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Stavanger Bay i'm a man who drinks tea - Printable Version

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i'm a man who drinks tea - Arturo - September 23, 2016

The cogs of progression were moving and that was a start. Splitting his time between active recruitment, border marking, cache creating and maintain his presence in Blackrock Depths took careful planning. Sometimes, Arturo burned out of daylight. Sometimes he worked into the nights. There truly was no such thing as rest for the wicked he thought with a low, amused snort. Still, it was good to be busy, to be working towards a goal. He had stayed longer in the Depths hospitality than he'd originally intended but it had been necessary while he'd healed from the head injury that had spawned the Sea Witch. It had been a brief time: a month or two at most but it felt too long to Arturo. This time nothing would stand in his way. He did not like being idle and there was a normalcy to be found in the chaos of his new found routine. It was hard work, at that, but nothing ever worth having came easy. This had been proven to him many times in his life. He kept his horizons on his goal and kept pushing forward.

The morning sun was warm across his back as the coywolf made his way along the shifting sands of the Bay, slowing his pace as the sentinels of Donnelaith came into view. He could scent their borders and respectful of them Arturo left a plentiful berth between them and his body. He hoped to run into Chusi again, though he quelled his worry for the girl. She had set her mind to helping him and Arturo had no intention of stopping her. He saw no harm in allowing her to help. It was what she wanted to do and the gangster was not the type of man to discourage a child. Another part of him, the part intrigued by the spell casting effects of the opposite sex almost hoped to glimpse the pretty bard. He thought of her more and more, though likely that was simply because she was tied with Chusi in some ways.

His fiery red-orange gaze like embers set aflame swept over the tall sentinels that rose heavenward just down the beach not initially spotting anyone. Yet, he lingered, turning to face the calm sea, closing his eyes to the gentle sea breeze that left it's briny kiss against his face and along the longer tendrils of his fur. He was not a man of the sea by any means but admittedly it was a nice place to visit from time to time.

RE: i'm a man who drinks tea - Deirdre - September 26, 2016

deirdre lurked on the outer reaches of donnelaith, collecting herbs to bring to doe who had aided her in her own time of need. betwixt her jowls was just that, and she moved with grace toward the bay. though she intended to call for doe herself, the outline of another caught her emerald eye. the wolf watched the sea, near to the sentinels who watched him alongside the forests witch. the ethereal she-wolf placed the herbs by her paws, and then took to watching the ocean as well for a moment.

RE: i'm a man who drinks tea - Arturo - September 26, 2016

Would she have been a snake he would have long since been bitten. The sound of the pale girl's approach had went unnoticed by the gangster, whom in rare form, had allowed himself to focus upon the sea and how he would not miss it. Partially because he would be able to visit, but mostly because he was not a sea-faring beast. The woman: Lagertha had been right. Arturo did not belong with the Depth wolves. At least, not as one of them. Skellige and him made good allies but Arturo without Riptide's aid could not integrate himself into their strange ways. Her pallid fur stood out in stark contrast against the earthen backdrops of the landscape around them and when he did notice her, his fiery red-orange gaze swept over her, assessing her for a few moments. It was true that she had taken him by some surprise but the gangster did not feel threatened. “Beautiful, isn't it?” He posed the simple inquiry to her, gesturing with his muzzle towards the ocean that spread out, vast, before them.

RE: i'm a man who drinks tea - Deirdre - September 26, 2016

deirdre's ear twitched as he spoke, and she breathed to him in turn, the unknown always is, and was that not the truth? frightening, too, yes, but beautiful! she and he just saw the surface of the ocean, they did not know her depths. to step into the waters was to step into eternity--it was a thing without a true end, a thing that they could see lived and breathed before them! it took, and it gave as much as it could steal. deirdre loved the ocean, differently than she loved the forest but no less passionate in her feeling toward it! the regal woman listened to the oceans song, soothed greatly by it.

RE: i'm a man who drinks tea - Arturo - September 27, 2016

“That is very true,” Arturo murmured in quiet concurrence when she in turn to him. He broke his gaze from the sea to study her once more, noting how young she was. She was quite astute for one of such radiant youth. His gaze lingered upon her for a few moments more before it went back to the sea. “I am Arturo.” He offered to her with a side glance offered, figuring that while he would have been content to sit and mull over things it was much more gentlemanly to offer her his name. If she did not wish for conversation then he would not press it but he felt the familiar obligation to invite all the same.

