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Cedar Sweep Bang-A-Rooni (Mature) - Printable Version

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Bang-A-Rooni (Mature) - Heartha - August 12, 2016

Forward dated to 20th. @Charley Pryor. mature: The banging

She knew this day would come eventually. And with only two males in the pack, she couldn't endanger her standing by lingering. She had to get out of the pack territory, keep her distance for a bit. A scent lingered around her. Heartha kept a sharp eye and nose out for any males approaching. She couldn't let any find her, not like this.

RE: Bang-A-Rooni - Alder - August 12, 2016

Of course, the one day Charley left the borders, he didn't find himself alone. It'd been a week since the Court was finalized and his coupling with Aspen had been done and over with: but it seemed life had other plans for the King of Golden Glade. He was pulled foward by the scent of heat, and all other thoughts were out the window as he trotted Heartha's way.

RE: Bang-A-Rooni (Mature) - Heartha - August 12, 2016

Heartha was right to keep her eyes out. Or, perhaps not. The male that came was someone she least expected. She felt something deep within her, beckoning for her to go toward him. For now, she resisted. "C-Charley! What are you doing out here?" she asked cautiously, body low as she readied herself to move, keeping him in front.

RE: Bang-A-Rooni (Mature) - Alder - August 12, 2016

The brute slowed, even came to a stop a few yards away with a tip of his head: Heartha. She wasn't the face he expected to see behind this tantalizing scent, but rational thoughts were a joke, right now. Hormones commanded his body, and for right now those hormones were telling him what to say and how to act, even if that meant a bump in his perfect life.
             "I was just out exploring, until your scent beckoned me."
He stepped closer, a charming grin spread across his face, and his tail wagging uncharacteristically low for the Pryor. Only one eye was open and able to make eye contact, of course, and for the first time he did yearn to be able to have both his eyes again. He didn't show it; only slipping closer and, should Heartha allow him, reach out and breath gently against her ear, just barely touching cheeks.

RE: Bang-A-Rooni (Mature) - Heartha - August 12, 2016

Heartha shivered at his smooth voice. She could hear his wanting in his voice, calling for her. She didn't want this, not another generation. But her mind was taken, just as his was. "I..Mine?" Another light shiver came after a short of breath as he breathed past her ear, touching cheek to cheek.

RE: Bang-A-Rooni (Mature) - Alder - August 12, 2016

The King saw her shivers, caught the need in her almond eyes that was no doubt reflected in his own. The pale woman was hesitant, but he didn't know how: if he'd had no self control or smarts to know that rushing this would make this small bump a bigger pothole in his path, he'd have let pure instinct take over. Plus, it was more enjoyable this way, on top of the fact that he was at least some times a gentleman. 
               "Yes, you. Its absolutely enthralling, dear Heartha..."
He whispered in her ear, voice like honey, tongue flicking out to swipe across her cheek before taking another step forward. They were shoulder to shoulder now, and Charley reached over to nibble gently at her scruff.

RE: Bang-A-Rooni (Mature) - Heartha - August 12, 2016

His calm, gentleman-like voice came again. She was under his spell, as well as her own. He gave a lick to her cheek, and she giggled. If she had any rational mind, she would have been bewildered. "Charley..." she murmured as he started to nibble on her scruff. She felt an ultimate tingling sensation.

RE: Bang-A-Rooni (Mature) - Alder - August 12, 2016

They were equally lost in hormones and the moment, and her giggle only sped his heart and gave him the boldness to go on. He swung his body around while placing another lick to her forehead, sliding backwards so his shoulder was now touching her flank. There was no more hesitance: she hadn't said no, and though he would soon actually ask permission, a little playing was okay to entice her further. Charley didn't care that his bad ways, his conning times were coming back to the surface. Not when they were of such use!
                "Yes, Heartha?"
He licked gently at her back, sniffing and flaring his nostrils near her tail. 

Lemme know when you wanna fade and skip to the end

RE: Bang-A-Rooni (Mature) - Heartha - August 12, 2016

She couldn't take it anymore. His teasing, it was too much. She was soon shaking visibly. She felt her young self resurface, when this first happened. Her arrogant, stubborn self. "Would you just hurry up?" She muttered, eyeing him. Before looking back forward again, bending down a bit as if bracing.

