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Stone Circle Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Printable Version

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Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Stark - August 16, 2016

Just because things were settling in the keep didn't mean that Stark was content with how things were. He'd struck out in the morning with the pack firmly in Banner's capable hands, leaving with the hopes of finding Octavia, Mordecai, Larkspur, or Pippin. Still he had hopes, no matter how foolish or how pure, that the puppies would turn up safe and sound and fine. As for the adults, he was less worried over their survival, perhaps naively trusting that they could take care of themselves.

He had come to the Stone Circle before and been shown a courtesy by two dogs. He hadn't seen hide nor hair of the massive beasts and he hoped that they were well. His suspicions were that they had moved on, maybe back to the master's that they so dearly sought. Stark peered acrosd the expanse of earth, the circles strange as when he'd seen them before. This time, however, he lifted his head and let out a loud howl, hoping for any company. 

RE: Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Starbuck - August 17, 2016

Bolstered by a blossoming friendship, Starbuck had carried on in her mission. She let the land guide her, following its rivers and ravines. She let the wind guide her, his whispers bringing the scents of her surroundings. And when nature failed to send her signs, Starbuck let her mind loose and her feet lead the way. 

That was how she came upon the field, a paradise of wildflowers. Her nose had led her here, and it seemed right to follow it. The riot of color delighted her, the soft blues and bright reds almost too beautiful to behold. She had just been thinking of laying down to rest when she heard the howl. And oh! How could she ignore a wolf in want of company? The thought did not sit well with her, and she began to lope towards the source of the call.

She came upon the rock circle, near which she saw the wolf who had called, and gasped audibly. Such a place was a great source of magic, and Starbuck knew that with concentration she would be able to reach into the far-flung stars to divine their secrets. The stones called to her, but her purpose here was different. The wolf was shadow-black and stone grey, and she drew nearer. With a bark to catch his attention, she trotted to a safe distance and greeted him. "Hello," she said, smiling. "What a beautiful place you have found! A place both beautiful and powerful." A pause. "I heard you call for company, and so I came."

RE: Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Stark - August 17, 2016

Stark didn't have to wait long, his blue eyes roaming the surface of each boulder. It was so unnatural. Not necessarily unsettling; Stark was a man who believed in science and reason. There had to be a good story for why and how the boulders had all been arranged that way. To some it must have been an act of some deity, of mythic proportions and Stark just couldn't get behind them. A woman approached him, seeming fearless and if she was caught by the magic of the area she didn't let it show. 

"Hello," He offered with a small smile, nodding to her assessment of the Circle. "It is beautiful." He agreed. He couldn't deny that after all, with the perfectly arranged visions of reasons unknown. "I'm Stark," He offered with a little cant of his head. "It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am." His tail gave a pleasantly little sway behind him.

RE: Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Starbuck - August 18, 2016

Splitting her attentions between the male and the circle, she rounded one boulder, sniffing at its base as she went. What a strange thing, these rocks. No, no. Not rocks, boulders, she murmured, in part to herself. Stark, like the fresh snowfall. Well met, Starbuck said absently as she placed her front paws partway up one boulder, gauging its height The pleasure is mine, truly. I have been traveling alone for some time, and it is wonderful to have company.

Starbuck heaved herself atop the boulder, her back legs scrambling for purchase against the rock until she found herself steady. Then she turned, carefully, to look down on Stark. I am Starbuck. Her vantage point allowed her to look out across the sprawling field, dotted with its wildflowers and swaying gently in the cool summer breeze.

RE: Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Stark - August 24, 2016

Stark offered a small smile to the woman as he watched her investigate and scramble up onto the boulder. It was a feat he wasn't sure that he could accomplish; he'd never felt himself the most assured climber even though the mountain was partially his home. "Starbuck, Queen of the Mountain." He said with a little chuckle, his blue gaze briefly looking the lands over. "Have you traveled for long? I've only settled a few months ago." Stark admitted.

And what a few months it had been. Stark had gone from bachelor, rogue, to Alpha, to father. How the times had changed in such a short time. 

RE: Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Starbuck - August 25, 2016

She took to harsh terrain easily, her long legs capable of taking to most terrain gamely. It wasn't graceful, but she had managed to get herself onto the rock, and the vantage point was worth it. Queen of all that I can see! she added, laughing. Then, playfully, would that not make you my subject?

In order to better converse, Starbuck leaped back down off of the rock, her momentum carrying her for several loping feet before she looped back around to face him. Longer than I would wish. But my journey is nearing its end! I saw that very peak- here she gestured to the blue shadow of a mountain- in a vision. And now I am so near! I believe I am meant to call it my home, but we shall see what fate has in store. She drew nearer and sniffed at him, learning what she could by the scents trapped in his coat. You belong to a pack here?

RE: Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Stark - September 11, 2016

"Unfortunately, I signed myself over to a life of servitude already." Stark teased right back - considering that he'd promised Octavia to be her favorite harem boy so long ago. It wasn't the life he'd ended up with and he had no idea what Octavia was up to. It was sad, in a sense, but he couldn't do anything about that. 

