Wolf RPG
A place to call home (border acceptance) - Printable Version

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A place to call home (border acceptance) - Mowanza - April 06, 2014

It was a cloudy day as Mowanza padded, slowly and softly along in the wilderness. She was exhausted by her long journey so far. Suddenly she came to the edge of a forest and not far away, she could see a rocky ridge. Mowanza entered the forest cautiously and headed to wards the ridge, stopping just short of it, in front of a large tree. She sniffed the air and caught the scent of wolves, although in her exhausted state, she could not tell how far away they were. "At last I have found a pack. I can only hope that they are not as hostile as some of the other packs I have met on my journey." she said, thinking aloud to herself, sitting down slowly and looking around.

Mowanza let out a long howl which hung on the air for a moment, before being carried over the forest on the wind. She then stood up and dug a hollow in the ground right in the base of the tree. Mowanza then laid down slowly and curled right up into the base of the tree trunk to rest. She was listening out for any sounds at all. "Right let's see what happens." she thought to herself , once again looking round at the forest.

RE: A place to call home (border acceptance) - Ragnar - April 06, 2014


Border patrols had become significantly easier and less tiring with every day that passed. At the end of each patrol he did not have to limp himself back to the community den area suppressing exhaustion of the mending sinew beneath the scab that covered the wound in his shoulder, nor the pain. Neither of these things were anything Björn would ever complain about - he was a Viking, he was used to these things, but still, it was nice. Plus it, hopefully, meant that Thistle wouldn’t about piss herself every time she caught him pushing himself. Of course, he deserved her lectures because he was pushing himself - and frankly had been - even when he really had needed to rest. That was why he had gotten the delusional fever and resulting infection previously. The gash, in comparison to the time he nearly died, was nothing, but the young medic of the Ridge fussed over him nevertheless and Björn found that, while, slightly annoying at times, he without a doubt enjoyed her attentions (even if they weren’t the exact attentions he had first hoped to receive from her).

It was on his sweep of the southern borders, nearing the sacred lands of Ravensblood Forest - Odinn’s forest as he now fondly thought of it - when the howl rose stretching on longer than was necessary. Yet, that was simply because Björn knew he was close at hand while the stranger at the borders did not. It did not take Björn long to reach the place where the howl had risen from, confirmed as it was by the lone female’s scent and yet no wolf was visible to Björn. Lips curled back from his teeth as his tail lashed viciously behind his hind legs, wondering, for a brief moment, if this was a trick of Loki’s. No, surely Loki would not dare to play such a joke so close to Odinn’s sacred lands, even the greedy god was not so unwise. There was dominance and impatience in the Viking’s stance as his icy eyes scoured the lands for the wolf who had called him and seemingly disappeared. A sharp, demanding bark pushed forth from betwixt Björn’s lips summoning the loner whom would either show herself or the Warden would move on.

RE: A place to call home (border acceptance) - Pump - April 07, 2014

Now that Bjorn was doing such a good job in protecting the borders Pump felt a bit of a rivalry with him. She was no fool, she saw his potential and if he kept up like this, once again he would come to her to request the rank he would have rightfully earned. However, she was not ready to grant his wish. He didn't know him that well to trust him fully. It was a common truth that there was no greater rivalry than between the two top ranks and at the same time Pump wanted to be sure that she could rely on him, if it was ever neccessary to do so.

Therefore she was not far from the borders either, when she heard the summoning howl. The same instant she was up on her feet and running towards the exact place and it was no suprise that the white warden was there already, looking a bit confused. Understandably so - the scent of the stranger was strong in the air, but the bearer of it was nowhere to be seen. She greeted Bjorn silently and then went past him, sniffing the ground to find the caller, feeling tense and ready to defend herself any moment.

RE: A place to call home (border acceptance) - Mowanza - April 11, 2014

Mowanza's ears pricked up when she heard an answering howl and looked up. Through the trees, she saw a white wolf stood in the clearing just ahead. As she got to her feet, she heard him bark as if summoning her. "Woops he mustn't be able to see me." Mowanza thought as she hurried foward. As she did so, she noticed that the white wolf had now been joined by a black wolf. From the demeanours of the wolves, Mowanza could tell that the black wolf was an Alpha and the white wolf was a protector of the border. She instantly placed herself in a submissive position and crept forward into the clearing.

Keeping herself as low to the ground as possible, Mowanza spoke. "Greetings, I come in peace. My name is Mowanza and I am looking for a safe haven to call home." She waited for the other wolves to respond.

RE: A place to call home (border acceptance) - Ragnar - April 12, 2014

Ragnar was tense as he paced the length of borders cautiously, like a jaguar high up in a tree as it stalked it’s prey below. The call had risen from some place yet there was nothing in his sight, and for a moment Ragnar played with the possibility that it had been a trick, that they were about to be ambushed; and that if that remained the case that they would be overtaken in a heart beat. The taunt tension did not leave Ragnar even when Pump joined the scene and moved past him sniffing for the caller. Pacing ceased, irises of ice watching Pump then, prepared to rush forwards and protect her if someone came attacking. A rumble of growls vibrated in the Viking’s chest when the wolf - likely the one who had summoned them, came crawling forth into their view. Her posture was adequately submissive but Ragnar did not relent. The stranger spoke of peace, spoke that she was in search of a ‘safe haven’ - of a home.

