Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau Bobby Shafto's gone to sea - Printable Version

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Bobby Shafto's gone to sea - Saēna - April 09, 2014

@Robur Aqua and @Peregrine if you want this one.

Six long days had passed, and still Saēna's movement was limited. The other three cubs squalled and hit one another and chomped one another's tails, but Saēna remained on the outskirts of their interactions, often shivering lightly. There would come a time in several weeks when a little switch would flip and the chills that plagued her would cease to be, her appetite would increase and with it, her energy and her socialization, but right now Saēna was something of an outcast. It wasn't for lack of trying, for the other pups often came in her direction and accosted her as well, but seemingly grew bored when the girl curled in on herself and didn't react.

She was, if nothing else, disappointing. There was no fight in Saēna at all, no desire to best her cousins or her brother. Even today, the girl was curled up as best she could be with what limited control she had on her body, away from her cousins and her brother. She gravitated toward Hawkeye's warmth, but otherwise seemed a solitary being. Her mother would have been bothered by this behaviour, no doubt, but her mother was dead... Not that she knew it. She knew very little, but had come to recognize the five scents that were a permanent fixture of the den, as well as to notice when a smell she didn't recognize appeared, so she had made a little developmental progress in six days, at least.