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Two Rivers Isle Worries of the lord - Printable Version +- Wolf RPG (https://wolf-rpg.com) +-- Forum: In Character: Roleplaying (https://wolf-rpg.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=5) +--- Forum: Archives (https://wolf-rpg.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=11) +--- Thread: Two Rivers Isle Worries of the lord (/showthread.php?tid=17564) |
Worries of the lord - Burke - August 31, 2016 Burke's eyes looked over the territory from the top of the hill. There was quite a hill in the middle of the meadow, on that hill was a tree, a tree they still not named. The large male looked at it with a curious expression. What would be a good name for the tree? Perhaps it didn't need a name. Burke sat down, his gaze returning to his territory. The arrival of a dark brother had shocked him to his core. He did not wish to be found. He wanted to end his life in peace not war. What would happen to the boys if the brotherhood would find out they were here?? Burke was troubled. He needed advise. But who to trust? Even his mate couldn't hold her blabbing mouth. The older male let out a soft sigh. He reminded himself that he should train Vassago his ways, to have Pyro know them too. If he might not live long they would need to take over these lands. Though they would never inherit these lands if the brotherhood would come to their doorstep. RE: Worries of the lord - Liekos - August 31, 2016 Sorry if I'm not the person you were thinking of. PM me if you want me to delete.
She was still discovering new parts of the territory. She wanted to get a better feeling of the new place she was calling home. Although it didn't feel like that quite yet. She came across a meadow with a decent sized hill within it, and atop that will was a beautiful tree. Rouge looked up and admired the tree for a but before seeing a dark wolf sitting by it. The wolf was facing away from her, and having not yet meet all the members of her pack we decided to see who it was. Upon closer look it turned out to be Burke. She wasn't disappointed at all, even if it wasn't a new face, having only seen him a few times before she was happy to spend more time with him. As she came within a few yards of him she heard him let out a rather distressing sign. She approached a bit slower not wanting to startle him. "Excuse me my Lord..." She paused allowing a bit of time for him to realize her presence "It's me Liekos... Are you... alright?" She questioned taking a few steps forward not yet arriving at his side. RE: Worries of the lord - Burke - September 02, 2016 All Welcome so that means you are welcome too!!
Burke looked out of the territory until he heard a voice that woke him up from his thoughts. He looked up to see the undecided stand there. Burke turned more towards her but stayed seated. His face still a bit thoughtful. "Hello Liekos," he spoke, he of course knew who she was. The male nodded too, to signal she was welcome. He was the leader their lord, but he didn't want to be as unapproachable as a lord. "What makes you think I am not alright?," he asked her, mostly to try and test the waters, so know what she has seen or thought she hat seen! The male looked at the young female. He wondered how perceptive she was. RE: Worries of the lord - Liekos - September 02, 2016 When Burke greeted her then nodded for her to join him she walked up to his side. She herself off even though their wasn't anything on her then sat down facing him. She was happy that she would get a chance to talk and spend some more time with her lord. She wanted him to know she was a valuable member of the pack and that she was trustworthy. He asked why she though he might not be ok to which she said "I heard you sigh. I thought maybe you were a bit stressed. Which is understandable considering your rank as the Lord." She spoke honestly wanting to be there for someone so important in her pack. RE: Worries of the lord - Burke - September 04, 2016 Burke could come off as quite closed and very grumpy. Most of the time he was very closed, difficult to connect to but he was not out to hurt others or make them feel bad about themselves. He nodded slowly when she explained. "You heard that, hmm?," he spoke questioningly. He then licked his lips. "It is not my rank. I've been the alpha of a pack for most of my life. I know that comes with the rank," he spoke. He didn't want her to worry about Black Feather, that was his job. "I dislike that I am getting old," he spoke, which was not a lie. After all he was getting old and he was starting to notice that he indeed was older. Sometimes his scent was lacking, or his eyes weren't as sharp. He still seemed to work fine, just getting more tired quickly. RE: Worries of the lord - Liekos - September 04, 2016 As he lord questioned if she had indeed heard his sigh she nodded softly to acknowledge his question. She felt it was somewhat of ritorical question that didn't need a full fledged answer. She listened to how Burke explainedthat it wasn't his rank or the stress of his responsabilities but rather that he felt old. Even though Liekos didn't know much about Burke, he was he lord and she wanted to make him feel better. Somehow. In what was she had no idea. So she just spoke honestly. "Well... We can't really do much about that. But you still have plenty of years ahead of you. I think... you just have to make the best of it. Spend the time wisley and the way you want. I know I'm not as old as you and don't really know what your going through... but... That's what I would do." She tried to sound considerate even though she had no experience in the matter. RE: Worries of the lord - Burke - September 09, 2016 Sorry for the late reply, school started and managing everything was a bit of a hassle!