Yet, Ragnar had mistaken her disappearance - wherever it had been that she had gone after she had called for them - as impatience. He glimpsed at Pump for a moment as he neared his Alpha, scarred and unscarred ears slicking back to his skull, lip curling back to expose his teeth as a last growl rumbled in his chest. “I find your lack of patience wanting, stranger.” The Viking spoke to her, his tone as soft as it always was but hardened by his initial distrust.

RE: A place to call home (border acceptance) - Pump - April 12, 2014

The sudden appearance of the stranger startled Pump and she jumped, when the gray wolf got up from her place and rushed forward. Wolf-dog's ears drew back and she let out a low growl of discontentment. She didn't like to be surprised, while off guard, and this wolf had managed to do so. A skill handy in other circumstances, but not now.

She relaxed a little, when Bjorn came near her, but still eyed the submissive wolf distrustfully. For a moment she thought that they could take this fellow down with ease, but then again - there was no purpose in doing that. They wouldn't gain anything. Therefore she decided to near the wolf and invited Bjorn to do the same. She leaned over her to sniff her muzzle, head between her ears and scruff.

Satisfied with what she had found out, she stood back, cast a brief glance at the warden, in case he had anything to say, and then said: "What good are you to my pack?" In other words - prove that you are worthy to join my ranks.

RE: A place to call home (border acceptance) - Mowanza - April 18, 2014

Noticing the way the two had reacted, it was obvious that she had surprised them or caught them off guards, at least anyway. When they both growled at her, Mowanza flinched and pretty much flattened herself to the floor even further, if that was possible. "I'm sorry, I didn't realise you weren't able to see me through the trees." she said to the white wolf. She was by now absolutely terrified and through a combination of fear and exhaustion, shook where she lay in front of the pair.

The black wolf then proceeded to sniff her all over and asked her what she could bring to the pack. "I was in the first litter born into the pack in some years. I have excellent hunting skills which were taught to me, when I was old enough by my mother, who was a notably good hunter. However the thing I enjoy most doing is looking after pups, seeing them grow and develop and helping to teach about life a pack. My gentle and caring nature shone through from an early age and once again my mother, noticing this decided that when the next litter of pups were born, that I would have a major role in helping to raise them.

When the second litter was born, I was a year old. My mother would enlist me to stand guard and watch over them, when they were old enough to begin playing at the den entrance. She would also leave them in my care for long periods of time whilst she went off to hunt. As they grew older, she also asked me to begin teaching them to hunt, just like she taught me when I was younger. By the time the third litter was born a short time before the pack was wiped out by a large group of hunters, my mother had fully entrusted the previous litter's care and training to me. I was three years old when the third litter was born and once again my mother relied on me to help her."
Mowanza replied softly.

RE: A place to call home (border acceptance) - Ragnar - April 19, 2014

The stranger seemed to realize her mistake of startling both himself as well as Pump and had flattened herself closer to the earth in submission. Despite Ragnar’s appreciation of her realization his hard stare did not lessen any. Even so her words were muddled with an apology to him, followed by a quaking that made Ragnar wonder if she wasn’t going to soil herself then and there. She should fear him and the Viking did not shy any pity or remorse but said simply before he would let it drop, “You were hiding in the earth,” The clumps of dirt clinging to her fur were evidence enough of that. “I cannot see through rock and dirt.”

Ragnar listened to the female list her skill sets, presumably talking to Pump moreso than she was him though he lingered and listened, nevertheless. She boasted of hunting and of being a caretaker to pups and gave them, accordingly, a run down of her history in the process. Thus far, only Ragnar was aware of Thistle’s tryst with the Plateau wolf (and further with himself). He did not speak of it but there was a pretty good chance that pups were in the direct future of Horizon Ridge and while a caretaker might be, theoretically nice, he felt the innate urge to make the fawn colored girl’s children into Vikings. Their young minds would be the most welcoming to his ways and it was the easiest way to “convert” to Odinn’s cause.

The platinum silver savage remained silent knowing that he had no further say and that everything to this point relied solely upon Pump.

RE: A place to call home (border acceptance) - Pump - April 21, 2014

The wolf seemed absolutely terrified by now, therefore Pump was polite enough to take a step back from her to give her space to "breathe". She felt suppressed anger emanating from the warden and the wolf-dog gave him a brief amused look over her shoulder. He was pretty good at scaring newcomers and keeping them in line, which together with her distrustful attitude to every stranger that howled at the borders to be let in was a good combination of telling that they weren't joking. Keep up the good work. She seemed to say and then returned her gaze to the she-wolf to listen to her length story.

