Wolf RPG
Wheeling Gull Isle now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Printable Version

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now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Murgash - August 19, 2016

@Skellige @Szymon tags for visibility! AW.

murgash savored the spray of salt and the sting of the water as he treaded the shallows, the idiotic grin still simmering on his grotesquely marked muzzle. he turned back to see if his audience had followed him -- it was high tide and high time the slavering beast showed his mettle for the seawolves.

after all, great succulent meals abounded -- and if he was lucky, great succulent women as well.

without looking back the slovenly red-hand slipped into the depths, feeling the rush of cold as it swallowed him and filtered around his body, his back, his throat. he did not wince, instead he slipped into a paddle, cresting the frothy waves and leaving in his wake the gentle lather of grime and sea-foam.

it was a long way yet, and emboldened the cretin broke into song between gasps of air and dodges of rippling waves: "oo, once twas a hero naem'd ragnar the rehhd--" gasp, gulp -- the splash of wide-webbed paw as he battled the riffling water -- "who came ridin' to whiterun frum ole rorik'sted." eventually the waves would drown the racuous call of his insulting voice, and the seawinds would whip and squall and carry his voice seaward where none would be unlucky to hear.

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Maude - August 21, 2016

It had been a long while since she climbed onto the shores of the Isle.

The last time had been with Kjalarr, soon after the crew had been disbanded and she joined Saltwinter. It seemed like a long time ago.

She was a Beta now, someone of power in the crew, something she had never been before. As she stood on the shores of Ferahgo's old ship, she let that sink in. She went from a sniveling crony to someone in control. Maude licked her lips, seawater still dripping from her lips. She didn't bother shaking herself off, letting the heavy water drip from her pelt as she walked further inland.

A curious sound — singing? — made her head turn back. She wasn't the only one intending on crawling onto this Isle's shore. Ahoy! She called, curious as to why this wolf in particular was so interested in the ship...

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Murgash - August 22, 2016

omg maude+murgash = incredible ruckus potential!! im guessing maude is already on the island or close to it?

between the batter of heavy waves and rising sea he heard the hark of another; but he was too far along his quest to look back. inwardly he compelled his fatigued limbs to push faster, harder -- and eventually his struggles were rewarded as he felt sand give way beneath his seizing claws.

"ahoy!" he rejoined, haggard breaths expelling roughly from his flapping jowls. he snorted, forcing a ropy length of phlegm and drool from a flaring nostril as he regained his breath. he wasted no time inspecting his company; she was just his type - slender and decidely coyote-like -- he was reminded of the coywolf he had met not too long ago.

he raked his eyes hungrily across her figure, noting the persuasive cant of her hips and the curvaceous flush of her form. she did not leave him wanting -- that was until his gaze fell on a distinct lump under her barrel. "de heck is det?!" he exclaimed in disbelief, feeling obscene confusion for his previous sentiments.

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Maude - August 22, 2016

She's on the island!

Something about this wolf reminded Maude of Tortuga. He wasn't from it — at far as she could tell — but his jovial, harsh singing, his uncouth form and returning shout of Ahoy! got her nostalgic. Her tail wagged in greeting, smirking at the way he unabashedly took in her form. Her hips swayed slightly — she wasn't horny, but hey. You never know.

That was until he yelled with confusion and fright. She leapt for a moment, looking down at the ground around her. Wot?! She yelped, not thinking for a second that he was talking about her own body.

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Murgash - August 23, 2016

he was still reeling from his conflicting thoughts, so much that he felt a sickening pulse of disgust lance through him. the wolf he had previously just internally banged was looking about her (him?!) as if looking for some spider in the sand.

"wot ye mean wot?!" he bellowed, incredulous and nursing his fractured male ego. "ye've got a dick, thet's wot." he followed hotly, still feeling the simmering heat of confusion nip his heels. "ye likes tricks, don't ye?" he accused maude quickly, narrowing his clouded eye with scruntiny. oh, he'd show her a trick or two.

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Maude - August 24, 2016

And just like that he lost her.

Any nostalgic thoughts Maude had flew right out the metaphorical window. Her smile turned down quickly into a frown, then a snarl. I am a woman, she enunciated every word harshly, matching each syllable with a step forward. Her hackles raised, fangs bared. This never ceased to rile her up, no matter who said it. It always seemed to be male that accused her of tricking them, never a woman. Women never seen to care much. This ain't no fuckin' trick, mate.

