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Little Goat Mountain darling, don't be afraid I have loved you - Printable Version

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darling, don't be afraid I have loved you - Casmir - August 24, 2016

for @Laika <3

he had no idea how they were going to find this dude. the last three days had been spent endlessly wandering through fen and field, and now across a mountain range that didn't appear to have an end. Casmir's paws ached, and the sky darkened overhead, prompting a pause that took some pressure off his sore pads. "it's gonna storm," he mumbled.

Spring had charged them with finding Reek; already they'd been gone too long, with no sign of where the darkfurred man had gone. the boy swore to himself as he stumbled and then turned back to his mate with an apologetic sigh, nuzzling into her pale fur. "we'll find them, okay?"

RE: darling, don't be afraid I have loved you - Laika - August 25, 2016

Over the past few agonizing days, Laika had calmed down. She wasn't as crazed and she could think more clearly. She padded alongside her mate, shoulders, hips and paws burning from their long trek. She panted with exhaustion, but pressed on until they came to a stop. She glanced at the sky as he did, giving a silent nod of agreement. It was going to storm, and there was nothing they could do about it. 

He he nuzzles into her pale fur, and she immediately felt better. It was just something about his touch, it always soothed her worries. For the most part at least. "Yeah, we'll find him." She replied, her mind whirling again. "I think I know where we should start looking." She then added, turning her oceanic gaze to him. "We need to find Phoenix Maplewood." 

RE: darling, don't be afraid I have loved you - Casmir - August 28, 2016

the Maplewood. he nodded, facing off in the direction Saena had brought them so long ago, it seemed. but his senses recalled the way to go, tugging it from memory. "good idea," the boy muttered. with a glance to Laika, Cas gave a small, wan smile and set off at a slower pace. they were both tired, sore from the travelling. the pair would need to rest soon. he was not agreeable to the idea, but the low, sudden growl of thunder overhead gave him pause.

"dammit," he swore, sighing and halting his movement. "storm rolling in. we gotta stop." tail lashing at his hips, Cas fought the rising frustration and turned his golden eyes silently on Laika. she was more levelheaded than he -- she'd know what to do.

RE: darling, don't be afraid I have loved you - Laika - September 06, 2016

She sighed and nodded as the thick wind whipped by. She could see dark, angry clouds up ahead, giving no more room for the setting sunlight. She gave a low growl at the storm, tail lashing as well, but she knew what to do. 

Laika knew immediately that Cas was waiting for her to do something so she did. She kept on moving, searching. "We need to find a den," she barked, "or something to keep us cover." There had to be something nearby.

RE: darling, don't be afraid I have loved you - Casmir - September 07, 2016

a den. he nodded, slipping into a quick trot as his eyes searched the scrub for the barest hint of shelter. in the distance reared the shadows of what he thought were mountains, but the storm ... Casmir looked to Laika as the shadows darkened. he did not believe they would make it to the stone face before the rains fell, but what could be lost by attempting such? "run!" he shouted to his mate, voice all but drowned out by the low growl of thunder.

the Mayfair's stride lengthened and the great muscles of his hindquarters bunched beneath his ebon fur; he was running, running as fast as he ever had, and his tongue lolled from his panting mouth as he searched for the pale form of Laika beneath the darkness of the stormclouds.

RE: darling, don't be afraid I have loved you - Laika - September 21, 2016

darkness began to flood her sight and she shielded her eyes by narrowing her lids. She glanced at Casmir just as he did her before thunder crashed overhead. She froze in fear, petrafied for a split second as Casmir shouted and took off. She blinked, trying to grab ahold of herself before she burst into a gallop. She stretched her body to it's limit trying to catch up with her mate. She caught a glimps on his hindquarters ahead of her and pressed on. She would follow him, and hope he lead them to safety. Her heart beat heard in her chest, she could hear in in her ears. How much longer would they run like this?

RE: darling, don't be afraid I have loved you - Casmir - September 27, 2016

Laika ran; Cas heard her steps behind him, and veered toward the trees, but the force of the storm was great, and rain swept over the pair in a deluge. above them, thunder rolled in the great dark clouds and lightning rent the sky. Cas forced his shaking legs onward, until the scent of the copse enveloped him and the branches bent beneath the weight of the rain. he whirled then to search for Laika, exhaustion and fear overtaking him.

RE: darling, don't be afraid I have loved you - Laika - September 29, 2016

Casmir veered towards the hazy sillouette of trees, and Laika followed, hot on his heels. Each breath was ragged and felt lake daggers upon her throat, and all she could hear was thunder, lightning, the blood pumping in her ears, and more thunder. A low whimper escaped her as Casmir dove for cover beneath the cope and she followed.

One blind step after another lead her to her mate as she crashed into him for warmth and security. The branches above them swayed dangerously and the trees creeked and screeched from the prying claws of the wind. She shivered beneath him, but almost immediately felt warmer, her brain clearing to think properly. He truely was her rock. She looked about to find something more stable to hide under. Even beneath these trees, the rain found her coat and soaked her skin. A boulder, a cliff, anything! But there was nothing in sight.

RE: darling, don't be afraid I have loved you - Casmir - October 02, 2016

this was it. there was nothing else for them, at least not until the storm passed. Cas snorted, squaring his shoulders and shaking the water from his ruff before pressing his muzzle against Laika's shoulder. "this sucks," he growled. "but we're together." pulling away, Cas began to paw at the wet ground, uncovering dryer debris beneath the soaked topcover of churned earth and fallen twigs. deeper he dug, until it became clear he was excavating a hole. "here," he grunted. "we'll sleep here and try to drag the branches here across the top."

RE: darling, don't be afraid I have loved you - Laika - October 12, 2016

He comforted her, and then pulled away, and she watched him with a confused, yet curious look. But as he continued to scrape away at the soaked mud, she began to understand what he was doing. She joined him, and then moved to the side, letting him finish he job. She gathered the branches together, peparing to cover the hole afte they had climbed in.

The more rain fell upon her, the colder she became, but she continued to help.

RE: darling, don't be afraid I have loved you - Casmir - October 12, 2016

they worked together in grim silence, but at length Casmir dropped down into the hole smelling of wet earth and sighed. it was complete shit, but it was all they had. he turned his eyes upon her with a saddened look. "i'm sorry, babe," he muttered, ears folding against his skull. with a small smile of encouragement, he motioned for Laika to join him. things would hopefully get better, but for now they needed to rest.

RE: darling, don't be afraid I have loved you - Laika - November 06, 2016

Cassie climbed in, making himself comfortable -- as comfortable as one could in conditions like this -- and muttered an apology. She shrugged and moved in herself, pressing her back against his stomach and glancing at him. The longer they lay there, pressed against one another, the warmer she became. "It's alright," She spoke absently.

Silence engulfed them aside from the thundering of the rain and the rustling of the trees. Finally, she spoke again. "What if we don't get them back?" Her voice was laced in sudden fear.

RE: darling, don't be afraid I have loved you - Casmir - November 11, 2016

fading here <3

casmir flung a foreleg across her side. "we will," he whispered against the back of one ear. exhaustion set in and he curled closer to her. "i love you," the boy mumbled, before sleep overtook him and his breathing slowed to a regular rhythm beneath the sound of pounding rain.