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Two Rivers Isle Ill Tidings - Printable Version

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Ill Tidings - Aeronwyn - August 12, 2016

She woke, and promptly vomited.

It was early morning, very early, the sun barely visible above the trees. And yet she was awake, stomach writhing and seemingly full of a very poor choice of meal. She had rushed outside, making it only a few paces before she succumbed to her nausea and vomited the content of her stomach into a thick patch over undergrowth. She heaved again and again, until the sea that was her stomach stilled and she stood gasping over the bush, before backing up a few paces and promptly collapsing on the ground. 

She felt horribly weak, helpless, focus solely on stilling her stomach as her whole form quivered. Her mind reeled, she hated this sudden change in events. Gaping wounds she could deal with, but this...made her feel helpless. And she absolutely hated feeling helpless. It brought back thoughts of a time she would rather forget. 

She curled in on herself, shivering in the slightest as she reclined on her side and desperately tried to push down the nausea, the horrible sick feeling in her gut. She didn't want to be found like this. That she knew. She was Warlord, was supposed to be strong and a role model, not some weak, pitiful creature like this. She uncurled slightly, slinking to her den and resuming her position by the entrance, quivering as she fought not to vomit again. It didn't look like she'd be going to sleep anytime soon.
[ooc]Dated early morning, the 11th[/ooc[

RE: Ill Tidings - Burke - August 13, 2016

Burke was on the move. The alpha liked to check what was happening inside the territory and with his members. His nose was still very keen and as he smelled some bile mixed with the scent of the forest the male turned into the direction of the scent. What he came to find was Aeronwyn laying on the ground. The male instantly rushed towards her. She was their first follower, the one that showed loyalty to them. Burke frowned deeply and nosed over her. She looked really sick. Poisoned! Burke started to briefly panic that it was Cicero, or even Kendra who did this.

"Stay calm," Burke spoke and then howled for @Liekos who seemed to show some interest in being a medic of their pack. At Black Feather they had enough of them, but here, they didn't. Hopefully the female was in the territory and look at the sick female. "These is this new member who can maybe help," he spoke. If Liekos was able to help she would gain a lot more trust from the alpha male.

RE: Ill Tidings - Liekos - August 13, 2016

Liekos's ears pricked and turned quickly to the sound of a howl in the territory. She listened to the message from her Lord, stood up from where she was laying down and ran toward the howl. She had yet to truly prove herself to her Lord and was quick to respond to his call. 

When she got closer to where she through the howl came from she smelled the air looking for the scent of her Lord. She picked up his scent as well as Aero's, but alone with it came a vile smell. She came to where the two were and found that the horrid smell came from a pile of vomit. 

Auro appeared very sick as Burke stood by her side. "My Lord, I heard your call. How can I help?"

RE: Ill Tidings - Aeronwyn - August 13, 2016

Suddenly there was Burke, nosing over her and telling her to be calm. She growled weakly, igdantly, as she ŕeplied with "I am perfectly calm. I'll be fine, just-" she trailed of as another bout of nausea threatened to overwhelm her, and Burke called for another. She was certain that she just needed some time, she would be perfectly fine, and did not need anyone else seeing her like this.

But then the other arrived, and Aeronwyn simply let her head fall onto the earth, wincing at another bout of nausea surged. She did not look at either of them, embarrassed. In silence, she waited for one of them to do something.

RE: Ill Tidings - Burke - August 13, 2016

Burke looked up then the recently joined female approached with a quick pace. He approved of it. "Yes, I did. I remember faintly you were interested in being a healer am I correct? If so could you help our Scholar Aeronwyn with her sickness?," he asked her. He didn't care if the pale female was embarrassed or just not willing to be helped. She was in the inner circle of the lady and lord. Burke wanted her to helped.

"Do you know of anything what will make her less sick?," he asked. He looked over the pale female, they couldn't loose a member like her now, then the pac would be doomed. They needed to find a solution, and someone with a medic trade.

RE: Ill Tidings - Liekos - August 13, 2016

As Auro vomited again it was clear to Liekos that she was indeed nauseous. As Burke spoke of her pursued trade and if she knew anything about what could help her Liekos thought of the local plant life. She had no advanced knowledge of plant life but there were plenty of common plants that grew around her that had medicinal uses. 

Thimleberry she thought. Many knew of its delicious berries, but the leaves themselves would be good for Auro's nausea. "There is a local plant called Thimbleberry. It grows in somewhat of a bush, with small white flowers and red berries. The leaves can help with her vomiting." She informed Burke and Auro if she wanted to listen. 

