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Sleeping Dragon Garnet - Printable Version

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Garnet - Portia - September 23, 2016

@Goliath pppplleeeeaaaaaase <3

Today was a day for sittin' and starin'. The Skayona was not usually one to lay around, choosing instead to search every inch of territory for herbs-- usually every day. Though the freckled woman was usually in a good mood, she was exceedingly cheerful today-- and even more tired than that. She'd spent too much time out, her poor little legs needed a bit of a break. She sat just outside the geyser field, watching and waiting for the water to shoot up. Portia was by no means impatient today, and felt no frustrations towards the geysers when they would do nothing but sit. 

The greatest part-- she felt-- was the mist that fell over her after a geyser went off. Her fur was littered with shiny droplets of water, glistening in the afternoon sun. It was a good day-- a good week even, and Portia had no complaints. 

RE: Garnet - Goliath - September 23, 2016

Fieeeeen c:

Today was a bad day.

Goliath had been stumbling rather drowzily across the borders. His large, lumbring body shuffling forward with each step, he was suffering from a terrible headache and an upset stomach. The light, which he usually didn't notice, seemed much brighter than it was and like it was the cause of all his aches.

Grumpily marching from the borders to the geyser field, his hopes were to finally settle down and sleep. It was the only other place he could go in his confinement, and out of the two was much more comfortable to rest in. The geyser fields were artifically warmed, and thus gave him a source of ease when exhausted.

Unfortunately for him, as he arrived, he spotted a dappled white wolf watching from a distance. Groaning, he shuffled his fat, hulking mass of a body towards the figure, too agitated to notice her pack-familiar scent, but as he walked forwards, the geyser beside him burst in a flurry of whites and blues. Scalding, hot water showered him, and while grunting in pain, Goliath managed to run outside of the tempest and onto the much calmer land around the fields. 

Taking a moment to regain his breath, he glanced towards the female a couple steps away from him, grunted a hostile greeting and demanded: "What you do here?"

RE: Garnet - Portia - September 25, 2016

The sight was rather pitiful, but the woman jumped to her feet almost immediately and stared. She didn't know this stranger, but she was aware of a Branwoda in the pack who lived around here-- she could only assume this was him. 

"Observing," she answered, tail flicking. "Did you burn yourself?" She then asked him, stepping towards him. "Are you alright?"

RE: Garnet - Goliath - September 26, 2016

Goliath, now noticing the strong, pungent smell of Thuringwethil all over the watcher, lowered his guard for the time being. Listening to her talk simply confused him, did she mean the current of water that drenched him? He never thought that water could burn, and thus simply blurted "Goliath get hot fur." he attempted to look at the part where he felt pain, but was prevented from the rolls of fat that covered his neck. "Is hurt?" he asked, wondering if that's what she meant on her second question. "..mehbie"

RE: Garnet - Portia - September 26, 2016

"Goliath," Portia murmurs, stepping towards him and sniffing curiously. "I am Portia. You burned yourself, Goliath, the geysers have very hot water that burns you if it touches you..." she trailed off, looking him up and down and flicking her tail. "You need to come with me-- I can fix the hurt," she told him, beckoning with her nose. He didn't seem the brightest of wolves she'd met before, but that didn't matter. She was a healer, she healed, and right now this burly hunk of man needed some healing. 

She stared at him until he'd come, she wouldn't take no for an answer.

RE: Garnet - Goliath - September 27, 2016

Fix the hurt

Goliath nodded quickly, if he knew better, he could aknowledge the 1st degree burns that dotted his back. "Portia is Fisa?" he asked. Fix and Fisa were close enough sounding to be mistaken by him. Waiting for her to lead the way, he nibbled on a piece of loose fur that had been scalded off by the burns

RE: Garnet - Portia - September 27, 2016

"Skayona," Portia corrected, leading him towards her den and cache. "But Fisa as well, yes," she added quickly, figuring it was best not to lead him down a misleading path. "Goliath is a Gona?" she asked, but her word choice was not mocking, merely to help him better understand her questions-- maybe speaking similarly to him would help. She smiled at him.