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Murgash - August 24, 2016

omg i'm loving this ROFL

just like that. murgash watched, surprised by the sudden flip -- it was like he had taken her and dumped her toity ass in the sea. he backpedaled, unwilling to be touched by a wolf that was clearly more confused than him. oh, she was a woman alright -- senseless, irascible and worst of all couldn't make up her flipping mind!

"wot! i sed y've got a dick -- dident sey ye wasn't a women." he pressed hotly, feeling his spine tingle as the hackles along his back rose. "hows ye explain it den?" personally, he was betting she drank too much saltwater -- all the same, he was willing to hear and perhaps entertain her answer. he looked under her hood again, feeling somewhat inadequate -- here she was, wanting to be a woman and he so clearly a man, but she had a bigger purse-coin than he did -- what gives!

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Maude - August 24, 2016

Omg what is this I love it XD

She huffed, glaring at the man, her lip curled to reveal yellowed fangs. He was right, but it didn't change the tension in the air around them. He kept stealing glances down at her undercarriage. It made her uncomfortable; the wench barked to grab his attention to her eyes, not her genitals.

I was born wit male parts fer some odd reason, She felt her stomach tighten up as it always did when she had to explain this to someone else. Ev'ry ot'er part of me is woman, savvy?

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Murgash - August 24, 2016

her bark commanded him. he looked up sharply, not in the least abashed to have been studying and comparing. he straightened himself out, pulling a torn ear back as he considered her words. yep, definitely drank too much saltwater.

the skepticism was plain across his face as the mange across his rump; he peered at her again, pointedly. "wot about inside you?" he asked, not afraid to be direct with the dirty questions. eventually he would concede to her view point as he was unwilling to try her teeth -- especially if she was as quick to get angry as women were. all the same, he wanted to know. "how does det work?"

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Maude - August 24, 2016

I don't fookin' know! She snapped her teeth, hearing the click of her incisors. It always went this way. They were never satisfied with her answers; they always wanted more details. I don't know why, 'kay? Maude hissed through her teeth, fed up with this conversation. They needed to change it to something else before she attacked him or something.

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Murgash - August 24, 2016

typical woman, murgash thought to himself -- all pissy and shit - can't even have a rational conversation without getting mad. he shook his head as if he would rid himself of the curiosity that stirred in him. she looked mad -- she looked really angry -- for a moment murgash entertained the idea of saying something to the effect of 'calm down, you're being unreasonable!'

it was sure to get a rise out of her, and if maude was really a woman, his head would likely be snapped off. all the same, there was only one head that liked that kind of rough attention, and it was not his muzzle -- so he kept his mouth shut.

he retracted visibly, fully aware he best change the subject quickly. unfortunately he lacked tact, and he stole one last glance in disbelief at her figure; what was under tail? was she like him? was she two genders together?

"foine, foine." he conceded, carefully stepping around her though deliberately trying to go behind her to steal a look himself. "wot'er ye even on Murgash's Island fur?" he stopped and flexed, striking what he imagined was a valiant pose -- he had to look sharp, especially since he had just named the island after himself and all.

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Maude - August 24, 2016

The topic was swept away by the rising tide; good. Maude's mood lightened slightly, though she was still peeved. She wondered if it would end similarly to another conversation she had by the shore. A small smirk alighted on her face as she thought back to the encounter, but it too was swept away. Wot. She deadpanned. Murgash's Island? She was pretty sure that wasn't the name. Since when d'ye own this island, eh? I've lived 'ere 'fore yew did.

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Murgash - August 25, 2016

murgash's ugly features split into a gruesome grin as she protested the christening of the island. it was a gross, unbecoming gesture and the movement of his lips forced a small wave of drool to the surface of his hanging gums. he looked around him, pulling himself upright in a proud stance. he puffed his chest, feeling the sway of the wind in what remained of his scattered fur.

"wot?" he blinked innocently, as if he had not just formed a fable. "dis is'land been murgash is'sland fer centuries." he leaned forward with a wink of one crusted eye: "'e wos a fierce worrior, det murgash - 'andsome too. oll the ladies flocked ta 'im, wot wit bein' so 'andsome end ravishin' in de sack."