The thimbleberry would help with that but if the illness was more severe Liekos may need to think of something else. "Aeronywn, are you having anyother symptoms?" She asked.

Sorry I took so long, too a short nap then had to look up plant details

RE: Ill Tidings - Aeronwyn - August 13, 2016

She was, in fact, having other symptoms, but she wasn't going to tell that to Liekos. Bad enough that she was helpless, weak, but now the other's were fussing over her. Burke had borders to patrol, pups to spend time with, she was obviously wasting his time. And Liekos...Liekos probably had other things to do as well. So she ignored the beginnings of a headache, the cramping in her abdomen. She wasn't dying, she could just walk this off. Probably. Possibly.

The nausea subsided, though it remained a quell in her stomach. Wearily, she lifted her head, slowly lurching up into a sitting position, panting slightly at the effort. Her silver gaze focused on Liekos, and her question, slumped slightly as she answered. "No. No, I'll be fine. I just-" she paused, wincing against dull cramp in her abdomen. "-need a moment." Leaning against the side of her den, she only longed to sleep this off, not go parading her illness around.

RE: Ill Tidings - Burke - August 13, 2016

Burke did not agree with Aeronwyn and her telling that she was fine. He listened with interest to what Liekos had to say about some plants. "Could you find it for us?," he asked. "Aeronwyn here is a fighter and doesn't like to show pain. So maybe those leafs help," he spoke. He was pretty certain that the female was hiding other things.

Burke stood before the pale female. "Look, you might not what this, but this could help you. Then you will be back to normal quicker than just suffering through it. So if there is anything else you should tell Liekos. You should give her a chance," he pointed out towards the pale female. He hoped that those Thimbleberry leafs would help by maybe Aeronwyn would talk now. He could not force her, well technically he could....

RE: Ill Tidings - Liekos - August 14, 2016

Likes listened to Aero's slowed and distorted speech, something was definitely wrong. Even if it were just the vomiting, Liekos saw no harm in giving her the thimbleberry leaves anyway. Burke told her that Aero was a fighter and likely didn't want to show any weakness. Liekos understood but there come a point where a true sickness can make anyone weak.

"I would be happy to get these leaves to improve Aeronwym's health." She said to both Burke and Aero. As Burke spoke to Aero about how if she had more symptoms, she shoul tell Liekos. Liekos looked over at Aero with an agreeing look on her face.

What might convince her Liekos through. With Aero being a warrior of the pack, she must want to be stronger though Liekos. "The leaves also are known to strengthen and tone the stomach." she said looking at Aero. Maybe this was a way she could accept the leaves in a way that made her less embarrassed. This was in fact something that the leaves did but she didn't bring it up right away as it wasn't necessary at the time.

RE: Ill Tidings - Aeronwyn - September 22, 2016

Burke decided to give her a speech, which tastefully coincided with another bout of cursed nausea. She wrestled it under control, only half focussing on his words. She would accept Liekos's herbal remedy, her Thimbleberry, though perhaps she had not been clear enough. At the woman's words, she dipped her head in acceptance, remaining silent for a moment longer. She narrowed her eyes against another surge of nausea, and knew it was only some time before she would vomit on them, and had to act quickly. 

How wonderful. At least she could come out of this ordeal with a "toned stomach". Tired at this, she spoke. "The herbs for the nausea will be fine" she said, her headache ignored as she looked at the two, trembling as she still tried to remain sitting stiffly.

RE: Ill Tidings - Liekos - September 22, 2016

With Aero's comfirmation Liekos nodded to her and to Burke before turning away from the pair and heading out to find the thimbleberry. She trotted rather rushed, she was eager to help out and prove herself to her fellow pack members. She went past the swarms of green vegitation looking for hints of red or white. The red berries and white flowers were a good way of distinguishing the herb. 

Suprisingly even though she was looking for red and white, the thing that gave the plant away was the abundance of leaves and their shape. She sniffed around the plant before taking a jaw full of it and ripping it fromt the rest. She then placed it on the ground and repeated before she felt she had even more then she would need. Just in case.

RE: Ill Tidings - Burke - September 23, 2016

Liekos! Next time think of the posting order! You skipped Burke! xD

Burke was pleased to see that Aero at least took some of the medication right now. Burke sat down and looked at the sickly female. His best warrior. They needed her in top shape and Burke was not very willing to let her brush sickness of like that. He did the same when he was younger and it almost killed him.

"Good. " He hoped that Liekos would return swiftly with this herb. He had no knowledge of them but he trusted that Liekos would take the right one. The male waited with Aero. "Hopefully you will feel better soon. Any idea what it could possibly be?," he asked the pale female.