Burke slowly nodded, his actual problem was something else of course. bUt the becoming an older wolf part was somewhat bothering him. He knew he wasn't the fittest or in the prime of his life. The male knew that he had to be smart rather than show strength. Though him founding this pack made him pretty sure that no one was going to overthrow him like they did in Black Feather. "Perhaps you are right," he spoke. "Your words are kind, though I do know that I soon reach my 7th year which will make me an old wolf. I do not think that my old age will be in the way of leading I just like to do everything myself but I can't do that anymore," he explained. He could not be everywhere at once. RE: Worries of the lord - Liekos - September 10, 2016 Same thing here. No problem
When Burke responded and began by complimenting Liekos she smiles a thank you to him. He then continued to stae his age and how he wished he was able to do thinks he had done before by himself. Likeos was struggling a bit. She wanted to make her lord feel better but age was something she couldn't stop, and she thought her overly optemistic attidude might make him annoyed. But it was the only thing she could think of doing so she replied with "Ya it's nice not to have to ask for help, but thats why we're in a pack... so we can." she looked toward him smiling waiting for his responce or reaction. RE: Worries of the lord - Burke - September 11, 2016 Burke smiled a bit a her words which was quite rare actually. "Well, you are right in that. I like your mentality," he spoke to her. Which is why he also accepted her. She seemed motivated. Burke liked that. Which made him wonder. "How is your healer trade going? Do you need some more to practice because perhaps you can check over my young to see if they are all healthy," he offered, not knowing that Malice would soon catch a cold. RE: Worries of the lord - Liekos - September 11, 2016 Liekos was glad to hear that what she was saying was cheering her lord up alittle bit. Burke then ask him her trade was comming along. Other then that time she suggested something for Aero's nausea she hadn't really donw anything with healing. And talking with her lord today only made her think of how much more she wanted to be a councelor. But she was willin gto help the pack in anyway she coud and if noone else in the pack was a healer she though that maybe she should at least have a better basic knowledge then the others. He proposed checking up on his young. She though back to the first interaction she had with his young along with his mate which didn't go over so well. "I could definatley give it a try. Though the first time I meet your young and mate it didn't go over as well as I had hoped." RE: Worries of the lord - Burke - September 11, 2016 Burke was surprised. He hadn't heard that story yet. He was pretty sure that Malice would behave but the woman was always rather erratic with what who she talked to an who she didn't talk to. "I'm pretty sure you will be alright. I think you would make a good counselor too though," he then commented. He was a therapist and mentor himself, all specialized in the counselor trade. Perhaps she was going to pursue that trade, though there would not be a rank related to it, except for being Aide which they saw as the ultimate counselor trade being embodied. He looked over the lands he owned. "You feel at home here, Liekos?," he asked then. RE: Worries of the lord - Liekos - September 17, 2016 Sorry for the late reply. School had be jumbled for a bit. All good now.
Liekos was happy to hear that Burke thought she would make a good councelor. She wan't sure if they had a rank specific for it but it didn't really bother her all that much. She thought about maybe trying again to meet with Burkes pups. Maybe the next time thye would know she was part of the pack and that they wouldn't need to be so agressive toward her. He then asked if she felt at home. She thought about it for a bit. He hadn't meet everyone in the pack yet and hadn't done much in the pack yet either. But she never felt unwelcome, more misunderstood in the situation with his mate and pups. "I'm beginning to" she said humbly not wanting to lie. RE: Worries of the lord - Burke - September 18, 2016 Don't sweat it! <3
Burke let out a quick nod. "Well even if you want to be a counselor like me, you are welcome too. We are very happy to have you and bits of your medical skills. It helps us out greatly," he spoke to her. Even if she did start to feel more at home here Burke wanted her to know that she was very much valued for the skills she portrayed so far. None of their members were bad wolves, perhaps they were more closed off than others but he had the feeling that if they would encourage friendships strong bonds would grow. Burke was certain of it. It had been the same in the dark woods they lived before. RE: Worries of the lord - Liekos - September 18, 2016 She smile at her lords remark "I am happy to help in anyway I can." she smiled. She felt good knowing that the learder of the pack say her as a valuable asset to the pack. Even if she didn't know everyone in the pack, he and his mate, wer the two she would want o inpress the most. Thinking of this she thought about taking up her lord suggestion of checking up on his young, and no doubt see his mate once again as a result. She stood up beside him "Is there anything else I can do for you my Lord?" RE: Worries of the lord - Burke - September 19, 2016 Burke nodded, he noticed her eagerness to help. He liked that. He liked to see ambition. The male let out a firm nod, confirming it once more. "No, that was all," he spoke to her. "Thank you Liekos. Good talk," he returned to her. Because it had been a good talk and frankly she had helped not think about the dark brotherhood for a moment. That was what he liked. He was rather grateful for her talk. RE: Worries of the lord - Liekos - September 19, 2016 She nodded, Then turned toward where she had first meet the two pups and the mate of her lord. She began with a trot, then with a decent amount of sistance between her and her lord she began to run. She was eager to check on the pups and hopfully mend their not to good realationship with Liekos. As well as Malice. |