Wolf RPG
Sunbeam Lair the deep deep deeper we go - Printable Version

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the deep deep deeper we go - Nekoda - September 10, 2016

kuro i did it

An entire cycle of the moon had occurred since Nekoda's arrival here at Ryujin, marking the passing of a month since he had found his older sister. 

However within that month, the wolf hadn't mingled with his new tribe mates at all, preferring to keep to himself and allowing his presence to be discreet. In all honestly Nekoda wasn't even sure if they were aware of his existence at all. He had meant to greet them and such but somehow he had continued to put off the task.

Aside from that, the male found the complex cavern systems within the mountain range to be incredibly interesting, spending most of his time exploring them and getting to recognise the ecosystem better. It certainly differed quite a bit from the Draconid Tribe's territory, but even some of the same organisms thrived here which brought a small smile to his maw.

This fine morning, Nekoda could be found outside his sleeping quarters, having awoken at in tandem with the sun as it began to rise and mark the start of a new day. A large yawn escaped from his jaws as he stretched out his muscles in his usual morning routine, before he went to find a spot to relieve himself. Cerulean optics briefly scanned the surroundings for the figures of any tribe mates. When Nekoda deemed himself to be well alone, he lifted his hind leg and exhaled a satisfied sigh as he relieved himself. Well now that he was done, he would go on about his day. Maybe today he would go meet and greet the others.

RE: the deep deep deeper we go - Avannon - September 10, 2016

Avannon lay on the floor of her sleeping spot,somewhere between sleep and wakefulness. She shifted her weight and yawned, her jaws coming together in a sharp click. A scent hit her nose, one she wasn't entirely familiar with but had been smelling around the territory for about a month. Her ears flicked backward as suspicion rose in the back of her mind. She stood up and climbed out of the lair lifting her muzzle to the air and sniffing around to pinpoint the direction of the strange scent. Finally she found it, and quickly made her way over and standing in front of him. She was about to question him when something struck her. The male looked much like Asterr. "Hello. You have joined yes?"she asked keeping her eyes alert but friendly. If he said no, her demeanor would change completely but for now she would ask questions first. "I assume you have. No wolf would be stupid enough to cross this far over borders" she said.

RE: the deep deep deeper we go - Nekoda - September 24, 2016

apologies for the belated reply! orz

The sudden sounding of a foreign voice surprised the male, who whipped around immediately to face the source. Nekoda eyed the wolf with curiosity and some wariness, though the female appeared to be quite friendly which put him more at ease. "I have joined, yes," he answered with a small nod of his head. "May I ask who you might be? You must be a fellow member of Ryūjin, correct? I assume you would not be stupid enough to cross this far over the borders either, would you?" The Draconid's bombard of questions came flying out of his mouth before he could think much about it, so he hoped that the she wolf didn't mind.

RE: the deep deep deeper we go - Avannon - September 24, 2016

Avannon sat down, the relief of not having to fight quite obvious in her demeanor. "Avannon, or Ava for short. I am a commoner in Ryujin, and have been here for a while now." She replied her eyes glinting with humor as he blurted out a bunch of questions much like herself. She smiled and looked him over "Forgive me, but you look like Asterr. Are you two of relation?" she asked her ears perking up as she hesitated over her words. His scent was familiar as well, though she was never one to make assumptions.