Her tail flicked as she walked, mentally mapping out all the different kinds of herbs she might need in order to help, her mind trailing through the normal procedures and treatments. She'd need water for sure, but a small creek ran just behind her den and she had collected plenty of moss the other day. Aloe would be ideal but the plant was not common anywhere, so she'd have to resort to Lavender-- luckily she just stocked up the other day. Her mind floated to Hvitserk, and she almost called for the boy, but she figured it was not the time to wait around for him or to pause Goliath's treatment to explain things. Not that she minded, but she knew that this was not the right teaching moment-- not in his first real lesson.

When they arrived to her den she ducked in, leaving Goliath to sit outside her den for the time being. When she reappeared she had a number of different objects in her jaws, and  immediately began to crushed purple flowers against a large stone with one of her beloved purple gems, working quickly and gracefully.

RE: Garnet - Goliath - September 28, 2016

Since this is set after all my other threads, Im gonna assume he was able to get the Gona trade :s
Goliath nodded as he walked, but added a small bit of information he deemed neccesary. "Cheka soon." he marvelled to himself. Once he is able to redeem his prowess in combat, then he will regain an honorable role in the pack Hierachy, no longer would he be stuck by the bottom. 

Pulling his head out of such wishful thinking, he continued the trek towards wherever the Skayona/Fisa was leading him. Living in the present once more, he began to feel the -already ragged- hide underneath his fur thicken with blisters and swollen skin: making it rather uncomfortable to move, as his thick shoulderblades would tend to brush against the side of the torso.

Finally, as they arrived he was allowed to sit. Waiting for a while outside the den, he once more nibbled on his back, aiming to finally scratch the pulsating itch that speckled his body. When the woman finally returned, he looked at the strange assortment of pink herbs and rocks that she carried outside. A glance of violet crystal caught his eye, and watched as she began to pulverise the lavender one hit at a time. 

Bedazzled by the see-through rock in her jaws, he asked "What is that?" pointing with his muzzle. It was probably the most beautiful object he had ever seen.

RE: Garnet - Portia - September 28, 2016

"How wonderful," Portia had murmured in response, smiling. She wasn't actually sure what the Cheka was-- but assumed it stemmed from the Gona rank, as Goliath seemed more warrior than he did pretty much anything else.

She paused briefly to stare at the man when he asked a question, studying his face before going back to her work. It took a few minutes but when she'd finally crushed her materials she nosed the rock towards him. "Amethyst," she replied, "A type of stone." Her tail swished as her attention turned back towards her work, carefully lifting the stone the crushed up lavender was on and gently tilting it onto a leaf. "You can have it, if you'd like, I have plenty," she added, not looking up from what she was doing. She took a balled up piece of moss in her jaws and squeezed carefully, letting a few drops of water fall onto the powder. With another amethyst held in her teeth, she mixed the two together, eventually creating a type of soupy paste. She grabbed the ball of moss first instead though, and looked at him, nosing for him to hold still. 

"This will sting a bit, hun," she informed him, and moved to press the wet moss to his skin, focusing on the areas that had lost fur first. 

RE: Garnet - Goliath - September 29, 2016

Short post, sorry :s Gotta catch up on other threads (also the tooth thing can go on untreated :s)

Goliath wagged his tail in excitement as she told him it's name and tossed him the brightly colored gemstone, "Amai-thee-usthe repeated to himself, before sniffing it, and eventually gnawing playfully on it. Like most other things he found beautiful, it ended up in his mouth. Wether it did harm to his teeth or not, he continued to roll it around on his jagged teeth and was still able to taste a hint of lavender. 