Pump would have very much liked a brief summary of what good the girl was to them, but soon she found herself filtering the girl's story for certain words, such as - a hunter, caretaker, guardian - and she had a pretty high opinion of herself. "Very well then..." Pump said and turned to Ragnar, not because he had any say in, whether she was going to accept her or not, but because she wanted to hear his opinion. "She sounds like an accomplished person," "want to test her?" and then back to the girl. "What is your name?"

RE: A place to call home (border acceptance) - Mowanza - April 25, 2014

"Once again I am sorry." Staying where she was, Mowanza once again apologised to the pair for startling them. As she lay there, not knowing her fate, the reality of everything of everything that happened which led to her being here was starting to hit home. The black wolf asked her her name, Mowanza replied "Mowanza, my name is Mowanza." She suddenly shut her eyes as memories overwhelmed her. Blood everywhere, Bodies being dragged away. Whimpering slightly at the memories, it was obvious to anyone watching, that the young wolf was traumatised.

RE: A place to call home (border acceptance) - Ragnar - April 26, 2014

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Ragnar acknowledged the stranger’s second - or was it third, he had lost track - apology with acceptance. He had not meant to frighten her - though he was not inherently surprised by her fear because really, it was well placed when it came to Ragnar - but the Viking did not return the courtesy of apology. “We could use those skills, specifically Hunter and another Warrior or Warden at the borders would be nice,” There was a few of them that patrolled already though Ragnar only really paid attention to Pump and himself since it seemed that they were the two that were at the borders the most. He failed to mention Thistle’s pregnancy intentionally, not yet willing to bring himself to the level of trust it took to let a wolf he didn’t know near his children - even though they were still unborn. The Viking caught his leader’s look - the silent question that lingered in behind her eyes and nodded a short, small nod as if to say that Pump desired him to put her through paces to test her to make sure she was as good as she boasted to be, he would gladly take the job.

What followed made the Viking hesitate, his hackles bristling when the she-wolf at their borders shut her eyes tightly after giving her name and began to whimper. Traumatized. Trauma was something the Berserker recognized having seen it plenty of times - mostly from the slaves they captured - though sometimes the younger Berserkers suffered from it. He was also aware of post traumatic stress and after giving a loaded look to Pump, wondered if maybe the girl was suffering from it currently. “Mowanza, do we need to call for our medic?” Ragnar called to the girl - not even sure if she could hear him - though he was weary of letting Thistle near her in case she decided to randomly turn violent.

RE: A place to call home (border acceptance) - Pump - April 28, 2014

Mowanza was an odd name for a wolf, but Pump had got used to a lot of strange names after living in this corner of the world for the past four months. She acknowledged the apology with a curt nod, feeling that it was totally fine with the girl saying it only once. "Consider yourself as accepted," she said and was going to introduce herself and Ragnar, not much out of politeness but practical matters. So that she knew, who was who. However girl's sudden change of mood distracted Pump and left her standing and staring down at the she-wolf.

She looked back at Bjorn to see, whether he had any clue of what had happened now and his idea of calling Thistle seemed to mirror her own, therefore she remained silent and waited for the girl to reply.

RE: A place to call home (border acceptance) - Mowanza - May 02, 2014

As quickly as the memories came, they faded again. It was something that happened a lot to the young wolf with the trauma being only six months earlier. She looked up at the two wolves when they spoke again. To the black wolf she said "Thank you for accepting me, I will serve Horizon Ridge faithfully and unquestionably. I would never dream of disobeying my Alpha and I hereby swear my loyalty to the Horizon Ridge pack. I promise to serve from this moment on for the rest of my life until I die." Mowanza would as well, she was a fiercely loyal wolf and would protect her new alpha and pack at any cost. Turning to the white wolf, Mowanza said softly "No you don't need to call for your medic. It's just I am still coming to term with the memories of what happened to my family and they overwhelm me sometimes, that's all. Thank you for the offer though."

RE: A place to call home (border acceptance) - Ragnar - May 03, 2014

Ragnar could not so easily shake off the trepidation that overcame the newest member of Horizon Ridge despite how casually she had dismissed it. She had seen enough of battle - had killed enough - to find wolves who cowered and whimpered out at mere memories to be rather …alarming. It was a small wonder that Ragnar himself did not suffer from some kind of post traumatic stress, but maybe it was because killing and/or seeing it simply did not bother him. Or maybe it had something to do with the drugged foods he and his fellow Berserkers had been forced to consume to call upon the blood rage erased them. Giving her a last skeptic look the warden nodded and left the scene quietly, anxious to continue on with his sweep of the borders once more.

RE: A place to call home (border acceptance) - Pump - May 05, 2014

"Good to know that," Pump replied and with that forgot the matter. She had dealt with horrible things in life too, but they had never affected her in this way or at all. Death - whichever way it came - was a part of life. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Ragnar - good work," she told the white beast, before he went off to return to his guarding duties. One joining was enough for the day, therefore she trusted him to drive away the rest of the would-be-joiners or lurkers.

"Better keep your word," she turned her gaze to the girl and warned, then stretched and shook her coat, happy that this encounter was finished successfully. "Come on, Mowanza, I will show you around a bit," she beckoned for the newcomer to follow her.

ooc: my last post here.