Wolf RPG
Bramblepoint Tick tock- the clock keeps going - Printable Version

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Tick tock- the clock keeps going - Trick - September 11, 2016

Backdated to September the 4th :)

After eating the herbs that would keep his hunger away for the coming hours he had left his new home- not for good. He had a mission now; a purpose. He felt wonderful like this, even if his reasons for going on this trip were rather grim. A kidnapped child was not something to feel happy about- but his selfish ego thought different about the situation. This was his chance to shine- to mean something to the Caldera like he had tried to do at the Keep.

When night came he had reached the Bramblepoint and settled for that night. The stars were his guide for now- but he could not see them under the tangles and leaves of the trees. It was better to rest for now, and soon he entered a colorful dream that took him to places he would not remember the next day.

When the sun was waking up, Trick was on the move again- his lithe body not struggling with maneuvering between the trees. He felt the effect of the herbs decreasing, but hunger had never been a problem for him. Green eyes scanned his surroundings- seeking for anyone that might tell him where Lucy was. 

RE: Tick tock- the clock keeps going - Teemu - September 11, 2016

It was dark when the older wolf's eyes fluttered open from his deep sleep. He'd slept longer than originally intended, but Teemu was grateful for the chilly cover of night that still lingered. His long legs felt cramped from being curled so tight in the old fox den he'd discovered and they ached for released. The graying wolf crawled from the small space and stretched. He gave his coat a quick shake to rid himself of the soft dirt and sniffed at the air, deciding that it was time to move.

By the time the sun began to rise, Teemu had entered the thick Bramblepoint forest, although the name of the place was unknown to him. With Autumn's return came the crisp air he so loved and he inhaled deeply in the early morning, relishing the arrival of the season. He wandered slowly through the dense foliage, nostrils flaring with the varying scents that permeated the immediate area. An empty stomach rumbled and drove him to the base of an apple tree, where he nosed and sniffed the fallen fruit for one that hadn't already begun to rot in the dark soil. He found a pair of decent fruit and was nearly finished with the second when a particular odor blew his direction.

Teemu lifted his narrow head and continued to breathe in the faint whiff of another wolf. His body tensed, preparing for a possible encounter. Ears erect, tail down, the tall male waited.

RE: Tick tock- the clock keeps going - Trick - September 12, 2016

He was moving toward where he now knew the misty forest was. He wanted to check upon the woman who was looking out for Lucy too- to see if she was any closer to unraveling the mystery behind the absence of the little girl. His tiny paws stepped on several thorns that were covering some parts of the ground- but little did it hurt. The weight behind his steps was a minimum, but his steps slowed when there was a scent mixed in with the strong scent of fruits and berries. It was definitely another wolf, a male if his nose wasn't betraying him. It was not the one he was looking for- but at least it was something. Any help would be appreciated, for he really wanted to find Lucy.

He turned, his nose close to the ground to find the source of the smell. The closer he got, the faster his heart began pumping. What if it was a criminal? He was small- weak, someone would say. Damn, he should've brought someone along. There was no backing up now- for the other was already near enough to see. Trick swallowed his fear away and approached in a neutral way- ears friendly atop his handsome face,tail low and slowly wagging. It was an old one- one that did not smell of a pack. 

Goodmorning, sir. He greeted in a voice as sweet as honey. I was wondering if you would be able to help me with a tiny little something.  

RE: Tick tock- the clock keeps going - Teemu - September 13, 2016

With his ears still upright and listening intently to the sounds of the forest, Teemu lowered his mouth to the floor once more to finish the apple he'd left at his feet, its crisp interior turning brown in the open air. The faint sound of something moving through the vegetation floated toward him. The sound would have gone unnoticed had he not been waiting, alert. It wasn't long before a small, black shadow came into view. Teemu took in the wolf's appearance and acknowledged his cordial approach. With a flick of an ear, he listened to the stranger's words.

"I suppose that depends," The older wolf finally answered calmly, studying the vibrant gaze of the male with a single raised brow, "on what that tiny little something is."

He had no idea what this wolf could possibly want with him, but Teemu didn't exactly have any particular plans for the day, outside of continuing his travels. A delay wasn't going to hurt too much. He shifted his weight an offered a small smile to the younger male.

RE: Tick tock- the clock keeps going - Trick - September 14, 2016

Trick blinked when he saw the apple, furrowing his brows slightly. Apples weren't exactly the tastiest thing to eat, but perhaps at an older age the taste buds became less picky. Trick found it appropriate to inform the man of the poisonous effect the seeds of the apple could cause though. First off, I'd like you not to eat the seeds of apples. They're poisonous. He said in a concerned voice- though he really didn't care if the other were to die from stupid mistakes. They had only just met, and Trick was not one to care much about strangers or anyone outside of his pack. Though I hope you already knew this. He added.

I am looking for a black puppy- Lucy. She was kidnapped by a man also draped in black with red eyes. Have you seen them, or only one of them, anywhere? He asked carefully.