RE: i'm a man who drinks tea - Deirdre - September 27, 2016

the other introduced themselves, and deirdre's emerald eyes turned to behold him. i am deirdre stella mayfair, she introduced, her tone filled with ample pride and pomp, but not the arrogant sort, as she continued: queen of the forest you sit so near to. she hummed, though the edges of her lips were lifted into a smile that would show he was not so near that he offended, or merited questioning. what brings you to the ocean this hour? she inquired, and then seemed to think better of her words. it was without haste she tacked on gently: ah, i do not mean to pry so! you need not tell me, if you do not wish, the fair monarch offered him his out, if he did not wish to share her company for any longer than he had thus far.

RE: i'm a man who drinks tea - Arturo - September 28, 2016

The young girl's name was a long one but he recognized the name 'Deirdre' from his mother's stories as a child. A heartbroken woman who had ended her life after the murder of her lover. For a moment, a frown threatened to break the poker face that the gangster had long since perfected deciding that because it sounded so lovely the way it fell from her lips that he wouldn't dare tarnish it with his mother's love of morbid tales. His ears perked as she added that she was the leader of Donnelaith and at that he did turn to look at her, to take her in unabashed. She was young — but so was he when he had formed the original Teaghlaigh. When he had taken what he had wanted because he wanted it. Surely her title as Queen meant she was an ambitious lass and that was something that Arturo admired.

She inquired as to what brought him to the ocean at the hour and then added quickly that he did not need to reply to her. A soft chuckle feel from betwixt the gangster's lips. “I could easily ask the same of you,” He returned in a quiet murmur, before he took a deep breath and let it out. “To think,” Arturo responded after a few moments of contemplative silence between them. His salmon pink tongue slid across his lips once as he licked his jowls. “About infatuation, about children,” Vague yet not untrue. He'd been thinking about those things when he'd taken note of her presence. “about being able to fully honor my alliance with Skellige.” He had considered approaching Donnelaith to parlay, to discuss a possible alliance between Teaghlaigh and the wolves of The Sentinels when he'd taken in Isley and Palisander but how fortunate that he happen to find himself in the presence of the very monarch he would have needed to speak to! And Arturo knew that one did not just throw fortune into the cut when it fell so gracefully into one's lap.

RE: i'm a man who drinks tea - Deirdre - October 18, 2016

though she thought to respond, he spoke first, his deep, handsome brogue speaking over the swaying waves of the eve. she might have asked him to tell her more of his infatuation, of his thoughts of children, when he spoke of skellige, her young hearts desire.

you are a subordinate of his, are you not? she asked, her tone genuinely curious as to that. she supposed that subordinates were allies of their leaders, in a sense, but she suspected that was not the case here. donnelaith and the depths share an alliance as well, she informed him, unsure of if he knew this. in due time, soon, such a thing would grow--but this was a brief thought in this moment, as she favored arturo and his worries!

RE: i'm a man who drinks tea - Arturo - October 18, 2016

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“Yes,” He gave a brief pause. “And no.” For they had struck their alliance long before Arturo had joined the sea titan's ranks. “Our alliance came before. Before Blackrock Depths came to be. As there was no one I respected as I do Skellige I joined up with him for a while. But my time has come to build my own empire and make good on my end of our alliance.” Arturo explained to her, understanding how his initial words without context might have proven to be misleading. In a short few weeks Teaghlaigh would take form in wondrous ways that Arturo could not have expected. For now, his following was small but loyal. “I am aware,” He admitted to her with a sage nod, his gaze studying her contemplatively for a few seconds. “Perhaps your Donnelaith and my Teaghlaigh could come to an alliance of our own.” He suggested. He had no certain terms worked out, but as long as she was willing then he saw no reason why The Family would vote against it. As it was, they had no choice but to accept his previously existing alliance with Blackrock Depths but as he operated with the voice of The Family behind him he would not make such a business venture without their support. Still, it was helpful to get a preliminary idea of if Deirdre was even interested in the idea or not.

