Wolf RPG
Sun Mote Copse from dusk until dawn - Printable Version

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from dusk until dawn - Digit - September 03, 2016

When dusk turned to dawn, and night turned to day, Digit was there to enjoy the beautiful scenery. The sky was signed in rebirth, with the dawn of a new day recolouring the early hours with a bright yellow, a warm orange and a crimson red. It was a great sight to behold. In the distance, a large tree was cloaked in the shadows, bringing a welcoming contrast to the scenery. Even further was a staggering mountain rage, walling the world and bringing in the physical boundaries of travel.

The tiny Mexican female sat down, in awe, lacking the words to properly describe it all. Her tongue was tied and her ears were swept forward. Tail was quietly curled around her front paws. It was this little moment that everything seemed to be perfect.

RE: from dusk until dawn - Arunik'ra - September 04, 2016

arunik'ra had been pacing along the perimeter of molech's shrine when the first pale rosy pylons of light flushed the canopy. guiltily, the female looked up, having been caught unawares by the day's advent.

she had not meant to slip from her sleeping duties, but her duties to molech compelled her. with one last nip with her little teeth she severed the last rogue branch from a shrub next to molech's shrine and stepped back to appreciate her handiwork. with the sun out, she could see the shrine in it's full and a boon of pride swelled within her.

she wished to gather river-stones to line the shrine, and without delay she made for the borders. it was not until she nearly came upon the river did she spy a wolf sitting in a pool of goldenrod-hued sunlight. a small, spare frame -- two long, slender ears - arunik'ra thought at first it might be a coyote and her head lowered in suspicion.

as she drew closer she realized her folly, though her posture did not relent. "greetings, traveler." she extended softly, her bright yellow gaze curious. her posture was not outright aggressive, but this female was close to her home and she remained quiet guarded.

RE: from dusk until dawn - Digit - September 05, 2016

It wasn’t often that Digit was swept off her feet – in fact, this might even be a first time. But when her curious, burning orange eyes slowly gazed upon Arunik’ra, she was silenced as if a knife was forced to her throat. Speechless and, at the same time, utterly and almost devotedly impressed.

What caused such a strange reaction? Digit had seen many wolves, of all shapes, colors and sizes but never had she seen a slim, near crimson-red, fox-painted Red Wolf. She was put under a spell, a willing victim to an almost magical creature. This wasn’t just any wolf. Not believing in saints, Digit suddenly became the believer and the sinner.

”Greetings.” Leathery lips parted and words fell out, slow and steady, submissive and calm. Her front paws stood angled wide and with her nose she touched the ground. As if she bowed, just once. You’ve put me under a spell.

RE: from dusk until dawn - Arunik'ra - September 06, 2016

arunik'ra turned her head slowly, watching the female as she turned around to hail her. the red woman was not prepared for the female's almost instant submissive posture, nor the breathlessness of her composure. arunik'ra shifted visibly, unsure what had caused the wolf's inner turmoil.

digit's gesture seemed foreign to arunik'ra, but the priestess understood the implications -- her own posture grew lax and she regarded the wolf carefully, albeit still unsure. "you stand near the malkaria, stranger. do you have business here?" the query was neutrally worded, for thus far digit had not demonstrated she was a threat.

RE: from dusk until dawn - Digit - September 07, 2016

Digit wasn't sure either what she was doing, then again, she wasn't thinking straight. 'Malkaria..' the young curious yearling said, allowing the words to bounce through her mind. It sounded even as exotic as the red wolf that stood in front of her. The fact that a pack was established here, or would soon be, was obvious by the marked scents.

'I'm a lone wolf; looking for a home.' She said honestly about her business; though the question remained whether the Malkaria was, or would be, a good fit. Digit remained quiet even if a waterfall of questions were flowing through her mind.

RE: from dusk until dawn - Arunik'ra - September 11, 2016

the red priestess watched as the juvenile rephrased the word, savoring it. malkaria. it gave arunik'ra a grave and terrible sense of pleasure hearing molech's words articulated by a heathen; and it gave her greater pleasure to indoctrinate heathens into the fold.

digit's reply seemed honest, and while arunik'ra appreciated the transparency she was not entirely forthright in her next reply. "the malkaria are home to worshippers." she started, gazing over the agouti in the hopes to catch a reaction to the word 'worshipper' if there was any. "believers are welcome, but it is best for all if those with shaky conviction to pass us by." that was it -- the statement that would expose digit for a believer or a fraud -- it was whatever digit's reaction was in the next few minutes that would decide her fate that sunny morning.