Being too preoccupied with the gem, he didn't hear what the woman had to say, and in turn froze in place as she placed the wet moss on his back. Snapping his jaw shut in pain, he heard an awful *CRACK* as his molars pressed together on the Amethyst in his mouth. Wether it was part of his tooth he chipped off or if he managed to break his new toy, he felt a small foreign piece of something in his mouth, (and also a shot of pain coming from the back of his jaw). 

Waiting until the treatment on his back was done, he opened his mouth and let the jewel roll out on his tongue. "Is bad?" he whined, not noticing the chip on his back teeth.

RE: Garnet - Portia - September 29, 2016

Portia froze when she heard the crack, dropping her moss and whipping around to face him. "Spit it out," she commanded, and when he opened his mouth she stared in and let out a heavy sigh. "Christ on a cracker, hun, what did you do?" she muttered, though the question was rhetorical. She stared for a few moments more and processed her options, eventually sighing again and picking up the moss again. "I'm going to treat these burns and then I'll handle your mouth pain, alright?" she told him. "It's not bad, you'll be fine," she added.

RE: Garnet - Goliath - September 29, 2016

I think im getting a little carried away with Goliath's addiction >:o
After spitting out the unscathed gemstone, Goliath immediately closed his mouth once more, and -despite the shock of pain that came from that- kept it like that. Nodding a reply to the healer's commands, he waited for the woman to do her magic and cleanse away his sores as quickly as he hoped. 

Gazing at the Amethyst once more, his pupils - like a pup's - began to visibly dilate. The same, swelling urge to put the jewel in his mouth began to rise once more, and he tilted his muzzle towards the glittering object.

RE: Garnet - Portia - September 29, 2016

Portia began to apply to salve to his wounds, which should have eased a lot of pain right away. It would've cooled and eventually helped heal, but she noticed that he wasn't focused on his back pain anymore. The skayona let out a loud growl, agitated now. "Goliath," she said, her sweet voice now rumbling in the back of her throat with as much force as she could muster. "Stop that, it's not food," she added. Maybe she shouldn't give it to him, maybe that was a bad idea.

"If you wait until we're done I'll get you a smaller one, it won't hurt you as much if you bite it," she eventually said, picking up her instruments and the almost-swallowed gem. "Okay?" she said, eyes narrowing.

RE: Garnet - Goliath - November 01, 2016

omg sorry for the long wait, I was struggling abit in the past weeks :s
Goliath, disliking the nagging, put his head down and like a spoiled child, pouted as the healer worked on his many cuts and bruises. The swelling blisters on his back were thick and sore, but the pain diminished  greatly. 

His sour mood didn't keep, since in just a few moments he had already occupied with chomping on some other foreign object that he didn't recognize, but decided tasted funny enough to keep in his mouth for the rest of the procedure; waiting for the skayona to finish

RE: Garnet - Portia - November 12, 2016

Portia let out a heavy huff as she finished, eyeing the warrior with suspicion. "Feel better?" she asked him, her tail swishing. She picked up her herbs in a bundle gently with her teeth, tail flicking once to the side as she studied the man. She'd have to alert Thuringwethil of his wounds, since they would pretty major, but otherwise she figured he would be just fine. Some of his fur might grow back a bit patchy and rough, but she didn't think that Goliath cared much for his image.

RE: Garnet - Goliath - November 12, 2016

Goliath had been busy gnawing at a strangely colored rock when she finished, but his ear perked when she asked him of his status, and he simply nodded quickly, before dropping the rock, huffing a 'thanks', and then picking his 'toy' up once more and heading back to his place of choice

RE: Garnet - Portia - November 15, 2016

Goliath huffed and began off, and Portia stood with her chest puffed out and eyebrows furrowed, calling after the man, "Don't you dare forget to come back here, Goliath! Those burns won't heal on their own!" Her tail swished behind her once, letting out a huff of her own. "You hear me?" she called again, but merely scooped up her herbs and stones and brought them back to her storage, not bothering waiting for a response.