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Hideaway Strath Home, Home, I Love It So! - Printable Version

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Home, Home, I Love It So! - Grace - September 20, 2016

For @Zaavier ;)

Grace had never before felt so comfortable anywhere-maybe it was because all she'd been through, maybe it was because she'd found the place she belonged. Either way, her confidence came in great waves-ones that never seemed to ebb. The yearling was beyond happy, and often she was found prancing through the valley with a smile on her face - the only thing that would make this better was if Esaro and Nova were here.... Nova, she knew, was happy being a Sister of Larksong, and she didn't dare think of drawing her mother here for selfish reasons-at least the girl knew where to visit Nova. Esaro was another story: he'd vanished a long time ago, and for the longest time Grace had been resolute in her decision to dedicate her life to her work if only because she was afraid of another heartbreak. Now, though, it seemed she had other things to influence that decision-namely, the presence of a possible mate, and the hormones that came with maturity. The want of pups was both instinctual and personal, but Grace had more than one problem barring the way of that. The lack of a mate, permission from Zaavier, an official pack to protect her young and, most importantly.... A den!

Today found her remedying the least of those issues, the only one she could really work on right now: looking for a proper place to dig a den. She'd never actually done this before, for in the maplewood she'd shared Esaro's den, and the Keep had a communal sleeping area. It was a task that should have been relatively easy, but instead left Grace wandering around aimlessly till nearly noon.

RE: Home, Home, I Love It So! - Zaavier - September 20, 2016

the rustling of pawsteps alerted the male and he stood from his laying position, stretching his back, then his hind legs. Then he was off. It was nice having others to share his home with, and the more recruits he had within the territory limits, the more he felt as if he were the leader if a full-fledged pack. 

It was Grace he found as she limped along, and he strode to her side. His strides were much longer than her petite ones, and he walked slowly to keep at an even pace. "You seem to be looking for something?" His words were as much a question as they were a statement -- open to interpretation he suposed.

RE: Home, Home, I Love It So! - Grace - September 20, 2016

He didn't announce himself, but Grace's ears flicked back to catch the echo of his pawsteps behind her as if she knew he was there. She didn't flinch, but offered him a wide, kind smile-something even more remarkable than her lack of a negative reaction. Zaavier met her strides with his own, albeit shorter to keep up with her smaller, more willowy form. 
His question-that wasn't quite a question, but more of a convienient conversation starter- brought a firm nod from the growing woman. Her words started out confidently-she knew she needed a den, just not how to make it or where- but trailed off near the end in uncertainty.
           "A den, specifically. Figured I should find one if I'm gonna be living here, but.... I-I've never actually had my own den."
Her statement left Zaavier with quite a few paths to answer: How did she pick a spot? How did she dig it out, should it need it? How big was "big enough"? Did it matter where it was compared to others' dens?

Guess I should have stated that this takes place sometime after her joining and after her thread with Liri, if only so I remember and it doesn't mess up anyones timelines.

RE: Home, Home, I Love It So! - Zaavier - September 21, 2016

A den. Well.. he didn't know where to start there. He hesitated for a moment, staring off in front of them before casting it back to the small woman. "There aren't really any rules to den digging. Your part of this territory now, you can choose anywhere you'd like. Go crazy, make it feel cozy or somthin," he said with a sheepish shrug of his shoulder.

He was no sentimental guy, and that advice would seem like a load full of crap to some, but helpful to others he supposed. He continued to walk along beside her and waited for her to speak.

RE: Home, Home, I Love It So! - Grace - September 21, 2016

His gaze wandered away from her in thought, and Grace waited patiently, but the words that came were in no way helpful. She knew full well she was part of this place now-thats where her confidence came from-but digging a den was not under that knowledge. Reguardless, she smiled up at him again. 
              "I think finding a proper spot will be the hardest step of all this.... Assuming my leg actually holds out for the digging oart, that is."
She joked lightly about her leg, but the worry was truly there-would her leg be able to hold up for digging out a den? It was good for short, quick hunts, and walking for miles, but too much inflamed it.

RE: Home, Home, I Love It So! - Zaavier - September 21, 2016

"Oh, it'll hold up," he told her confidently, refusing to let her see herself as disabled in a way. Whenever someone lacked something, they always made it up in something else. He just had to find out what that something else was. He went searching with his eyes around them. Even his own territory was sightly foreign to him, and he didn't recognize some of the landmarks. 

Finally, they reached a spot where the path grew quite peacefull looking. Sun shone through the leafy canopy overhead, despite it's thinning with the coming of autumn. "Why don't we look here?"

