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Broken Antler Fen ticking clocks - Printable Version

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ticking clocks - Kalita - September 21, 2016


Hunting was her forte. The thing she truly excelled at, and yet it wasn't enough. She wanted to do more, for the family that had suddenly, days ago, become a very real family to her. And thus it was late morning when she raised her muzzle and called for a packmate, @Brandy specifically. She knew something of being a warrior, didn't she? Her body was well suited to the task, and she would like to have basic training in this discipline to better help her new family.

As she last notes fell prey to the breeze that stirred the grasses around her, she fidgeted as she waited for the girl she had met once before to potentially show up, wanting to learn as much as she could as quickly as she could.

RE: ticking clocks - Brandy - September 21, 2016

Brandy was more of a morning riser than a night owl-she'd been up for a few hours already when Kalita called for her. It wasn't like the last time, when they'd met hunting, this was a call for the Valentine specifically. The warrior came in from one of her rare border patrols, wondering what she was needed for, but happy to be of use nonetheless. She strode across the fen proudly, eventually coming to the other yearling with a wide, warm grin. 
                 "Hey Kalita, what's up?"

RE: ticking clocks - Kalita - September 21, 2016

she greets the other, casually and with a smile, as she comes into view. Glad that she has come, she wastes little time before delving into words. "You're a fighter, right?" Hardly waiting for an answer to the question she feels is redundant, she continues on. "Hunting's what I'm good at. But I want to be more...useful. I want to know how to fight." she states, quickly and too the point. She hesitates, stopping herself from continuing to speak in the same brisk, quick manner. "Could you teach me?"

RE: ticking clocks - Brandy - September 21, 2016

Her friend doesn't waste time telling Brandy why she'd called her-thank god- and the yearlings tail begins to wag when she nods, understanding after the first rhetorical question what would come next. She was thrilled to actually have knowledge of something, to be able to really contribute to the fen-and to get closer to her own trade. A grin spreading across her face, Brandy dips her head in acceptance.
                            "You don't have to be a fighter to be useful-but if you really want to be a Mercenary I will teach you. I'm working towards it myself, and the lessons would be wonderful for both of us."

RE: ticking clocks - Kalita - September 21, 2016

The mercenary trade would be something good to achieve, and yet, she wondered. She wanted to be able to fight, but did she want to be known as a hunter and a fighter? The plants, healing interested her as well, perhaps that would be a worthwhile trade to pursue. She was still undecided on the course her second trade would take, but she would be grateful for anything Brandy could teach her. "I'd really like to learn how to fight, for now. Ive never really learned how to-the few fights I've been in went...badly" she smiles a slightly embarrassing smile at this statement, but she was seldom one to get truly embarrassed.

RE: ticking clocks - Brandy - September 21, 2016

There seemed to be hesitation in Kalita's decision, but she was right-they all needed to know how to fight, just in case, even if a trade didn't come of it. Brandy nodded again, agreeing and flashing her sharp ivories in a smile. 
            "I can't say all my fights have gone the best, but we're still young: theres so much more to learn."
Fighting with her mother was a bore nowadays-they knew each others moves too well, expected the next step at every turn. A new sparring partner would do Brandy well, not just for her trade but also for keeping her energy levels low.