Wolf RPG
Whitefish River Ten Days Later - Printable Version

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Ten Days Later - Giana - August 11, 2016

Backdated to July 30th, ten days after this: http://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=16758 and just before this: http://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=17185

Giana wasn't sure where she was, or where she was going, but she knew she had to go. Waking up in the middle of a field, her foreleg broken and her beautiful, wonderfully thick pelt was scored with pink gashes and, worse, the crusty brownness of her own dried blood. Over it all, though, her spirit was broken: though she only remembered parts of the torture, it'd torn her down and crushed her will to, well, anything. She cared not whether she lived or died, or what happened to her. The ivory woman didn't even bother clean her wounds, only dipping into Greatwater lake to clear her fur.

It took her over a week to get here, between frequent naps to let the pain and suffering fade just a little more and hunting down scraps of food. She'd long ago accepted the fact that she couldn't actually hunt, falling to scavenging around for mice or baby rabbits, or anything that was easy to trap. Thankfully, she wasn't all that large and even less fat, so she didn't need a lot to survive, but eventually this leg would be the end of her.
For the time being, she'd been following the river. But when she came to Blacktail Deer Plateau, thinking herself trapped between mountains and other packs, fresh anger flooded her. Nonetheless, she turned and started heading back towards the gorge. Each step, despite her broken leg held up to her chest, was fiery agony, and she couldn't remember a time in the past week where she hadn't panted with the effort of simply walking.