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Silvertip Mountain Hoping for a Friendly Welcome - Printable Version

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Hoping for a Friendly Welcome - Philos - August 30, 2016

I know this is a bit early but I have two loners at the moment and need to astablish some kind of attmept to join a pack. So sorry for confusion and short start

He had climbed up the mountain searching for the Silvertip Mountain pack he had heard about. It sounded like a place he could call home and he was eager to see if he would be accepted into the pack. He had talked to a few of the pack members, one being their alpha, and both seemed friendly enough. No matter who as in the pack Philos was confident that he would be able to make friends unless they were the kind of wolves that killed for fun. But he did think this pack was like that.

He make up to a bit of a clearing and waited for any of the pack members to emerge from within their territory. He shook his emence fur which continued to move a bit as he stopped. He sent out a low howl so that someone in the near by area could here his call to the pack.

RE: Hoping for a Friendly Welcome - Steady - August 31, 2016

Welcome! I went ahead and added you as TBD, so you don't have to worry about having two loners at the moment. If this, and the other, thread go well, Philos will get his rank :-)

Steady had needed to stretch his legs, and so was out patrolling the borders. Adeline seemed to be healing okay, from what he could tell, and so he tried not to huddle around her as much. He knew he was an overprotective parental figure, but there were some days he simply couldn't help it. Knowing that Adeline had a stubborn streak a mile wide, he wouldn't doubt she'd be up and trying to hunt again soon. And, could he fault her for that? No. But, he still felt the need to protect her. 

A low howl interrupted this thoughts, and he veered his course to intercept the caller. When he came into view, Steady recognized Philos from their previous meeting. The Alpha's ears were perked forward, and his tail high but waving to express his friendliness. Hello, Philos. What can I do for you? he asked.

RE: Hoping for a Friendly Welcome - Philos - August 31, 2016

Philos had waited for a bit before seeing the familiar face of Steady come through the territory. He was glad that is was someone he already knew from the pack that was there to greet him. This way their would know eachother better wand wouldn't have to go through another conversation mainly consisting of introducations. Philos didn't mind meeting new people but at times it did get repetative.

Steady stook with his tail showing his dominace but still friendlyness. Similar to the first time Philos had meet him but this time Philos was on his territory and he knew to show continuing resect for the alpha. He asked "what can I do for you" so Philos replied. "It's nice to see you again Steady. I've come to see if you might accept me into your pack." 

RE: Hoping for a Friendly Welcome - Steady - August 31, 2016

Steady was pleased to see Philos knew the proper border etiquette, too. He had not demanded submission in their first meeting- he had no right to. But, here, on the marker of his territory, was a different matter entirely. But, it seemed there was nothing to demand, as Philos was respectful of it all. 

It seemed the male was interested in joining. What could you offer us? Steady asked, including the pack as a whole. Each member contributed in Silvertip, not just for their own sake, but for others, as well. Philos looked well-built, and Steady wondered if he was knowledgeable in fighting. Another Guardian never hurt anyone. 

RE: Hoping for a Friendly Welcome - Philos - August 31, 2016

What could he offer them? Philos had never specialized at a specific trade before but he was really only about one thing. And that things was making people happy and safe. He liked to make friends and have fun and keep those who he was close to safe. 

He was huge and it would be rather hard for someone to push him around or tear through his thick coat of fur, but he didn't like fighting. He might be able to defend but he wouldn't want to fight someone unless he had too. What he wanted to do was make everyone happy either by being a counselor, a babysitter and tell the pups stories and songs.

After thinking about this for a bit he said "Despite my emence size I'm no warrior, but I will say if nessasary I'm a pretty good guardian. But what I'm really passionate about is making other happy. I'd like to be a counselor, maybe even a babysitter." He looked toward Steady smiling as he was lost in thought about his passion. He hoped that they could find some use for him anywhere they could.

RE: Hoping for a Friendly Welcome - Steady - September 01, 2016

Philos seemed to take a few moments to think about his answer, which didn't bother Steady. He simply waited, letting his mind come up with all the different answers the other male might say. All of them were assumptions, however, and only made to waste a spare few moments. 

Steady supposed he was a little surprised that Philos didn't want to be a warrior. With his size, it would benefit the pack greatly. But, he would not push him to be something he wasn't, as that would make no one happy. The Alpha nodded. A counselor would be nice, he commented. We have no very young pups at the moment, though possibly come spring. There is, though, Adeline. She's my niece, and about five months old. Good luck with trying to sit her. You'll find you'd rather sit on her, he said jokingly. He loved his niece like she was his own, but he knew what a handful she could be.

Finding that he thought Philos would fit in well, Steady turned to the side to allow him to enter the borders. Welcome to Silvertip Mountain, he said. Ezekiel is the Beta and fellow Guardian, Valette is the hunter and scout, Chaska is the storyteller, Niita is my mate, and there's also Grayday, Anita, and Polaris. He didn't think Philos would remember that all right now, but at least if he came across anyone, the name might jog his memory. Feel free to explore, and take from the cache if you need to. He waited then, to see if Philos had any questions.

RE: Hoping for a Friendly Welcome - Philos - September 01, 2016

Philos was excited by the idea of new pups maybe comming into the pack. Many wolves loved to play but pups were obviouly the best at it. At Steady's comment about his neice Adeline Philos laughed. "Haha That won't be a problem, I'm quite comfy." 

Steady moved to the side allowing Philos to follow into the territory. He was exstatic to be accepted and his tail wagged and his mouth opened to smile. He heard everyones introduction trying his best to learn all the new wolves he would meet and attempt to become frinds with. "Thanks you so much Steady, I'm really excited to meet everyone." he said trying to sound humble even though he was internally running crazy. 

He steped into his new territory and walked for a bit looking around before he began to full sprint into the territory, the excitement overwhelming him.