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duct tape - Printable Version

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duct tape - Leatherface - April 08, 2014


The distant sensation of choking pulled him from his slumber, awakening with a cough that shook his shoulders as he expelled the trapped fluid from within his throat. More blood. Metal coaxing his tongue, clogging his nostrils. The beast attempted to shirk away from the small pool of it gathering beneath his parted lips, but shifting in the snow brought a rare whimper of pain and the effort was swiftly ended. He was content to just lie here, let it be done with. From the depths of his mind he concluded his 'awakeness' had simply always been a burden.

It was when he was left slipping from the world for another round of dream that a familiar voice shot out at him. Useless. Eyes snapping open, head yanked upright Leatherface was confronted with... nothing. Even through the heavy stench of his own bleeding he could not smell what he had thought to be his brother. A moment spent on confusion, another spent on the sharp pain that his sudden action had brought, the longest time studying his surroundings. What had happened? The mountain had come tumbling down. He recalled the wave of white, and now he was left swept across it's surface.

Perhaps it was a miracle he hadn't been buried completely, a thick layer of snow covering most of his body, his figure stuck through like an ugly bump in the smoothness of the landscape. He'd been caught in only the outer waves of destruction, his head turning to gaze at the tree that had anchored him. But the mountain had been sure to strike him in some way for his slow dumb move for escape, bashing him against the trunk of the pine. Leatherface winced, attempting to shift left body upright with much resistance the layer of snow across his side cracking as he shifted.

He managed to straight his top half but the renewed damage to right leg did not allow it to comply. Pausing his efforts, he was left hacking into the snow. Heaving from exhaustion, the small pump of adrenaline he'd previously felt had faded now, and all he could do was stare dumbly at the crimson droplets sliding down from his chin.

RE: duct tape - Xinuata - April 09, 2014

More hurt that livid, the autumn warden of the mountain walked from the destruction behind with a teetering chip upon her shoulder. Far be it of her to scold the male for wanting to accomplish his own task, but what bristled her fur and hadn’t yet let her find calm was the diligence he took in finding but one of the many that were lost in the snow. The importance of the one called ‘Lham’ was unknown to her. But to allow it to cause such strife was unsettling. She was confused by the reactions of both Tenzin and Raheerah, more so the latter than the former, though she did not know where to begin to express her concerns.

So she left them as thus and turned toward what she knew she could manage, and that was finding stability in a pack otherwise in shambles.

She began again her search for survives, letting her voice ring out so that the lightly buried and trapped might here and reach out. The woman did not perceive herself as a beacon of hope, but perhaps familiarity that her brethren might reach towards to keep themselves alive. Her voice was a note to ring soundly through the trees to let the fallen know they were not and would not be forgotten.

RE: duct tape - Leatherface - April 12, 2014

The call served to rouse him from his catatonic state. A quiver pulling at his lips contorting until an answer found enough strength to spill from his mouth. The howl winded him, trembling as he slipped in the mush of snow to find his paws behind him. Despite his tries he could not find the strength to push onto his back legs, one stabbing him with stark resistance. So he made to crawl, to pull and scramble with the aching limbs before him.

His efforts served to tilt Leatherface onto other side, snow sliding from his pelt as he rolled and crawled in a slow moving mess. Gasping for breathe as his voice died down, he again slumped for a moment of rest, having moved less than a foot away from his prior prison.

RE: duct tape - Xinuata - April 14, 2014

After her call had receded, she turned her muzzle to the earth hoping against hope that she might find the scent of a fallen comrade. Though the habit would do her no good, as the fresh snow and ice was all she could smell. Nature had done well to provide her with further complication, washing away the familiar scent of the Vale and her packmates and leaving nothing in its place save for a bland, cleaned slate. Her only hope now was that her voice would be heard and others were well enough to reach out. Though her expectations for this were understandably limited. Never the less she tried regardless, and kept her ears cupped forward in the instance a voice broke through the stillness.

And by fate, there was a sound! Croaked and strained by present none the less.

Foregoing her aimless scrounge through the snow, she charged toward the waning call while uttering her own in reply to let them know that she had heard. She charged as fast as her tired limbs would allow, pushing aside her fatigue to the back of her mind and masked her strain with the adrenaline that pumped through her veins. In minutes, she came across the downward slope of rock and ice, and too was met with the bitter tinge of blood on the air. One of her brethren was injured, but at the very least he was alive. Even in the darkness, she could make out the glossy side of her fellow warrior. A portion of him remained covered by snow, but his front at the very least was revealed for her to assess. Minding her steps, she approached him with care, whining softly to assure him that all would be well.

She walked around to his front and lowered her muzzle close to his. Carefully, she lapped away the blood from his maw hoping it would do something to ease his breathing. “I will have to move you,” she informed his carefully. “But I will not if you are in too much pain. Where do you hurt? Can you say?” She had hardly heard the male say much, but if she had some sort of an idea, it would have assist her in helping him greatly.

RE: duct tape - Leatherface - April 16, 2014

Her whine was echoed by the broken sound of his own. The small act of her company was enough to rouse peace within him, the beast lamely trying to beat his tail against the snow in the sudden recognition of Xi'nuata; it merely gave a sad thump compared to what was his usual greeting. He struggled with more complex expressions, a turmoil of feeling surging within him but thoughts lingering on the fringes for him to pick at with small consideration. There was relief at being found, but a phantom of fear had shadowed him: of wasting away in this lonely grave not to be found. He was not so much frightened of dying; he was afraid of being alone as he did.

But his packmember came with a ray of hope which pierced him. He'd struggled with forming the words others so often wanted from him, despite his faults he always intended to give his full effort when trying to appease them. These question came with a heavy importance, and so his eyes closed briefly to focus his efforts. Will move. He insisted, having tested himself and knowing that he could attempt it again and with some assistance he could probably balance himself onto his feet. As he spoke he could taste the thin layer of blood coaxing the inside of his mouth, he could not asset whatever damage had been done to it and what connection it had to his labored breathing.

Leg. Weakly he motion behind him, his right hip no longer bleeding freely but the flesh was left exposed, blood having stained through the mesh of snow and dirt beside it. Again he was met with a new wave of iron on his tongue, coughing after his attempts to speak. He'd been left with a sharp ache that seemed to clench around his entire being, but he didn't feel the need to try and let Xi'nuata be aware, claiming to himself it would eventually leave him. It was not the first time he'd been slammed against something hard, only this was with a force hundreds of times stronger than what he'd experienced before.

And since had no other way to explain it, unfamiliar with the definition of internal bleeding, Leatherface did the best that he could,Chest... pain. Blood.

RE: duct tape - Xinuata - April 16, 2014

To his direction, she took noticed of the open wound on his thigh, and though she did not openly grimace, she felt terrible for the sight and looked away after but a moment. He claimed he would be move, but she did not see how he could able to without being in dire pain. All she could hope for was that their progress to the Chenrezig would be swift in order to give the pained male the rest he deserved.

Before attempting to move him, however, she carefully surveyed his neck and chest, hoping that she might find the source of pain that ailed him. He claimed it hurt, yet she could see nothing externally that would cause this pain. And because of this, she feared that his situation was more dire. There was nothing more frightening than what could not be seen. Whining softly, she knelt down towards her fellow warrior and braced herself against his side. “Alright,” she mumbled. “Put your weight against me; I will help you rise. Drape yourself if you must… but we need to get you moving.” He was certainly a large wolf, but lacked the bulk that the female naturally carried. Undoubtedly his weight would make for a struggle if applied fully, yet she was more than willing to endure the burden as long as it assisted her fallen pack brother. "Come.” She stepped forward carefully, motioning for him to move.