Stark listened to her carefully, his gaze shifting to follow her gaze to the peak she mentioned. "I lead a pack not too far from here." A day's travel, at most, and that was with a very casual pace. Stark didn't find most people to come scurrying along his lands so he didn't feel the need to express where. "You've come along at a good time, I imagine, considering we're just getting over a famine." 

RE: Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Starbuck - September 12, 2016

First she giggled, then she let out an effected sigh and laid herself out upon the rock. Ah, me, she cried, voice laden with false despair. Must the handsome ones always be taken? And again she laughed, straightening up into a sphynx-like posture. She saw no harm in casual, friendly flirting. She didn't mean it. (Unless he thought that she was cute, too. Then she maybe meant it a little.)

For a moment she stared at the mountain and the dark smudge of forest beneath it. There lay her destiny. She was certain. For now she listened to Stark, and found that he had good information. Famine? How terrible! she exclaimed, heart full of sympathy. Then as quickly as her mood turned sour, she perked up again. Tell me about your pack, she said.

RE: Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Stark - September 15, 2016

"Only from time to time." Stark said with an amused little grin. He was enjoying the encounter, for a bit, just getting everything in his head out and just putting it somewhere else. He could just focus on the more pleasant aspects of things. He watched the woman as she reclined and actually got comfortable and Stark decided to relax a little too, far more casual and settled down, tail flicking subtly like a cats might when relaxed. 

"We're a family unit, most of us are related or as might as well be." The Ostrega's and his own band of merry little misfits. The pack itself had started to come together and while Stark wasn't sure why it was working, he finally felt like he was making some headway. Things were getting to a point where he could breathe - sometimes. "Fairy young still, haven't seen our first winter, but - I'm thinking we're gonna be just fine." 

RE: Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Starbuck - September 17, 2016

A contented smile slipped over her lips as she watched him, too, settle down. He was very handsome. Lovely to look upon, but Starbuck was interested in doing only that, looking. She sought pleasure less seriously than she sought love, which she hardly paid mind to except in passing whims when she came upon a wolf too beautiful to ignore. (The thought of Deirdre, fair and kind, still set her heart to fluttering.)

Stark went on to explain his pack, and again Starbuck sighed. That sounds so wonderful, said she, as she finally laid down, sphynx-like. Such a bond should bring you through winter with ease. Her birth pack was large and her family small. The thought of living and working with a family large enough to fill an entire pack sounded wonderful.

RE: Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Stark - September 19, 2016

"It's nice sometimes and terrible other times." Stark said with a chuckle. Sure, it sounded nice but there was no promise that things would stay that way. "Family spats get out of hand, that kind of stuff." He explained. Little family issues were no strangers to anyone honestly, but, it didn't make it any easier to face. The had to struggle and fight with each other the same as anyone else would strangers - maybe more even. 

For now it was a nice, tight knitit group and all he could think was that they'd make it through because otherwise the options were impossible for Stark to even think of. "I'm hopeful, for us." He admitted with a smile. 

RE: Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Starbuck - September 19, 2016

She listened to him discuss his family-cum-pack with a sweet little smile. Though he complained, he did so fondly. It was very sweet, and she liked him for it. I understand, she said. Her family had been small, just her, her father, and her mothers. But they did not always get along, especially when it came to Starbuck's training as a seer and goddess. Still, they always remained together, their love more powerful than any disagreement.

With a man such as yourself at the helm, I believe you and yours will be able to face the coming challenges, she assured him.

RE: Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Stark - September 20, 2016

Stark offered her a kind smile, although he was a fan of having his ego stroked there was no part of him that truly needed it. He wouldn't do anything to jeopardize his pack and they're success but he felt the same of his wolves. They would push - not only for him, but with him. "With luck you will arrive at your mountain soon. Winter will start it's approach - it would not be good for you to scramble to settle." He suggested. 

Certainly she knew this, but, there was still the part of him that wanted to say it just to be helpful to the woman. 

RE: Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Starbuck - September 20, 2016

Though she hadn't truly forgotten about her mission, it had fallen to the wayside during their conversation. His reminder spurred her back into action. Up she leapt, now filled again with the fervor of her quest. Ah! And you are right, she exclaimed. I do so wish to find a home soon. Perhaps it is best to say farewell? Though she was reticent to leave him, his company was enjoyable, she did not want to lose more daylight. Still, she would not leave so suddenly.

RE: Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Stark - September 21, 2016

Stark nodded to her guess that she might need to move on. "It is a long way back to my pack," He admitted. He didn't need to catch himself out too late - he needed to be present to take care of Tambourine anyways. Stark offered her a small smile, "I don't think you'll have any troubles finding a suitable home for yourself, Queen of the Rock." He teased. 

RE: Throw a little hotrod red in there. - Starbuck - September 22, 2016

The hour had grown late faster than she had realized. Indeed, faster than she had hoped. It was so very wonderful to meet you, she said. I wish your travel is both swift and safe, and that fate may allow us to meet again soon. With that she stood, and, with a little nod, departed.