RE: Home, Home, I Love It So! - Grace - September 22, 2016

Zaavier seemed more confident in her than she was herself, and Grace shrugged-though she couldn't keep the shy smile on her maw. It was nice to hear such confidence in her - her meeting with Shikoba flashed in her memories - and the yearling really believed in herself. The alpha was also scanning the area for a good place for her-she was touched with his kindness. 
            "Thank you, Zaavier."

Eventually, they stopped in a particularly sunny spot; immediatley, her fuzzy golden gaze swept to where two trees had grown so close together they were partially fused. She barely heard Zaavier's words, nose to the ground and sniffing madly as she stalked forward to get a closer look. Going to the roots of the trees, the girl scratched gently at the earth before twisting her head around to grin at her newest packmate and friend. 
                              "Here - Right here." 

RE: Home, Home, I Love It So! - Zaavier - September 26, 2016

Zaavier glanced from Grace to the area she spoke about and nodded approvingly, even though it was not his to approve. "Seems perfect to me!" He exclaimed and followed her. He eyed the trees and rocks and various shrubs that where here and it seemed to be a pretty safe spot from his eyes. He followed the dark pelted girl up to the conjoined trees. They fprmed the perfectlittle den and he nodded once more. "Perfect."

RE: Home, Home, I Love It So! - Grace - September 29, 2016

Zaavier claimed to approve and the russet yearlings grin only widened. He drew closer, looking carefully, and Grace started to scrape at the roots. Her hind legs stiffened behind her, attempting to brace herself, but the left just kept slipping backwards, as if it was unable to catch a grip. Ignoring it for now, Grace continued to pick at the easy part - it was once she started to fully dig that problems would occur. She didn't ask for help, not yet - but after she'd shaped the entrance and begun to dig, her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she panted. The yearling didn't stop, though, alternating between front paws in an effort to keep her wobbly balance.

RE: Home, Home, I Love It So! - Zaavier - September 29, 2016

Zaavier stepped back to watch as the smaller girl went ahead and began digging, noting her bum leg. It was quite amazing actually, how she was able to maintain her balance on three legs even while digging. She did well for the first half, and Zaavier made no move to interfere, until Grace seemed to grow tired. She panted with her pink tongue hanging out of her mouth, her working hind leg growing shakey and tired, yet she didn't stop. 

Zaavier took a step forward, hesitating. There was not enough room for both of them, at least for himself and his broad shoulders. He he went ahead and tried to dig with her, he would surely end up pushing her out of the way. He considered asking her if she needed a break, but he doubted she would agree to that -- she didn't seem like the type. So Zaavier placed his shoulder against her hip, stilling her shaking leg and allowing her to lean on him for support.

RE: Home, Home, I Love It So! - Grace - September 30, 2016

It wasn't easy living with three good legs, but it really wasn't easy trying to dig a den either. Only a few inches into the dirt and her energy sapped - most of it used up by trying to keep her balance and not fall. Zaavier seemed okay to watch for a bit, and the quiet company was fine by Grace; when he stepped up beside her, however, she was surprised - but at his firm stance at her hip, the russet yearling understood and flashed a grateful smile. Turning back to her work with renewed confidence and gusto, she breathed her thanks upon realizing it was so much easier now.

                   "Thank you so much."

Now, she was able to use both front paws, - and she took advantage of the stability - and they worked furiously. This wouldn't be as hard as she'd thought after all. Grace leaned on her alpha much more than she felt comfortable, but she knew that without him she couldn't do this. Not in one day, at least. Her leg already ached, and with Zaavier steadying her, it got a rest.

RE: Home, Home, I Love It So! - Zaavier - October 23, 2016

"Of course!" Zaavier said quietly with a smile, watching her dig. He would remain there until she would anounce herself to be finished. Quietly, yet with more confidence, Grace shoveled out more and more earth with graceful scooping motions of her small paws.

RE: Home, Home, I Love It So! - Grace - October 27, 2016

It was nothing but natural for Zaavier to help, this she understood at his few words and his constant support - he was a good man, kind, and this strengthened the bond they'd formed so far. It was nice to be in such a good environment, livened up the yearling and breathed confidence into her bones a little at a time. 

It took a little longer than perhaps Zaavier, or anyone else with three working legs could have done it, but through shifting forward, digging further, and eventually leaning on the earthen wall as she dug, scoop by scoop Grace completed her den. Dirt was scattered and piled up in mounds before the entrance, and the inky legs of the girl were filthy and brown, but she could finally curl up in the center of the den and grin proudly out at her alpha - she'd done it! It was the first place, the first thing, she could truly call 100% her own. Grace was close to tears, grin splitting from ear to ear and tail wagging fiercely behind her.