RE: Bang-A-Rooni (Mature) - Alder - August 12, 2016

Heartha trembled under his affections, just as he wanted, and truth be told it was fun to tease and know it was because of him that she was like this. Sure, the hormones had been a big help, but she sure hadn't been so eager when he'd arrived. 
Her words, though, they were enough to drive him to that point, too, and the teasing was no longer fun: she leaned to brace herself, and Charley needed no more invitation. 
              "As you wish."
Nosing at the base of her tail to move the appendange, Charley wrapped first only one leg around her hip. She wasn't new to this, and somewhere in his brain that connected to the fact he didn't need to be as gentle as he had with Aspen. With a few readying licks, the Pryor wrapped his other leg around her waist and draped himself over her back. It took a few thrusts of his hips, but once he grabs ahold of her scruff and gains better balance, eventually he hit his mark and didnt hold back.

RE: Bang-A-Rooni (Mature) - Heartha - August 12, 2016

Heartha felt wanted more than ever in her life. Sure, this was not her first time. But with an alpha, it was. That made her think it was so much better. He draped himself over her back, and after a few thrusts that made her moan and rumble deep in her throat, he met his mark. She shook in pleasure, giving off a dull whine as a sign to go on.

RE: Bang-A-Rooni (Mature) - Alder - August 12, 2016

The Royal Fire Court, Aspen, Golden Glade, hell, even Charley Pryor didn't exist in this moment: only a hormone raging man who knew he no longer had to hold back because he was a subordinate. He was an alpha, a KING, there was no force in the world that could tell him no, now except his wife, who's gonna be fuckin pissed.!
Heartha moaned, and it only made him more rough. The grip on her scruff tightened, even through his pants of effort and contact, and his thrusts became much rougher. 
All in all, the entire thing only took a minute or two, but for Charley, the pleasure flooding his body lasted for hours on end. All too soon, he felt his knot swell, thrusting one last time before whimpering at his completion. He couldn't move: they both would know that, but he did take as much of the weight as possible onto his own hind legs. Trembling, Charley's first thoughts came back to him, but they didn't fit with what his body was feeling at all. Letting go of the pale womans scruff and leaning backwards, Charley took a deep breath.
              Oh god, Aspen! What have I done....
His one eye focused on Heartha again, still warm and pleased, but shining with worry. Choked as his words were, and ashamed as he was in himself, there was no blame put to the woman in his arms. Charley could breathe but one, quiet word, laced with affection and hurt. 

RE: Bang-A-Rooni (Mature) - Heartha - August 12, 2016

Heartha joined with him, arcing back as he came to his finish. The act was done, and there was no turning back for either. She panted and panted, until she thought suddenly about what she had done. She almost choked on air, a small cry. Her face in utmost horror. What had she just done? She turned her head back, and it was indeed true.

"No...What have I done?!" She cried to herself. As soon as they would have parted, she bolted away, laying as far as she could. But she couldn't avoid what he been done. She had just mated with the alpha, the mate of the one who chose her to join.

RE: Bang-A-Rooni (Mature) - Alder - August 12, 2016

The woman cried out, and Charley pinned his ears in surprise, thinking he'd hurt her in some way. But then she put words into the cry, and guilt seared hotter in his chest. 
               "H-Heartha, please, I'm sorry. I-I wasn't.... Thinking."
He knew he only had a little time before they were disconnected, and with no telling how the distraught woman would react after being freed, Charley just let the words tumble from his mouth. 
                           "Don't say a word to Aspen, or anyone who would. She'll hear it from me and me only."
He hated sounding so commanding to someone he cared about as a friend, especially after whats just happened, but he wouldn't have someone else telling Aspen before he could. And he fully intended to: lying was treason in the Court, and though technically hiding things was not, Charley really did feel bad for what he'd done. Aspen deserved to know, deserved an apology.
He felt himself deflating, and as soon as he slipped free of her to sit back on his own haunches Heartha bolted. The King whined after her, but she was gone: he could only hope she would obey him. He wasn't stupid, of course, and knew that since she'd been in heat, she would likely bear him pups.
                                                        Fuckin' DAMNIT Alder....
The sudden use of the name he'd talked to Aspen about surprised him, but it was also a push that he was right: he needed a new start.