RE: i'm a man who drinks tea - Deirdre - October 18, 2016

the true nature of the alliance formed between deirdre and skellige would come to light sooner than later, but as it was not yet known or spoken of to any others but she and skellige she knew she need not speak of it in the moment. it existed thus far in only their minds, but they had not acted upon it yet. deirdre had needed to settle into her role, and still was assimilating into it. though it felt she was made for this, she was young and still needed time. skellige knew this much, but their alliance lived on nonetheless, waiting to grow into what it was meant to.

arturo explained, and deirdre listened to his words as though she had heard no other speak before. her attentions were respectfully upon him, despite her own role; she was an accomodating woman, and a good queen. she cared for her people, and cared for the things that might prove to be detrimental or else beneficial. as skellige trusted this silver-tongued man, deirdre herself saw little reason not to, but for donnelaiths sake, she was inquisitive.

deirdre firstly offered the man a congratulations, the tone warm and in earnest. for he was following what it sounded like he had pursued for a long time, and she, though she had just met him, felt proud for him. perhaps-- she offered at length, offering him a smile that she did not know was coy, innocent as she was, would you tell me of your Teaghlaigh? and she spoke the word so perfectly, he would know at once she spoke his tongue! and her cheerful expression grew, for he spoke of family, she knew, and it did not sound a terrible thing at all!

RE: i'm a man who drinks tea - Arturo - October 18, 2016

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“Thank you,” Arturo accepted her congratulations with a gracious dip of his head. He felt the edges of his lips curl from their stoic set into the barest hint of a smile at her coy smile. In a bizarre way, Arturo was almost reminded of Boadicea or rather a young incarnation of his mother. Except his mother was not called the warrior queen for nothing, while he knew the wolves of Donnelaith to be healers not seekers of war and violence. Unlike the others she did not struggle with repeating Teaghlaigh to him and the grin that spread across the gangster's lips was a covert thing, as if this was a secret they shared. Arturo did not speak his mother's tongue often, referring to the language of the ancestors only when he named his children and his ranks. Yet, this did not deaden it to him. He still knew it. It was a dialect older than the rocks and trees and not something he could ever forget no matter how many years he went without speaking it fluently.

“We are extremely close knit, and territorial. We take care of our own. We are a ...melting pot of talents.” Unlike Blackrock Depths who prided themselves on being a pack of warriors and even her own Donnelaith that he knew to be primarily healers. “Even if we do not make an alliance I will be more than happy with being on good standing with you. My young ward was among your wolves for a short while, and she has friends within your ranks. I do, as well.” Perhaps “friend” was something of a stretch as he was not sure what him and Lotte were. Perhaps it was all in his mind, so quickly smitten with the mummer as he was. Nothing was pressured — there didn't need to be any. Arturo valued his ability to do business and do it well and even if they did not ever become allies being on friendly terms was all the gangster really needed. Still, he would try for alliance if he could (and if Teaghlaigh) supported the idea because in the end an alliance was beneficial to both moreso than friendly terms.

RE: i'm a man who drinks tea - Deirdre - October 18, 2016

his explanation of he and his intrigued her, and deirdre smiled at his terminology. she had not heard wolves spoke of in such a way, though somehow it did make sense for the youth. she was pleased to hear she had fallen into his good graces, even despite not yet responding to him in regards to the alliance. it was on her to make these decisions, and she accepted the weight of it.

she was thoughtful for a moment before responding. i do not know what skellige has told you of me and mine, arturo, she admitted, and she went on: we are not warriors, like the depths. the depths aid in protecting us, they are our warriors, she informed, her eyes bright. donnelaith is a sanctuary; we could not aid you in wartime but for healing the injured or sick. to fight is not our way--only to protect, she explained. for they did harbor fighters in their ranks, but they were not aggressors! they were another line of defense for when the wolves of the depths could not be there. she wondered if he would desire an alliance in hearing this, though knew what donnelaith offered was truly a priceless thing.

RE: i'm a man who drinks tea - Arturo - October 18, 2016

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“Aiding us in wartime would be unnecessary and not something I would ask out of you and your wolves, Deirdre.” The smoky reticence of the gangster's deep baritone softened to assure. Teaghlaigh would be able to hold their own but there was no advantage to more warriors when the exact same thing that Skellige offered Deirdre was apart of Arturo's own deal with the sea titan. In fact, the Leviathan had seemed eager to retake the Isle from his usurpers as Arturo had told his story to him. In hindsight, the Fearghal patriarch was glad that he had rebuked the offer with composure and assertion. It had not been the time and as it stood, Ravensblood Forest had long since proven to be much more beneficial to the gangster and his Family (and in extension, Skellige and his wolves). “You've got warriors and healers — what do you think would best benefit Donnelaith to have from an alliance with Teaghlaigh? What do you seek ...you want? What can Teaghlaigh be for you and yours?” Furiosa and him had not been able to come up with anything to offer her and as loath as Arturo was to parlay on the back foot he thought Deirdre to be quite reasonable and agreeable. She could set the terms, if she so wanted. It would be easy enough to take back to Teaghlaigh and take a Family vote upon. If not, he would have to put their combined minds together to come up with something that they could offer her that would entice her to accept it. The gangster was open to her ideas, if she had any.

