Wolf RPG
Golden Glade Thanks For Coming Around - Printable Version

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Thanks For Coming Around - Heartha - September 12, 2016

Heartha lingered near the border in shame, lying in the sun. It may not have been the safest thing to do, being so close to the border. But after guessing she was pregnant and showing all the symptons, she feared the worst. Although she did keep watch, making sure to see anyone that came near her. 

She was in a vulnerable state. But she trusted her packmates would come if anything came at her. Still, she remained on guard, her head swivellingleft and right to watch for anything, or anyone.

RE: Thanks For Coming Around - Penelope - September 13, 2016

It had been quite some time since Penelope had come across anyone or anything particularly interesting, so when she caught a whiff of a pack's borders the girl was quick to trot up along the edges of the claimed territory. She remained a good distance away, the foul stench of urine making it clear where the invisible border lay. 

As she stalked along the borderline Penelope hadn't seen much that interested her, at least not until she caught a glimpse of the pregnant female lying in the grass. The girl gave a chuff while she approached the stranger, carefully making sure to not step over the boundary that lay between them.

RE: Thanks For Coming Around - Heartha - September 14, 2016

Heartha's gaze snapped around to the one who chuffed at her. It was a female, and she remained on the other side of the border. Surely someone respecting the borders would not be a threat, as long as they stayed over there. 

"Yes? Is there something I can help you with?" she asked, standing up and taking a couple steps till she was right at the edge on her side. It was dangerous, but perhaps she could get someone to join.

RE: Thanks For Coming Around - Penelope - September 28, 2016

The protruding sides of the pale woman did not go unnoticed and had ignited an instant spark of interest within the young girl. The stranger had either just eaten a very large meal or was pregnant, and Penelope was betting on the latter. "That depends. Can you tell me what this pack has to offer a lone wolf such as myself?" The usual harsh fire within the female's voice had been put out and instead replaced with a certain warmth that entwined it's way into every word.

RE: Thanks For Coming Around - Heartha - September 28, 2016

Heartha smiled lightly. She could have found an opportunity that put her in much better standings if she brought in a recruit. But first, she would have to look them over. Then, and only then, would she call Aspen over. 

"Well, lots of loyalty involved. But if you get a high enough standing in the pack, you get into the Inner Circle." Which was something she had yet to do herself. "There you are higher than the Lower Circle." She forgot the name of that part. "We depend on each other, so building friendships is easy. We work together. My alpha can explain it better. I'm Heartha by the way."