towards the summit with a fat pheasant hanging limp in his mighty jaws. It'd been difficult to catch, truthfully, and hunting with half of his sight and hearing ability was a new experience, but nonetheless he'd been quick enough to snatch it by the neck and crush its spine. This time, as he went back down the stony but welcoming tunnels, he was not quiet, but still did not make much noise. It was not until he came to the pool of the meeting den that he was able to use his vocal chords, but as soon as he was able to tip up his muzzle, he loosed a quiet, low howl for both his wife and their newest initiate. Being the only wolves in the Inner Circle, nobody else would be welcomed: but after this Ayla would be able to flaunt her new rank to all however she saw fit. 
He sat tall beside the crystal pool, tail wagging beside him and blue eye sparkling in anticipation of what's about to happen.

RE: Rise Of The Court - Aspen - August 10, 2016

Aspen woke with a start from a rather bad dream her eyes wide and her heart racing. It took her a moment to realize that what she was seeing wasn't true and was in fact just a memory from her past. It had been a long while since she had had one that bad but it didn't take her long to recover. She took a deep breath and paced around the den calming herself down. Only then did she realize that Charley was not there. I wonder where he's gone.. she thought for a moment ears twitching as she neared the entrance of the den. 

Almost as if to answer her question she heard him calling from the meeting den. She wondered how long he had been awake. She took a moment to flatten out her fur and try to look like she hadn't just had the worst dream of her life before trailing out of the den and padding through the tunnels into the meeting den. She offered her mate a warm smile before glancing down at his hunt. She wondered what this meeting was about. He had only called the inner circle wolves so it must be important. She could feel that Charley was excited about something though she was not quite relaxed enough to share in that emotion with him or awake enough to realize why. 

Aspen stayed silent nuzzling her face  into Charleys shoulder taking in his scent and letting out another sigh, relaxing a bit more hiding any remain of what had happened from her eyes. She then took a seat next to him and waited upon Ayla's entrance, tail twitching as she tucked it by her paws.

RE: Rise Of The Court - Ayla - August 10, 2016

She pad softly down the tunnels, ears perked as the last notes of Charley's call faded into the stone. She slipped into the meeting cave, ears perked and eyes bright as she surveyed the pair, dipping her head in respectful greeting. "Hello, sir and ma'am. " she said brightly,  making to sit across from them. Reclining on her haunches,  she swept the remnants of her feather tail beside her, then waited for them to speak.

RE: Rise Of The Court - Alder - August 10, 2016

Aspen came to him first, not a surprise, and wearily pressed herself against him. It was clear she'd just woken, and by the looks of her it had been a rough night. He bent and, silently, began to groom her ears gently. Ayla would be here soon, and then he can announce why he's called them!
As expected, Ayla's soft pawsteps gave her away moments before she come in, even though Charley could smell her from the draft of the tunnels. Standing with one last kiss to his wife's cheek, the King grins. 
                  "Sorry its so early, girls, but I figured Ayla would want the day to flaunt her new rank before having to sit her vigil tonight.

RE: Rise Of The Court - Aspen - August 10, 2016

Aspen nodded her head in greeting to Ayla who had joined them now in the den. Everybody was now in attendance. Though the group was small Aspen knew that in time the group would grow. 

Charley announced why he had called them here and Aspen smiled wider. Today was the day. Ayla would be getting her knew rank as an official member of the Inner Cirlcle. Aspen nodded as she now understood why it had to be so early. "So this is happening," Aspen stated. "I want to say congratulations Ayla, you are very much deserving of this rank. You were very brave in fighting with the bear and defending your pack mates. You were willing to risk your life and that is a sign of true loyalty," Aspen spoke warmly. 

Aspen glanced between Ayla and her mate a few times, before settling her gaze back on the silver fae. "Shall we begin?"

Since Ayla is gone, theres no reason to finish this