RE: Tick tock- the clock keeps going - Teemu - September 14, 2016

The polite smile that had settled on his gray muzzle morphed into an amused grin at the male's initial point, though Teemu quickly attempted to swallow the expression. He didn't care to offend anyone today. Maybe if I lived solely off of apples, He would've opened his mouth to comment jokingly, despite his appreciation for the stranger's concern. As a long wolf, any nonviolent interaction with an unfamiliar wolf in an unfamiliar land was, in his mind, more than welcome, particularly when he so loved his own kind and missed being the member of a pack. Unfortunately, the wolf continued speaking and swiftly moved on to his second point. The words he spoke wrenched all humor from the situation and Teemu's face fell.

"A kidnapping?" He repeated softly, as if he hadn't heard correctly. Thoughts of his past swirled. Memories of the many puppies he'd helped raise and love filled his mind, and a growl rolled through Teemu's throat as his disbelief soon became anger. His tail lifted slightly and he shook his head, "I haven't seen anything, although I wish I could say otherwise. Is that all the information you have to go on?"

The crisp air he was admiring only moments before now sent a chill down Teemu's spine. If the missing puppy was the offspring of this stranger, there would certainly be more urgency in his voice and actions - or so he suspected. Teemu had been told that there were a few packs in the area and this male possibly belonged to one of them. Testing the assumption, he continued, "Are there others looking, or only you? Did no one catch the scent of the bastard?"

If they had, the trail must have run cold, Teemu reasoned. His heart throbbed for the entire situation, The poor child. The poor family. I have to help, if I can.

RE: Tick tock- the clock keeps going - Trick - September 16, 2016

He didn't exactly know why he had advised the older wolf- a year back he wouldn't have helped anyone if it didn't help him. There was something about being nice that also brought a nice feeling back to him- though he doubted that feeling would last. What was the point of it all, he often questioned. Would this older wolf have the answers to that question? He also doubted that.

Yes. He answered shortly as it was like the other was a little deaf. He wasn't annoyed by it, surprisingly. He had too much respect for the elderly he guessed, which would also explain why he would even serve Peregrine. Unfortunately, yes... He answered, his smile turning into a tight line as he realized what little he had to find the poor child. 

Well, I joined the Caldera after she was kidnapped, so I really don't know... But I better not waste any time. Thank you for your help regardless- please look out for her. He said, truly worried and thankful.

RE: Tick tock- the clock keeps going - Teemu - September 18, 2016

There was a short pause as Teemu racked his brain for anything that could possibly help. Being so new to the area, there was little more he could do or say to assist the black wolf, and time was of the essence. He didn't know too many wolves, he wasn't in a pack, and he was still mapping the land in his mind. Teemu's narrow snout dipped in a quick nod, "Will do. I came into these woods from the south. Although I scented some wolves in the area, none were too recent."

It wasn't much information, but maybe it could help guide the male in his search. Teemu noted the name of the pack - The Caldera - and tucked it into the back of his memory for another time. Any knowledge regarding these lands and its populace was beneficial to the older wolf. Understanding that the conversation wouldn't last much longer due to the urgency of the situation, he gave a faint smile, though it didn't reach his eyes, which, compared to that of his acquaintance, were unremarkable in color and far more worn from age.

"I'll keep an eye and nose out for the pair in my travels. If I find anything at all, I'll let your Caldera know." He sighed, "Good luck to you, and take care in your search. I hope to hear word of your success in finding this Lucy."

RE: Tick tock- the clock keeps going - Trick - September 20, 2016

If Trick had known the man had just arrived in the wonder land that was Teekon, he would have just said that there was a kidnapped pup- inform the other how they looked and had went on his way. There was no point in questioning the ones with no answers. Still, he did not know this, and so awaited the other's answer with patience. His ears perked as the other spoke. If I had time to spare I would've walked you around a bit- perhaps later. My name is Trick Likoto- the Caldera is through this forest back to a dead volcano. He said with ease- his paws almost shivering as they longed to move.

Thank you- farewell. Just ask for me if you ever come by the Caldera. He said with a nod- just waiting to see if the man would reveal his name as well and say his farewells. After, he'd be on his way again to find the tiny Lucy.

RE: Tick tock- the clock keeps going - Teemu - September 28, 2016

Teemu listened intently to the wolf's reply, casting a quick glance at the surrounding forest, through which he'd have to travel if he needed to reach this Caldera. Turning back to the wolf named Trick, Teemu firmly shook his snout, "There are more important things than showing an old man around. I thank you, though."

It was a kind offer, and under other circumstances, Teemu might have considered accepting it. Mirroring the male's farewell with a similar nod goodbye, he offered a smile, though it didn't reach his eyes as he continued to think of the missing child, "If you need any assistance in the future, the name is Teemu. Farewell, Trick."

RE: Tick tock- the clock keeps going - Trick - September 30, 2016

Short post to wrap this up!

He nodded quietly at the man, glad he understood how desperate the circumstances were. Finding Lucy was his mission, and nothing else truly mattered. Of course he wanted the help the elder wolf the best he could, but his pack came before anything. If he could find Lucy, surely he would get the respect he deserved. He smiled lightly and nodded at the man's farewell. Teemu- he'd remember that name.

Off he was then- his tail swaying as a final goodbye.