RE: i'm a man who drinks tea - Deirdre - October 18, 2016

donnelaith could always use with additional protecting, she admitted, and went on, we are nonviolent in many of our efforts unless it is necessary. to have others assist in eliminating the necessity... she waved her plume at this. and then, after a beat, she asked him, are you very well-versed in fighting, yourself?

RE: i'm a man who drinks tea - Arturo - October 18, 2016

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As the young Queen spoke the gangster lent her his ear, his attention undivided as it and his fiery red-orange gaze like embers alit focused upon her and the words that flowed from her lips. She admitted that she would not turn down extra protection and the gangster offered her nothing but a small, sage nod of his head, taking in her admittance and contemplating it, analyzing it. It was something that Teaghlaigh could offer her, if she wanted it. Aiding Blackrock Depths in war was one of the conditions of his alliance with the sea titan that ruled the Bay. “We could offer protection,” Arturo mused drawing in a slow, deep breath. “Our protection for your healing?” He inquired to be sure that he understood what both sides were giving. It was imperative that he have the full understanding of what she wanted and what she was willing to give in return before he brought it by The Family. “If you don't mind I would like to discuss it with The Family, give them a chance to voice their opinions and offer additional suggestions if they have any.” His wolves needed a chance to speak up to his decisions freely, especially if it affected Teaghlaigh as a whole.

“I am,” He responded to her inquiry. He did not look the part of fighter, admittedly. He was tall, but his sharp features gave him away immediately as coywolf. He had no illusions that he was in some respects weaker physically than a pure bred behemoth but he was cunning and though he was svelte he was built like iron. Yet, Arturo had never been a man to put stock into physical strength alone. His mind was his most dangerous weapon and in battle as well as politics he strove to outwit his opponent. He was not perfect and this did not always see him the victor, naturally. Idly, he pondered over her interest in his ability. “but war isn't just about brute strength. It's politics. As a coywolf I am not as strong physically as those pure of blood. While I can fight,” and while i've killed “I've always been more brains than brawn.” This time, it was Arturo's turn to speak a confession, though likely not one she couldn't have already put together on her own.

RE: i'm a man who drinks tea - Deirdre - November 07, 2016

yes, of course, deirdre nodded in understanding, having confirmed to him before that this was the exchange she wished for. her tail waved behind her, and deirdre hummed, speak with them, and let me know what it is they think of this, deirdre smiled warmly, having no qualms in aiding arturo and his kin. the additional protection meant much to the sanctuary pack--it would further keep it its own entity.

ah, the pale queen responded. she herself could not fight, though she did wish to learn--she, as the head of donnelaith, ought to know how to protect it. her father had killed for her; would she ever kill for donnelaith? her soft heart could hardly fathom it, and she found herself looking away. i have never seen war, deirdre told him, and i hope that i never will, her eyes panned toward him. hopefully, donnelaith's protectors would keep the place untouched by such things! if deirdre saw a war begin, she would seek only to end it.

RE: i'm a man who drinks tea - Arturo - November 08, 2016

I went ahead and edited on a conclusion & archived this: I hope you don't mind! <3

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Deirdre confirmed that he did, indeed, understand the terms and seemed willing to allow him to discuss it with Teaghlaigh. Of this he was glad, knowing that he would have done it regardless, in the end. Still, it was something of a relief. It would set a bad precedent to go behind a potential ally's back — which was the exact opposite of what he strove to do anyway. Arturo did not deign to stab his allies in the back, especially when he very much desired that they be allies in the first place. “I will inform you personally, as soon as I can, when a decision is reached.” He assured her. In this, Arturo did not deign to dally.

She confessed that she had never seen war — he suspected as much for she was without a doubt young — and further wished that she never would. Maybe she would be fortunate in that, but life was unpredictable and Arturo was the kind of man that was prepared for anything. “War is ugly business,” He drew contemplatively, letting his breath out in a soft sigh. “but sometimes it's unavoidable. You can't reason with someone who doesn't want to be reasoned with.” He offered her a soft, small smile. “but here's to hoping you are fortunate enough to never see war.” War changes those touched by it and Arturo thought that it would be a shame for her brightness to be tarnished by it.

After a few more words the gangster departed from the young queen, eager to get back to his forest and continued building the foundations of his kingdom that would (soon) become Teaghlaigh.