RE: from dusk until dawn - Digit - September 13, 2016

Digit had known the stars and guidance but not of any gods or religion, she knew that anyone and everyone was entitled to their own view of the world and the supernatural phenomenon’s. And yet there was something going on right here, a pull, a string – something better left unexplained – that brought her here to bow down before the Res Drunak. Like a worshipper following a priest, like a zealot following one or several gods. Usually the rebellious wolf wouldn’t just bow down to anyone, especially not a complete stranger. But this, this was different.

”I wasn’t a worshipper..” Digit said, honest and even surprised by the entire situation. ”..but you turned me into one; from the first moment we met.” It was such a strange and shaky experience, as if she was dreaming or hallucinating but there were no mushrooms or other substances that clouded her view and faded her judgment. ”I’m not sure how or why but somehow I don’t think this is a coincidence. Somehow I think I’m supposed to be here. Is that faith? Is that a divine power who wants me here?”

Questioning yet respectful, with eyes darted away and a submissive posture still, she awaited an answer. If Arunik’ra rejected her answer then it was okay as well; then she probably wouldn’t belong here. But this experience; it wasn’t one quickly forgotten.

RE: from dusk until dawn - Arunik'ra - September 17, 2016

arunik'ra set her yellow gaze on the wolf, most notably, her features. she was trying to read the agouti, assess her -- to see if she was worth the time or effort to divulge molech's light upon. at first, the words came tumultous and unsure, and arunik'ra thought for a minute the wolf was simply toying with her. she cut a sharp look towards digit's gaze, trying to suss out any guile.

but there was none -- or at least, none the sunspear could detect.

"kismet." the wolf confirmed lightly, continuing: "chance, providence -- there is a word for it in every tongue, and every designation." she sat, adopting a pose less threatening to the stranger. "perhaps molech brought you to us. perhaps it was simply coincidence." time would tell, arunik'ra thought to herself grimly. "if you can embrace the light, we will embrace you -- you are welcome among us so long as you denounce your heathenite life and become suntouched -- or One Among Us."

RE: from dusk until dawn - Digit - September 23, 2016

I was in a foreign country for a few days, sorry for the delay (:
Goodbye old, on with the new – adieu lone wolf days, hello starting out fresh. Or, as fresh meat. There was a feeling, deep within, that she had to be here. Digit was not doubtful – not shaky, nor hesitant – even if she had never been a believer of a greater cause. There was always common sense. Until their meeting, until now. Golden eyes steadily raised, albeit with respect. She repeated the words of the Res Drenuk, leathery lips parted and a sound, barely audible and intimate, was vocalized. ”Kismet.” Digit repeated, as she welcomed the definition of the word; destiny.

Digit wasn’t sure what it was, be it a coincidence or a higher cause; but that didn’t matter from this moment and onwards. From this single second a new door was opened and a chance was provided; if she would proof herself for the trial had only began. ”I’m that; one among many of you.” A peaceful, serene, feeling crept over the atmosphere and the small Mexican wolf breathed lightly, at ease. Hopeful, curious, and fulfilled she awaited the final words of the Res Drunak. And, to make sure it was a proper goodbye, she shook away the heathenite life. It was no more.

RE: from dusk until dawn - Arunik'ra - September 27, 2016

no worries at all friend! do you want me to title digit as a malkarian?

arunik'ra was pleased with this answer. it was simple. it was understandable. digit did not seem to dance around ith her reply, nor leave the priesyess waiting for an answer. she was not at all tentative, or even doubtful -- which in turn bolstered arunik'ra's interest and reception in the agouti.

"then come with me, stranger-friend. i will tell you of molech and prepare our sisters for your arrival."

you can assume arunik'ra tells digit the basics of their religion/about molech here - but not yet about the BABY SACRIFICES! we should thread that >:)