Wolf RPG
Broken Antler Fen Stuck like glue, you and me baby we're stuck like glue - Printable Version

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Stuck like glue, you and me baby we're stuck like glue - Brandy - September 15, 2016

Brandy was relatively sure that her mate hadn't left her lemon sights since meeting on the borders, but it wasn't of his own decision: she'd been glued to his side every moment of both yesterday and today. She wanted nothing more than to be with @Aduin, to be pressed against his side at all hours-but there was a time in which she had to be away from him. 
Namely, to go pee. Though she could spend days just laying in their lush little pocket of happiness, the calls of nature were not to be ignored, and the yearling only meant to go a few yards before squatting to relief herself; and so she did, until a rabbit streaked across her path. In a burst of both surprise and her already elated mood, the hunter took chase, stumbling forward out of a squat clumsily and spurring her fiery paws faster.

With a mighty leap forward, Brandy pinned it-but unfortunatley she went tumbling in a full circle. Though the greypelted prey was still clamped dead in her jaws, the yearling hit the earth with a thud and a moan. She didn't move from where she was on her back, panting but grinning like a fool and her tail wagging wildly. 
Looking for one of the members she hasn't met (@Kalita @Eden ), but anyone is welcome of course (Plus theres always a good chance her mate will show up too! @Aduin)

RE: Stuck like glue, you and me baby we're stuck like glue - RIP Eden - September 17, 2016

Eden had been wandering around in search of herbs, looking for something to soothe her anxious spirit or perhaps to calm the nausea of her expectant alpha. It had become a bit of a daily routine for her now, but today something was different. As her feet padded against the moist ground, she picked up the scent of a new wolf. It was one that she had come across before, so she knew it wasn't a threat although interactions between them hadn't yet be made.
"Hello?" she called. Her voice chirped through the wind as she came closer to the wolf. She wasn't very large, and her ginger tones blended sweetly with the leaves. Eden was confident that she could easily become a close friend. "I'm Eden. You are?"

thanks for the tag!

RE: Stuck like glue, you and me baby we're stuck like glue - Brandy - September 17, 2016

Giggling softly, Brandy stood just in time to hear the singsong voice of a stranger and turned to face her with the rabbit clasped in her jaws. Her face was blank momentarily, blinking a few times rapidly as she tried to place this pretty woman in her memories. Nothing, but the scent was familiar-a newer wolf, maybe one who she'd failed to meet before her "vacation". 
She announced herself as Eden, and it was then that Brandy smiled, dropping the meal and setting a paw on it as she spoke to her new packmate. 
                 "I'm Brandy Valentine, Aduin's mate."

RE: Stuck like glue, you and me baby we're stuck like glue - RIP Eden - September 17, 2016

She was relieved to see that the new wolf, Brandy, was equally as playful as Eden was herself. After spending almost three years as a lone wolf and having to keep a constant shield around her, the thought of being able to release her inner curiousity made her estatic. Her ears were perked and her tail wagged softly behind her. She tilted her head to the side and eyeballed the prey beneath Brandy's foot. "Did you just catch that?" Maybe Brandy would be up for a game, but Eden had to be sure first.

RE: Stuck like glue, you and me baby we're stuck like glue - Brandy - September 17, 2016

Cupping her ears forward, Brandy tips her head and grins goofily-it's as if she can sense the play about to ensue- and she questions Eden without hesitation. She couldn't keep the second giggle from falling from her lips, lemon eyes shining and meeting her new friends' without hesitation: she keeps her paw firmly on the rabbit, ready to snatch it and prance off should this grey woman give chase.
                "I did indeed-what do you have in mind?"

RE: Stuck like glue, you and me baby we're stuck like glue - RIP Eden - September 18, 2016

She'd accepted! Eden grinned wildly with excitement, yet made sure to keep her eyes on the catch beneath Brandy's paw. She took a moment to consider her chances, should she simply try to snatch the rabbit away. Brandy wasn't much smaller than Eden, but she had a slimmer build, and so it could be assumed that she could outrun her easily. Then there were their surroundings. Eden assumed that the other had been her longer than she herself had, and thus knew the land better, so if she were to take off she could easily disappear.
And yet, despite the odds weighing against her, she went for it.
She dropped from her stance into a playful crouch and dove for the rabbit as fast as the mud beneath her would allow.

RE: Stuck like glue, you and me baby we're stuck like glue - Brandy - September 18, 2016

Eden's eyes focus on the catch, and Brandy lowered her head-still grinning like a madwoman- and took it in her jaws while the paler woman was weighing her options. In the next moment, she crouched and lunged, and the copper yearling turned tail and skipped a few yards away. Laughter muffled mostly by the rabbit, she stopped and turned her face over her shoulder, lemon eyes alight with fun and warmth; inviting Eden to follow through on her chase, Brandy bent down in a play bow, wiggling about before prancing away with her tail wagging.

RE: Stuck like glue, you and me baby we're stuck like glue - RIP Eden - September 18, 2016

Eden tilted her head just slightly before taking off after Brandy. The wind blew through her fur as she sprinted with all of her might toward her new companion. As a child, she was agile and a true master of her own body, but with time came hardship. Despite the pain shooting up through her hind leg, she continued on, chasing after Brandy in jubilant release. She switched angles repeatedly, trying to get a clear view of the catch, and once she had a straight line before her, she bolted directly toward the limp prize between her friend's jaws.

RE: Stuck like glue, you and me baby we're stuck like glue - Brandy - September 20, 2016

There was hesitation, at first, but soon enough Brandy had her new friend bounding after her and the two girls raced across the fen. For a while, they only ran, but when the silvery woman began to change angles, Brandy felt the change of tide coming. Much as she tried to keep track of where Eden ran, there was a time where she turned her face to the wrong side. Her downfall was searching too long, looking in the wrong direction-Eden came up from the other side like a bullet and snatched the rabbit from her loose jaws. 
             "Damn! You're quick!"
Brandy forced her muscles to work harder, to move faster- paws pounded after Eden with a wild giggle falling from her lips. This was really the most fun she'd had in a while.