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Maude - August 29, 2016

Maude scowled at the wolf's blatant lies. What did he think he was? Was he Murgash? That wouldn't surprise her in the slightest.

Don't sound too interestin'. She deadpanned, looking thoroughly unimpressed. She added in a yawn for effect. Why would anyone name anythin' after 'im? 'ceptin' a piece o' shite.

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Murgash - August 30, 2016

maude's disinterest caused a hearty, ear splitting guffaw to burst from murgash's maw, the last laugh on the tail end of a semi-derisive chuckle. she didn't believe him; she wanted to incite him -- murgash was stupid, but not thick enough to fall so quickly for such a ploy.

"maybe ye should ask dem." he stiffened, standing up to his full patchy height. a fake-frown pulled his features as he continued his dramatic performance. "own'lee one problem, they's dead." his ears pulled to the side in a comedic display of false dubeity. suddenly, he perked up: "oh! oi know -- oi can introduce ye to them, put ye in the ground meself." with that the man lunged for maude with a terribly drooly snarl, though the move was entirely playful and had no malice behind it -- he did not attempt to make contact. with a bound he spun around, coltish and beaming from ear to ear: "nows, how 'bout ye does loike a real womens and show good ol' murgash a good toime? an' where's de seaweed?"

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Maude - September 03, 2016

Whether Murgash was right or just pulling this out of his ass (she strongly believed the latter), he was right. If this was true, everyone who had named this island after Murgash the Terribly-Dumb-Sounding was indeed dead. Or they were standing right in front of her. She honestly didn't care. She would keep calling this Feragho's ship.

He lunged towards her, spittle flinging towards her face. Maude spat back in disgust. 'ow 'bout I do dat 'stead o'ye? 'sides, I think ye'd look prettier wit yer face in t'ground an' yer arse in t'air. Her eyes widened as he dared to propose she fuck him. She wasn't looking on dirtying up her body. Wot makes ye t'ink I'd just bend over fer ye, ye dung munchin' shit sack?

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Murgash - September 17, 2016

murgash's play ended as quickly as it had begun, for maude didn't seem to care for his shenanigans. he looked the brown wolf up and down plainly, his eyes slowly squinting as she fired off a not-so-passive jab at his hindquarters.

slowly, he turned his head around to view his half-bare ass, the motion exaggerated as he did so. "wot, ye loikes it?" he asked impishly, swaying his hips back and forth in a waggle. "simple - dis is whoiy ye be listenin' to me, see -- oi'm a man, and you're a woman - your job is te do wot men says an' te pleasure dem when theys horny."

he stopped, an exaggerated expression of slow-dawning on his face: "but of course, ye aint a full womens, it's okey ye haven't figured det out yet." it was a fully inflammatory, entirely provocative jab at maude's womanhood -- and delighted, murgash awaited the fireworks.

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Maude - September 30, 2016

Maude was amazed at her own patience, having not attacked the male this far. In Tortuga a battle would have commenced almost immediately; maybe it was because she had something to lose now? But that patience and self restraint didn't last for long. The male wiggled his rear in Maude's face, making the wench rear back in revulsion. I changed me mind. Ye look even uglier like dis. She made a face, warped and twisted in disgust.

This disgust quickly turned to anger as the conversation once again steered towards her femininity, or lack thereof, in Murgash's perspective. Maude instantly pounced onto the male's lowered head, trying to use his shifted stance to push him into the ground, Maude's teeth to his neck. Won't matter much t'ye if I rip yer dick off right? Ain't got much t'begin wit. But if'n ye mention this shite again, I'lll choke ye wit it.

RE: now i think it's high time you lie down and bleed - Murgash - November 06, 2016

oh - that did it. she (he!!) had gone too far. murgash sat up abruptly and turned around, giving her the stinky eye. "well, ye aint no peach either, dickface." he replied hotly, peering at his member to ensure it was not as small as she said it was.

his ego was sufficiently wounded, enough that he wasn't really playing around anymore. with an indignant huff he walked right by maude towards the small cove that marked the island's northern reach. here he would collect his seaweed and swim back to blackrock depths; hopefully the sea would act as a salve on his wounded ego and maude would be entirely forgotten.